The wound in the palm healed with the recovery of the ghost power.

Before he could take a closer look at the spirit vessel in his hand, a strong wind suddenly came from behind!

"Bang!" was a dull sound, but the black gas from the green wood mask on his face turned into a black shield, and people would swing away directly in the future!

Until this time, ye Xiaogu looked around without expression.

As far as I could see, there were more than a hundred Changqing Temple disciples standing around. From a distance, I could see Shen Wenling being besieged by more than a dozen Changqing Temple disciples.

The girl's condition is not very good. She is practicing hard and neglecting the enemy. Although her cultivation level is not weak, she still lacks experience in the enemy.

If the dozen disciples of the Changqing Temple hadn't read her identity, I'm afraid she would have been killed on the spot.

"Bold madman!"

"Brothers, let's go!"

He just turned around and didn't look more. The disciples of Changqing temple in the distance rushed forward when they saw him awake!

For a moment, I saw the magic weapon in the sky suddenly burst, or the sudden attack of flying sword, or the support of Bell and drum. For a moment, it was still powerful.

But before these people rushed to his thirty steps, he waved his hand directly, accompanied by a black wind. The crowd even had no time to shout, and all of them fell in the twinkling of an eye!

The power of one strike can kill hundreds of people!

Perhaps it was because his momentum was too strong. Seeing that the potential was wrong, the remaining Changqing Temple disciples ran away on the spot, and the rest who didn't have time to run were easily wiped out by the black gas around him.

When he finally came to Shen Wenling, the girl's shoulder and back were already stained with blood, and even her feet were hurt.

Seeing ye Xiaogu walking slowly, she was a little stunned for a moment, and frowned after a while.

"Why is the mask on your face black?"


As soon as she opened her mouth, it seemed that she had broken some atmosphere. The black gas around ye Xiaogu slowly converged into the mask on her face.

He threw the spirit vessel in his hand at Shen Wenling and said expressionless.

"Take it and recover the wound first."


She hesitated for a moment and wanted to refuse, but the spirit vessel like a little snake fell into her hand, emitting a glittering radiance, which really made people curious.

Seeing her holding the spirit pulse, ye Xiaogu turned around and took off the mask on his face. He was reminded by the girl just now, and he was vaguely aware of something.

Now looking at the dark black mask on his hand, he couldn't say anything in his heart, but whispered to himself in his heart.

"Sure enough, did the memory get out of control trigger the black Sanskrit?"

As soon as the thought flashed, he gathered aura. The empty palm suddenly opened a hole and a mass of blood gas came out. At the same time, the black mask on the other hand also showed a trace of black gas.

One black and one red, the two Qi forces seemed to attract each other, explored each other, and then gathered into a black and red light ball.

"I thought the black Sanskrit was healing the body. Is it homologous with the power of the ghost?"

The thought in his heart just got up. Before he thought more for a while, Shen Wenling suddenly threw the spirit vessel in his hand, and Lang said.

"You killed me for so long. I didn't do anything to kill you. Since then, you and I have cut off our friendship."

"Kill your Changqing Temple disciple? Why didn't you quarrel with me when you killed your 13th son of Changqing on the river bank?"


The girl's momentum between her words stagnated, and she didn't respond well for the moment. Facing ye Xiaogu, she seems to be naturally weak.

Seeing that she didn't speak, ye Xiaogu didn't want to continue to say more with her. Seeing that the spirit pulse in his hand seemed to melt into the palm slowly.

He frowned slightly, and finally left half of the spirit pulse. He sealed it with his Qi, and then put the half of the spirit pulse on the ground and said faintly.

"You and I have no grievances and no enmity. I took your Changqing spirit pulse and killed your Changqing Temple disciple. You should blame me. My skill is special and can't heal you. Take this half of the spirit pulse and it can help you practice."

"Don't think I don't know you're just using me!"

Shen Wenling listened to his tone and vaguely guessed his mind. Although she had expected this for a long time, she was still sad when he said so.

Ye Xiaogu stood with his back to her, his face indistinguishable from sadness and joy, and he didn't comfort the girl in a word.

Originally, according to his plan, the old man who blocked the way just now was an expert, so he took Shen Wenling together, but the current situation seems that the improvement of his realm after swallowing the spirit pulse is much faster than expected.

Maybe now you can go directly to Xingyao mansion to find the white haired old man for revenge.

A thought flashed in his heart, and he didn't want to pay attention to such a trivial dew as Shen Wenling. Love, go straight to the sky.

The girl had mixed feelings in her heart. It seemed that the dull practice of hundreds of years had been broken in a twinkling of an eye after just a few months with ye Xiaogu.

His words, deeds and everything are indelible memories for her.

Just when she thought that her character and appearance could match him, she suddenly realized that he was just using herself.

Remorse and unwilling to entangle in her heart, she bit her teeth, angrily picked up half of the spiritual pulse on the ground, and desperately cried to the sky, but the sound also spread far away.

However, no matter how far away the sound is, it has no influence on ye Xiaogu at the moment.

At first, there was no movement in the half of the spiritual pulse just absorbed in his body, but with the overflow of spiritual Qi, it seemed to suddenly expand in his body.

He had walked in the air with an expressionless face, but in the twinkling of an eye, there was a painful howl. Countless cracks were opened on his shoulder and back, and the blood gas overflowing from them rose. For a moment, the momentum was terrible!

At the same time, the black mask on his face also moved, emitting bursts of black air, which vaguely matched it.

Black and red Qi strength together, which seemed to burst the aura in his body and suppress it a little.

It's just that what's in his body is to condense the aura of a terrain into a pulse. I don't know how to suddenly integrate into his palm just now. It seems that it is invisible and reacts to the spirit pulse at the bottom of the river absorbed in his body a few months ago.

For a moment, I just heard that his whole body was expanding like flatulence. After reaching the critical point, he collapsed because of the suppression of black and red gas.

Several times back and forth, even if he hadn't cried a word of pain for many years, he would howl endlessly under such torture.

However, the whole body's blood and gas strength and the black Sanskrit effect condensed by the mask were too powerful to support his consciousness of collapse.

Under such endless suffering, I don't know how many sunrise and sunset have passed.

Countless auras were born and refined by the ghost power in his body!

By virtue of the phagocytic body transformed by the phagocytic essence of blood, even though Ye Xiaogu did not maintain the vitality of the yuan, he still absorbed all the Reiki by refining the flesh.

The Reiki and the flesh were completely condensed. With the blessing of the power of the ghost Road, endless Reiki began to flow in his Lingtai knowledge house.

The Qi is as strong as one, and the hair is deep.

The vast white aura gathered in his Lingtai knowledge house, and the clear and turbid place that had not changed for a long time began to change slightly.

Like wind like rain, like wind like fire, that wisp of aura surged to consolidate the already solid Lingtai knowledge house.

The black Sanskrit, which had been forcibly stripped by him, penetrated into his body from his face.

The originally overflowing and surging ghost power also began to flow back into his body.

With the combination of three Qi, the vague distinction between the upper and lower turbidity was consolidated again, and the combination of black, white, red and three colors even converged into a huge pill!

With the strong wind surging, the pill faded the miscellaneous things on the surface, and even showed a person's facial features like a sculpture.

He just sat on his knees, his hands flat on his knees, closed his eyes and looked beautiful!

At the same time, the long solidified Lingtai knowledge house is also certain. The strong wind gradually dissipates, leaving only black and white, just like heaven and earth!

After endless suffering, ye Xiaogu finally bit his teeth and recovered a little consciousness, but when he was awake, he was in Lingtai knowledge house.

From a distance, he saw the man sitting in the air. The three color treasure spirit lingered on his side, indisputable and peaceful.

Only when he came closer to look at it, he was shocked to find that the human appearance was clearly his own appearance?!

"It's said that jiedanhua baby is a big territory. I didn't expect to turn my soul into shape after practicing ghost Taoism?"

As soon as he read it, although he was a little uneasy about the man who suddenly appeared in the Lingtai knowledge house, he hesitated to stretch out his hand at the moment when he saw the man.

When the fingertip of the index finger slowly touched the center of the person's eyebrows, the three color treasure gas beside the person suddenly bloomed!

Originally, a vast space suddenly fell into boundless darkness, and then there began to be dots around the statue, just like the boundless sea of stars in the void.

Ye Xiaogu's fingertips also falsely lit the eyebrows of the human phase. At the moment when the boundless star sea appeared, the human phase suddenly opened his eyes!

Four eyes are opposite, and seven colors bloom in their eyes. Countless streamer phantoms flash through their eyes!

This moment is like countless streamers seen in the void.

Countless scattered memory fragments seem to have gone through thousands of years and filled ye Xiaogu's mind again. Countless soft calls, hoarse wails, pouring blood, mountains and rivers collapse, heaven and earth are separated

With the aura contained in the two spiritual veins, he seemed to be able to reluctantly open the memory box and peep into those distant memories.

A gentle breeze, with a little chill.

In the vast expanse of the sky, a bent man in black stood in the air. He didn't know how many days had passed.

I don't know if it was because the wind today was very urgent, which blew the silver hair in his ear, and his body finally trembled for a long time.

Then he slowly raised his head, and the blood on his body dried up into blood scabs, which looked a little ugly.

As he raised his head and slowly opened his eyes, a deep and ancient breath spread in an instant, even shaking the surrounding clouds!

This is not as good as the time when Zhenyuan went on a rampage in yubeast mountain villa and broke his Qi pulse, but the impact is more distant.

The blood scabs on his body were light and easy to swing, showing that his face was slightly covered with green stubble of vicissitudes.

On the distant and endless clouds, in a crystal palace, two and a half kittens were playing happily on the steps.

On the Jinfeng nine chairs at the head of the hall, a beautiful palace woman slowly opened her eyes.


Trickling water, a little green color can be seen. This stream is not very prominent on the side of the valley, and there are a few people on weekdays.

But today, it seems a little different.

With both hands shining on the clear stream, he picked up some stream water. The visitor didn't dislike it. He drank it directly. Then he took down a pendant from his neck and soaked it in the stream.

The pendant was immersed in the stream, which made the water surface coagulate with a layer of white frost in an instant.

Even soon, the whole stream was frozen and sent out a faint cold.

It's just that there are no people in the quiet forest. No one has noticed the change at the moment.

In this silence, a hole suddenly opened on the ice that had been frozen with white frost, and a golden Koi suddenly poked out its head as if it were breathing.

It seems that he noticed the people by the stream. The koi subconsciously ran into the water, but listened to the man's faint voice.

"Take the snow imperial concubine back to kanshui Xianju and wait for me."


Hearing this, the koi, who had already got into the water, carefully put out his head and looked at the man on the bank.

He was young, but untidy, with some stubble on his chin.

Obviously, he is still a handsome man, because the green stubble seems inexplicable.

The breeze in the forest blew, and his silver hair was scattered without a crown or even cleaning up.

When the wind blows in the forest, it looks like a madman who doesn't know the north, South and West.

Even what he said at this moment, if it was heard by others, I'm afraid it would make people laugh.


The timid Koi looked in the ice hole for most of the day and kept silent. If it weren't for the golden red fish scales, it would really be looked down upon.

Ye Xiaogu didn't plan to stay here for long. He held the jade tears made by Wang Pei's body, and then put the jade tears directly into the stream.

The blue jade tears gradually sank under the ice. On the other side, the little Koi didn't seem to remember who ye Xiaogu was for a while. Seeing that the jade tears sank, he still shook his tail and swam straight to hold it in his mouth.

When it was drilling out of the water, ye Xiaogu on the bank had disappeared.

When you are smart, you will get together, and when you get together, you will read.

The time of absorbing the spirit pulse was far longer than ye Xiaogu imagined. When he knew about it slightly, he couldn't help being startled for a moment.

"Is it a dream for a hundred years?"

The original spiritual pulse changed. He didn't know how long he had endured under the blessing of the power of ghost and black Sanskrit. He just felt that the bone was bone, the meat was meat, and he couldn't even feel the existence of the body at all.

So that after waking up at the midpoint of Lingtai's house, shanran woke up and didn't react for a moment.

However, compared with the income, this hundred years is not enough.

The memory fragments originally recalled in the void and the memory fragments caused by the change of spiritual pulse are barely integrated.

By the way, I also helped Wang Pei.

Previously, he always thought that the illusion of putting Wang Pei's jade tears in the water was because her consciousness remained in the jade tears.

After getting the memory of the past, I have a little understanding of the jade tears.

Like bao'er turning into a little white fox, the demon clan will eventually turn into itself after exhausting their skills or being seriously injured.

That drop of jade tears happened to be where she was, but Bing Feng's blood was stripped, and she had already lost her aura foundation.

He simply took her all the way to find the spiritual pulse and nourished her with abundant Reiki, which left her a little more thought when she was seriously injured and dying.

Unfortunately, after leaving the Changqing temple, the spirit pulse swallowed in her body suddenly ran away, which made her unable to absorb Reiki for a hundred years and suffered a heavy blow.

After knowing the details, ye Xiaogu originally planned to go directly to Xingyao mansion to find the white haired old man for revenge. Now he can only detour to her former residence and tell the golden red Koi to take her back to warm up first.

As for other matters, he plans to solve the matter of Xingyao mansion first.

He has never put down his long cherished wish for a hundred years. Even over the years, he was not in a hurry to find a way for Wang Pei to revive. He was desperately trying to figure out how to defeat the white haired old man with this broken body.

Not just because of his own broken leg, but because of Wang Pei.

If it is said that bao'er was his own fault and had to lead qianyun cave to attack 10000 Taoist alliances, and finally suffered serious injuries, what is wrong with Wang Pei?

She came in a hurry, knowing that the crisis was difficult to break, she still stayed with him, and even finally lost her vitality with the white haired old man's word and gave out ice Phoenix blood.

She is already the best. Why hurt her like this?

When he was a teenager, he opened his eyes to Yin and Yang. He didn't see strange scenes. He saw two creatures in the world. He was lonely and often annoyed people. He was bullied all the time.

During that time, he learned to endure and was at ease without hearing or speaking.

But after Lao Wang adopted him, the focus of everything seemed to fall on the greasy middle-aged man.

Although he didn't look handsome in his old short sleeves and white washed black pants, he helped him and sheltered him after all.

Lao Wang is good, and Wang Pei is also good

Good without dispute, why should people talk about it? Why are you threatened by villains?

Shouldn't the way of heaven be to pity good and punish evil? Since the sky is not open, I will open my eyes for you!

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