"So someone is coming to kill me?"


At the moment, ye Xiaogu was wrapped in the black water derived from black Sanskrit, and only one head could be seen.

Wang Pei beat him from time to time. Now he took a little breath, but he didn't want to talk to him.

The great momentum released in yubeast villa that day has alerted the Taoist family in the world. The only way now is to go to Chaotian Palace to avoid disaster.

It's just that the road is far away. Even the magic real lion in the northern region has to do its best. It will take less than half a month, not to mention other obstacles.

At present, among the three, ye Xiaogu and Chen Weixi have become disabled, and the only one who has the power of World War I is Wang Pei.

Mingming has been locked up in qianyun cave for more than a year. When she came out to inquire about the news of these days, she was really angry. Now she can protect ye Xiaogu. She was so angry that she wanted to leave.

"Did Bao Er call you?"

"Your father called me!"

"My father?"

"Hum! I forgot your surname ye, no father, no mother!"

"... Peipei, you're going a little too far."

"Your uncle! Didn't you think it was too much to leave me in qianyun cave? Speaking of Ye, how do you know your last name without father or mother? You can't make it up?"

Although the girl was tired, her temper didn't go away at all.

After scolding about these days, he also teased him about his previous affairs.

Ye xiaoguben was a little guilty, but he couldn't bear the girl's face when she kicked her nose.

Wang Pei was still laughing and mocking. He suddenly got up and hugged her.

The juice derived from black Sanskrit is as rich as Dan juice. Now it seems to give birth to wisdom. As he got up, it quickly gathered on his face and condensed into a green wood mask.

He didn't take into account the change of the strange black pill. He just hugged Wang Pei and kissed him twice.

Naturally, he did not dare to fight or scold the girl, but it was not because he could rely on her ability for the next trip.

But because Wang Pei won his heart when he met in the past, whether it was the loneliness and helplessness when he left Nanshi for the first time, or the trance after he had a conflict with bao'er.

At that time, Wang Pei accompanied him all the way, and helped him a lot later.

He can show his face to others, even bao'er, but he really doesn't want to be in front of Wang Pei.

Wang Pei was kissed twice by him, and now the backhand was going to slap him. However, as soon as the slap was raised, her eyes fell on the green wood mask on his face, and she was subconsciously stunned again.

"How are you?"

"It's not good to say. It's just a little activity. The meridians haven't fully recovered."

It seemed to be corroboration. He moved his hands and feet. At a glance, he seemed to have recovered, but the faint momentum on his body really disappeared.

Even so, Wang Pei could not help but exclaim in secret.

"I saw you yesterday and couldn't move. Your dog's life is hard enough. Your meridians are broken and didn't kill you?"

"I'll take this as Peipei praising me."

"I praise you! Come and let me slap you!"

"No, I've just recovered from this serious illness. Don't entertain me."

"Do you think I'm joking? Dog! Come here!"

She was very aggressive, and she was quite powerful. After watching the lively Chen Weixi scratch the hair of the magic real lion in the northern region with her claws for a long time, she was looking forward to ye Xiaogu's reaction.

I didn't expect there was no suspense about it.

Without saying a word, he put his face close to him, and even whispered a warning.

"Don't touch the mask. Just hit the left face."

"Bah ~ look at your coward. I don't want to hit you yet."

It was clear that the good play was going to be staged. Unexpectedly, Wang Pei stopped.

Chen Weixi was looking forward to it. At this moment, she subconsciously urged.

"Hit him, hit him hard, what are you afraid of?"


Wang Pei frowned at the sound. Before getting angry, ye Xiaogu held her with a smile and explained.

"The so-called old husband and wife, of course, is that you respect me a foot and I respect you a foot. If you give way to each other, you will naturally live in harmony. This is the so-called way to get along."

"I'm with you, your uncle! Look at you, dog!"

He just smiled on his face. Before long, Wang Pei looked down at his hand. He was not honest. His backhand was a slap.

Listening to the "pa" sound, ye Xiaogu was stunned.

Seeing that Wang Pei didn't stop, he quickly hugged her and said.

"The top priority is to solve the current dilemma first. Does Peipei have any plans?"

"What else are you going to do? Die together!"

"That's a little too strong. In fact, I don't think I've lived enough. I don't want to die for the time being."

Wang Pei stared at him angrily. He was not guilty. He smiled and kissed her.

After all, she has been with her for many years. After a few days of trouble, the girl's resentment has faded a little, and she is a lot more clever now.

Ye Xiaogu gathered his smile and looked at the little sable squatting in the distance. A soft affirmation flashed in his eyes.

Before Chen Weixi spoke, he straightened his face and said in a deep voice.

"Now that things have happened, let me first say the worst solution."

"Get out!"

"Yes, just get out. It's just you two who go first."

Wang Pei turned his back and slapped him again, but this time he grabbed her hand and gave her a faint look.

Maybe she seldom looks at ye Xiaogu like this. She subconsciously releases her hand and feels at ease for a while.

"You are all smart girls. Naturally, you should know that if you finally face a strong enemy, one more person and one less person really doesn't matter. But if someone can escape and look for help, there may be a glimmer of life."

"I won't go. Let her go yourself."

When Wang Pei heard the speech, he put on his face. Ye Xiaogu subconsciously looked at the little sable.

Originally, Chen Weixi thought he would advise more. Unexpectedly, he nodded and said.

"Well, Xiaoxi has suffered a lot with me. One can escape. Peipei's cultivation is still there. Staying with me at the critical moment may help me."

He made his words so clear that there was no possibility for the two women to quarrel.

After the simple arrangement, ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly and began to smile again.

But before he got tired of holding Wang Peiduo for a while, Wang Pei was unlucky and hit him on the chest with an elbow. He almost didn't beat him out of breath.

Even holding his breath in his chest, his pig liver color was really uncomfortable, but the girl said expressionless.

"The plan is to go to the Chaotian Palace, but it's a long way. LAN Er used to rush here and spent a lot of effort. Now it takes at least twice as long to rush back. That is to say, it takes at least a month to get to the Chaotian Palace."

"Cough ~... So what?"

Wang Pei raised his palm angrily, which frightened ye Xiaogu. He had to listen honestly.

"In a month, we need to go through many dangerous places. It's estimated that they have caught up."

"They? In the past, the romance of the Taoist school was divided into two schools: Rune and sword. Among them, five spells were used. Each mountain, medicine, divination and life were equal to five schools. One school of Kendo was divided into two departments: subduing demons and immortal Jue. A total of seven people wanted to kill the reincarnated person of the Heavenly Master."

"How many people are there?"

"Can you stop interrupting? You don't understand anything. You have to bark twice. If you don't cry, you won't be happy?"

"I don't feel it."

"Ye, I'm TM......"

Ye Xiaogu joked casually that Wang Pei was also angry for a moment. He pressed him with his backhand and threw two big ear scrapers.

However, after a while, she cut her messy hair, looked at the little sable squatting aside, and said.

"This trip is ten dead and lifeless. We can't follow such a journey. My plan is that this little thing and Lan'er go to ask for help first. We two catch up with the sword in the back, and then meet again. It can save a lot of time."

"It's also a good way. Peipei's mind turns quickly."

Ye Xiaogu, who just screamed, positively covered his face and helped him.

On the other side, Chen Weixi stretched out her little claw and was scratching the magic real lion in the northern region. She didn't pay attention to listening carefully for a moment. She just felt that it was the same reason, and subconsciously nodded.

Unexpectedly, Wang Pei took ye Xiaogu's hand and turned around to fly down from the magic real lion in the northern region, especially waving his hand.

"Have a nice trip ~ hurry up!"

"OK ~"

Chen Weixi's mink hurriedly roared at her throat. Only when she said this, she vaguely felt something wrong.

But I can't remember what's wrong for a moment.


In the long clear sky, a row of bamboo rafts walked in the sky, on which two people lay lazily.

One of them was a man with silver hair and white clothes. His face was wearing an uncut green wood mask.

The woman in his arms has a beautiful face, a plump body and a bit of grace in her life.

"Don't you want to speed up? I'm a little flustered."

"It's the fastest, and there's no magic weapon. A raft made of wood can fly like this."

Ye Xiaogu said quietly. For a moment, he really didn't dare to look at Wang Pei's resentful eyes.

However, since they have abandoned life and death, there is nothing wrong with waiting in place at this moment.

What Wang Pei said just now seems to be justified. In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is no difference between sitting two people and sitting three people on the magic real lion in the northern region. It can't run faster.

Since the magic real lion in the northern region can't speed up, it's useless to stay. After all, it's not enough to fight, and it can't have any blocking effect.

The only effect may be to linger together for some time and send Chen Weixi away first.

Ye Xiaogu naturally knows her mind, so she will help.

It's just that they really walked slowly in the air, thinking that there were pursuers coming from all directions. They were really a little flustered.

"Ye, why don't I run away too? I actually have many unfinished wishes."

"Don't run. You must die with me."

Ye Xiaogu pretended to be a cold threat and hugged her, as if he was really afraid of her running away.

After joking, with the gentle breeze in the sky, they were silent.

The excitement when they first met was difficult to calm. When they came to Suzhou, they were like cats and fish. They always had inexplicable longing and intersection.

But years like this, perhaps growth is really a moment.

After the boundless sea of stars, it seems to clean up all the clutter in my heart.

Now, although Wen Yu is in his arms, ye Xiaogu doesn't see the fanaticism in his eyes.

"Dog, why do you think of harming me? If I die this time, it will not ruin my Taoist profession for thousands of years?"

"Even if you are a Taoist priest for thousands of years, you have to go with your husband. We went to the underworld, walked through the Naihe bridge, and we have to be together in the afterlife, bamboo horses, green plums, life after life..."

"Bah ~ your dog's mouth is nonsense. Where is there a bridge in the underworld?"

"No Naihe bridge? What's there?"

"The nine Youming river flows into the endless sea of creation, and the souls, flesh and blood of all living beings in the three realms belong to one place. There is no end to reincarnation, and there are more than years."

Wang Pei said, his eyes blurred, as if he really saw the nine Youming river.

Ye Xiaogu turned over to look at her and said curiously.

"Peipei's words seem to have really seen Yin and Yang."

When Wang Pei heard the speech, he glanced at him lightly and said with a little vicissitudes.

"Thousands of years do not hesitate, and a hundred years of life is like day and night. Can you imagine the changes you have seen in thousands of years?"

"... does Peipei really love me?"

Mingming just casually talked about the vicissitudes of life, but he suddenly asked such a question.

Wang Pei glanced at him and naturally saw the mood at the bottom of his heart.

If this is not answered well, it is estimated that he will still have to be disturbed by the torrential rain as before.

Even after these years, he is still a young man, and his anxiety is not less than half. No wonder bao'er won't talk to him about the past.

Wang Pei thought of these and didn't answer for a moment.

Unexpectedly, it was such a moment's delay that ye Xiaogu suddenly began to toss her.

She subconsciously frowned and whispered.

"What are you doing, dog?"

"Peipei, have a baby with me. It's more or less fate. I can't wait for my next life."

"Is that all you have?"


This was a plain sentence, but it seemed to stab his weakness. He looked up at once. His eyes were hazy with tears.

When Wang Pei saw him suddenly crying like this, he was really angry and funny for a moment, joking.

"Today, I didn't stop you. Can you be so angry just by saying you? Are you still waiting for me to serve you?"

Ye Xiaogu looked at her, wiped a handful of tears and said faintly.

"I'm sorry for being rude."

"Oh, how can you put up a shelf?"

While talking, she stretched out her legs and deliberately teased him twice. She thought he would spit out his tongue and bark twice happily.

Unexpectedly, he pushed her away without expression and said.

"I know you don't like me, bao'er or you. What you value is the inheritance of the Heavenly Master in my blood, not my ye Xiaogu."

"Dog, are you crazy?"

"My name is ye Xiaogu. I have no father and no mother. I have known you in my life, but for three or five years. I have never seen the nine Youming river you said, or the vicissitudes of the sea. I like you because you look good and my heart."


Wang Pei frowned slightly and was speechless for a moment. After a while, ye Xiaogu's eyes flashed again.

He really can't imagine leaving Wang Pei and bao'er's life, but he doesn't want to be someone else's double.

The struggle buried in the bottom of his heart is so simple that it seems to tear his soul and make him miserable.

Wang Pei tilted his head and watched him cry for a while. He stretched out his hand to wipe his tears, but he patted him away.

"Angry? Why don't you shout at me? Don't you drive me away?"


"Drive me away. As soon as you say, I'll go. I won't delay."

"Wang Pei, say another word. I promise you to listen."

"Come on, let's practice ~"

While talking, Wang Pei raised his mouth slightly and looked at ye Xiaogu with tears in his eyes.

She didn't explain. Ye Xiaogu was naturally angry.

Although he has got Ren Hanxiang, he is always clinging to these girls around him.

Even though he knew that some of them valued their own qualifications to be strong with themselves, he couldn't accept bao'er and Wang Pei.

Because he also knew from the bottom of his heart that bao'er valued not only the identity of the so-called Heavenly Master, but the former Heavenly Master, not his ye Xiaogu.

He doesn't want to be the shadow of others in his long life, and he doesn't want the person he loves to have another person in his heart.

His mood was hard to calm. He really felt oppressed. It happened that Wang Pei still wanted to tease him. At this moment, he teased him twice. Before he could say more, he suddenly began to do it with a cold face.

Wang Peichu didn't think so. After a while, he was more or less flustered and hurried to say.

"Hey! Stop! You son of a bitch, what are you crazy about at this time!"


Ye Xiaogu didn't answer. He hugged her and kissed her, but he was determined to make some noise.

It happened that the raft was quite spacious, and there was room for both of them to sit on it.

Wang Pei frowned and raised his hand impatiently. He wanted to give him a habitual slap, but he couldn't help sighing when he saw his cold eyes.

"What a mad dog ~"

With this sigh, it seemed that it was about to happen. Unexpectedly, at this time, a man's voice came from a distance.

"I heard that the Heavenly Master came to the world! I'm far from welcome!"

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