In the darkness and chaos, with a ray of starlight shining, the endless sea of stars seems to surge and churn.

The stars are turning, time changes, and countless streamers are coming, and he stands on the sea of stars like a supervisor in the eternal night.

For a long time... For a long time

The light in the star sea was more and more dazzling. In the vast white light, everything that was silent and empty seemed to have a faint sound.

"Rustle ~ rustle ~"

Vaguely, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a large dense forest in front of him.

The trees in the forest are growing well, dense and full of vitality, blocking the sun, making it seem that the forest is also a lot dimmer.

He opened his eyes vaguely and looked briefly. He vaguely felt that something was dragging him, but he didn't have the strength to check.

Just when he wanted to close his eyes and relax for a while, suddenly several small claws kicked on his face, and a little sable ran to his chest and stared at him with those dark little eyes.

The little guy doesn't look very good. Some of his fur ends up, some of his fur explodes impetuously, and he still has some rotten leaves and a faint smell of mud.

Neither of them spoke when they looked at each other.

Along the way, Chen Weixi didn't know how much she had suffered, but when she saw him open her eyes, her grievances seemed to fade away.

Ye Xiaogu wants to make a joke, but his throat is dry for a while, and his lips are scabby because of coughing up blood. He can't speak at the moment.

After waiting for a while, she didn't see him speak, but she was not in a hurry. She just stretched out her claw and touched his cheek.

In this great disaster, it is clearly the most expected reunion after a long separation, but this moment is like a silent mime.

But she didn't seem to be in a hurry. She just sat on his chest and stretched out her little claws to remove the blood scab from his face.

Occasionally, when ye Xiaogu was sleepy, she bit him on the shoulder. The pain made him shiver all over and he didn't feel sleepy anymore.

This tossed for a long time, the forest was already dark, and I couldn't tell the specific time for a moment, but it seemed that it was particularly dark for a period of time. I think it was a night in the past.

After daybreak, ye Xiaogu finally calmed down after cooking all day and night.

The bloody smell between the nose and breath is not dispersed, but you can vaguely feel the existence of hands and feet.

After a few hours, with the fingertips trembling slightly twice, the hands and feet finally recovered.

"Cough ~"

With two light coughs, he reached out and pinched his throat and said in a dry hoarse voice.

"Water ~"

"Find it yourself."


Chen Weixi's insipid remark stunned him for a moment.

However, he didn't care about the girl's temper at the moment, and subconsciously wanted to gather Zhenyuan.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement!

In his mind, he looked at the yuan body and was shocked to find that his meridians were broken, and most of his cultivation achievements were burned!

Before waiting for him to see more for a while, Chen Weixi scratched him with her claws and said faintly.

"Don't be so anxious that you faint again. I'm almost biting out a bone on your shoulder."

"Madam, it's really strong."

Listening to her, ye Xiaogu was shocked, but he still had to look as if nothing had happened to her.

The sudden change in yubeast villa was beyond everyone's expectation, whether Yan Hongxuan or ye Xiaogu himself.

The violent Zhenyuan is like a surging river. It is uncontrollable and crazy, and instantly breaks through countless meridians in the yuan body.

Even in the past, when he opened the channels and acupoints all over his body, he still couldn't hold on for a second in the face of such an impact.

Perhaps Yan Hongxuan didn't think that a small warning after ecstasy would make him explode such power.

But all this is in the past.

Chen Weixi listened to his two words. At the moment, she couldn't see any emotion in her dark little eyes, and said faintly.

"Can you get up?"

"Almost strong."

"Then continue to lie down and get up when you have strength."

"Madam, don't you give me a hand?"

"I'll help you die?"

"That's not necessary."

The girl's words were so cold with a knife and a sword that it was difficult for him to answer.

When he was still wondering what her attitude was, he noticed her little bloody claws from the corner of his eye.

Now she turned into a little sable. She should have been black. As soon as the blood color showed up, it was still too abrupt.

I don't know how far it is from the Royal beast villa to the forest in the back mountain. Looking at the girl's posture, he guessed that she was probably hurt.

Although he intended to protect her after Zhenyuan's violent departure, before that power, even he could not control it, and she naturally suffered a great impact.

"Can't change back?"


"It's terrible."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Weixi raised her little claw and poked it in his eyes, which scared him to say quickly.

"I raise you."

"I raise your uncle!"

The claw flashed before his eyes and almost gave him a thrill.

Although her mouth is a Jiao drink, but this warm heart, she is also very useful.

She escaped like a fugitive all the way. While she was distressed about the waste of her cultivation, she was worried about ye Xiaogu.

If he really showed a trace of carelessness at the moment, that claw might really blind his dog's eye.

Several twists and turns, although they have their own gains and losses, for Chen Weixi, she has caught up with most of her life.

Just after noon in the forest, some restless birds and animals can be heard in the distance.

The back mountain of Royal beast mountain villa is huge. With thousands of years of exploration, there are almost no powerful monsters.

However, due to the needs of daily practice, the Royal beast mountain villa can also keep part of the area, and occasionally raise some monster animals for the practice of disciples in the door.

Therefore, relatively speaking, there are many more disciples of Royal beast mountain villa in that forest than in this ordinary forest.

Even here, there are almost no disciples of Royal beast mountain villa.

"Madam, I'll have a rest and you'll squint for a while."

"Is it so serious?"

"It was very serious. It almost burst like a balloon inflated too much."


"But you don't have to worry too much. How could you die so easily when you accept fate for your husband?"

"Hum ~ give me another blow. I'm afraid God doesn't like you. I'm in a hurry to kill you."

Ye Xiaogu grinned and showed his big white teeth. He smiled wildly.

Originally, this was a situation of death or injury. Now he killed Yan Hongxuan and saved Chen Weixi. It was a big victory.

Yan Hongxuan's strength was not trivial. At that time, he wanted to make some noise and press his mind.

In that case, Chen Weixi was afraid of losing her life without losing her arms and legs.

The situation is so critical that he has no choice. Now the outcome is really relatively good.

In his mind, he held the little sable with trembling hands, regardless of the consequences of breaking all his meridians.

"It hurts! Loosen it!"

"Wait a minute. I just don't have the strength."

"Without you, sir! Your hand is strangling me!"


They were making a lot of noise. Even if their injuries were not much better, they were inexplicably happy at the moment.

Perhaps after experiencing such a great difficulty, after the trivial estrangement faded, those who do not give up their deep feelings are difficult to leave after all.

Ye Xiaogu secretly adjusted his breathing and tried to adapt to the physical state after the yuan body's meridians were broken. At the same time, he chatted with the little sable one by one.

"So you won't be a man after that?"


"What's the point? Can you catch mice? Otherwise, it's meaningless to keep you at home."

"I have no strength to quarrel with you."

"Look at this little thing with sharp teeth and sharp mouth. What does it look like? It's still so noisy?"

Even if she just had a little favor in her heart, the girl couldn't help raising her claws when she listened to him.

It's a pity that ye Xiaogu's hand was pressed. She raised her hand twice and couldn't touch his face. She could only scratch his neck.

She had sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Now she really scratched twice. Ye Xiaogu saw the blood stain on her claws at a glance.

The girl must have suffered a lot by dragging him into the forest all the way with her shapeless demon body alone.

After scratching him twice, the girl thought that her movement was not big enough when she saw him silent, and tried to probe forward with her claws.

This time, he just came to ye Xiaogu's mouth. He took her little claw in his mouth. In a panic, the little sable quickly shrank as if he wanted to bite her too.

"Spit it out! You're not afraid to bite my hand off, dog."

"I used to like Xiaoxi's plain hands and small feet, but today it's not very authentic."

"I'm authentic, your uncle! If you can't speak, hold it for me. It really annoys me for a while. I have to deal with you!"

He smiled and didn't answer.

The dead leaves piled up on the ground over the years are not comfortable. After soaking in the light rain a few days ago, I always feel some water soaking into my clothes.

The effect of breaking the meridians of Yuanti is far more serious than he thought.

Although the yuan body is divided into two parts, the meridians and Qi veins are also very different, but they are one after all, and naturally have mutual influence.

He didn't have enough accomplishments when he swallowed Lian Xinyan. Lian Xinyan was right on the heart pulse. He almost killed him several times. If Wang Pei hadn't been neutralizing the Qi with her ice Phoenix blood.

I'm afraid I won't live to this day.

Now all the meridians in his body have been broken, and almost all the vital arteries, such as the main heart vein, have been broken inch by inch.

Under such circumstances, I'm afraid I would be a useless man by now if I hadn't suffered any trauma.

It is said that he is struggling desperately. In fact, it is not much better. If there is no help, he may really take root in the forest.

Chen Weixi's little sable has been waiting in his arms for many days. At this moment, she faintly feels something bad.

They didn't deliberately communicate each other's injuries, but it seems that they are not much better.

"Little sable."


"You really don't have a name?"

"Are you bored? Don't hurry to find a way. You've been lying on the ground for many days, and you're not afraid of ants getting on your back."

Ye Xiaogu smiled and just said a joke. When the words came to his mouth, he restrained his smile and said.

"Do you like the name I gave you?"

"What can I do if I don't like it? Can I change it?"

"If you want to change, after all, you are too impatient and not so gentle."

When she heard the speech, she glanced at ye Xiaogu and snorted coldly.

"I thought you were praising me."

"Actually, I'm hurting you."

As soon as ye Xiaogu's mouth was raised, she didn't wait to laugh. The girl raised her claws and swayed in front of him.

If he hadn't pressed it, he would have been very considerate.

After a long time, the forest gradually darkened.

After lying on the ground for several days, ye Xiaogu felt that he could play his limbs a little. Now he seemed to be numb, and asked subconsciously.

"Xiao Xi, how long have we been here?"

"It's almost seven days. Lin Lin, when you're in a coma, it's about a little and a half months."

"You've been delaying me for seven or eight days?"


"What a good wife."

"Roll ~"

The girl was shy for a moment. She didn't want to encourage his anger. She scolded him angrily.

It's just that more than ten days have passed. Although the people of Royal beast villa didn't catch up, it's not a way to keep quiet.

"Why don't you find someone to help?"

In silence, ye Xiaogu suddenly said. Chen Weixi looked up at him and was quite lost.

"Who can I ask for help? If you can recite a name, I'll help you."

Ren Hanxiang and his party took refuge in Chaotian Palace. If he had to recite a name, he really couldn't remember for a while.

He usually surrounds his wives. They are also very good at looking for trouble. They lose their temper when they think of it all day, so they have a good time.

Until now, I was really in trouble. For a moment, there was no serious help to find.

"Don't think about it. I don't have time to call people for you. I'm still tired. Besides, what do you do if I leave? Just let's die here."

"What about Bao Er?"

"I still treasure mom! Baby! Baby! She's you. Mom? You can't save your life now. Do you still miss her?"

"... don't shout like that. You're not very big. This mouth is roaring. Who taught you?"

"I TM won't kill you today. I've wasted these days dragging your dead dog so far!"

Chen Weixi said more and more angrily. She had been kind to him just now, but she couldn't swallow it now. She raised her claws and scratched on his face.

However, her claws were also bloody and mottled a few days ago. At present, she didn't grasp them twice and didn't dare to toss about.

She now looks like a little sable. Naturally, ye Xiaogu can't see her expression, but her claws tremble and shrink, and he still guesses a general idea.

"Claws hurt?"

"Roll ~"

"When I have time in the future, I'll take you to have a manicure. Bao Er used to like it, especially the rose red one."

"Say it again?"

Seeing that her dark eyes were full of threats, ye Xiaogu smiled and wanted to pat her brain. Unexpectedly, her hand was unconscious at this time.

His heart sank slightly, and the smile on his face faded a little.

"It seems that I'm really going to die here. It's a pity to think about it."


"There are so many girls at home. I only hurt Ren Hanxiang. In fact, I can't let go."

"Can't put who?"

The girl's eyes were full of expectation, so she begged for a word of concern. It happened that ye Xiaogu deliberately teased her and pondered for a while, pretending to be thinking from afar.

"Of course, the little one is the most worried..."


"It's Yao'er."

"I'm TM..."

She was in a hurry and habitually ran forward twice. Unexpectedly, she ran out of his arms.

This sudden freedom did not make her feel half happy, but made her heart sink.

"Dog, your hand?"

"I'm numb. Although the yuan body is divided into two parts, it also affects each other. I practiced the body technique for some time before, but later there was too much right and wrong, which was abandoned. Otherwise, I could hold on for a while."

"Go to your uncle's right and wrong! I think your dead dog is abandoned on a woman's belly!"

"Sort of."

Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu didn't laugh with her this time, but answered faintly.

In fact, there is no need to toss about. Broken meridians have never been an easy injury to deal with, not to mention in this place called daily shouldn't and earth doesn't work.

Chen Weixi made a fuss and was silent now.

I really want to face life and death like this. In fact, she is also a little guilty.

"Go find Ren Hanxiang."


"You still have the spare strength now. You have a chance to find her."


At this time, ye Xiaogu suddenly mentioned such a sentence. What he wanted was not the so-called glimmer of vitality, but to give her a step down.

There is love, hate and life and death in the world. If it is a sudden death, it is not terrible, but it is too painful to wait when you know you will die.

He did not question Chen Weixi's love for him, but hoped to give her a chance to feel the world.

For so many years in the red maple forest, the red maple is like fire, the four seasons remain unchanged, just like her life is blank.

Since I came to this world, I have to see it again.

He didn't want her to die so simply.

Chen Weixi turned into a little sable and sat on his chest for a long time without answering.

In the past, ye Xiaogu opened Yin and Yang eyes. He likes to hide in the corner to see people, see their expressions and guess what they think.

Today, naturally, I can see through the girl's mind. She still has concerns in her heart and is eager to see the world.

"Go and find Ren Hanxiang."


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