Looking at Chu Qingqiu walking away, the smile on ye Xiaogu's face faded a little. He led out the dark ghost power and attracted himself.

The power of the ghost way was like smoke and fog, winding and rising in his hands, and then faded away in a moment.

After hesitating for a while, he turned his head and flew in the direction of the Yuequan sect disciple's departure.

I've been used to parting, so I don't feel anything inseparable at the moment.

He was also a lone wolf. He was independent and selfish. He understood the opinions of these girls and never forced them to do anything except bao'er.

For boa, he always wants to have everything about her, everything.

But she was the most difficult of these girls to tame.

Between his thoughts, these trivial things made it difficult for him to think carefully. He could only take one step as one step.

In the distance, Yukong, a disciple of Yuequan sect, walked in the air. Although ye Xiaogu didn't stare at him, he spared his life. He flew hundreds of steps but didn't escape.

I walked slowly and leisurely in the sky. I had been flying for about two or three days before I saw a huge lake in the distance.

Yuequanzong thought it was named. Naturally, the spring also looked like a crescent moon. The water color was clear. It looked blue and clear from a distance. It was really a good water.

Surrounded by mountains and surrounded by springs, there are a circle of pavilions and temples. At a glance, it looks like an ordinary small town. I'm afraid there must be 10000 people.

The disciple of Yuequan sect saw him from a distance and looked back at ye Xiaogu, but he saw that ye Xiaogu didn't mean anything.

He didn't know what to say, so he turned his head to resist the air for a while.

Ye Xiaogu followed him all the way. No one questioned him all the way. He felt leisurely.

Just before arriving at a main hall, the Yuequan sect disciple who led the way suddenly shouted loudly, and suddenly attracted dozens of Yuequan sect disciples in white!

"Catch and kill the thief!"

"Capture and kill?"

Ye Xiaogu sneered, and the thunder light in his right arm moved. When he was about to rush to fight with the Quan sect disciple for dozens of months, a woman's voice came from a distance.


The voice was not loud, but the disciples of Yuequan sect stopped and just looked at ye Xiaogu warily.

In addition to this movement, a woman in the distance came slowly. She was wearing a Luo skirt like white snow. They didn't know what material it was made of. It seemed that countless snowflakes fell during walking.

The woman's face was also a little pure and beautiful, like a fairy in the sky.

But for ye Xiaogu, he is also with the fairy daughter at home these years. He is about to throw up.

At the moment, there was no difference in seeing the woman. I just looked at her casually and didn't say anything.

"Come with me."

Unexpectedly, the woman was very polite to him. She simply greeted him, ignored many onlookers of Yuequan sect, and walked slowly into the air.

Although the disciples of Yuequan sect were somewhat surprised, they seemed quite respectful to the woman, and there was no objection.

Before Yukong left for a while, he saw many disciples Yukong leave, and ye Xiaogu didn't have time to catch up with the beautiful woman.

The woman was slightly surprised at his behavior and looked at him.

"You don't know much about students."

"That's not appropriate. I'm really shy, but you're so much like my wife. I've been disgusted these years. If I walk behind you for a while, I guess I'll really throw up."

"... your last name is ye, right?"

"I know a lot. It seems that the so-called town sect magic weapon was stolen is also false?"

"I think you misunderstood. Yuequan sect has always lived in seclusion and never paid attention to secular troubles. We won't participate in your affairs."

"My business?"

He intended to inquire, but the woman deliberately sold the pass, pointed to the pavilion on the lake in the distance, and said casually.

"When the tea is ready, sit down and talk."

The woman's words are not as immortal as they seem, but they are mostly worldly. However, her appearance is clear and beautiful, which makes people feel some estrangement.

For others, it may be so, but for ye Xiaogu, it feels like Chu Qingqiu.

The girl used to be cold, with a small face pretending to be beautiful and difficult to get close, but if it really makes any tricks, she can play more smoothly than him.

If he hadn't won the first prize, I'm afraid he would really have to wonder what the girl did in the moon cover building.

Between his thoughts, he went straight into the small pavilion.

The small pavilion is not spacious. There are no accompanying servant girls in it. There is only a small stone table with a white jade stool in front and back.

He didn't pay much attention to it. He just sat on a stool. At this moment, he noticed that there was a game of chess on the table instead of tea and cakes.

Chess is divided into black and white. It should be a chess game like go. However, ye Xiaogu's artistic cultivation has not reached the point where he can play go to improve his style. He didn't take a closer look at it.

On the contrary, the white skirt woman came slowly, and the clothes were naturally Xianyi and moving.

But she didn't continue to show any posture, and ye Xiaogu suddenly waved his hand.

"Don't show it in front of me. The one in my family has really disgusted me in recent years. Just say what you want to say. Everyone is in a hurry."

"... play chess."

"I won't."

"If not, I can teach you. Play chess with me now."

"What are you doing with all these things? I'm an acquaintance. I can't do anything... Forget it. It's disgusting to say."

His disgusting words were long and short, which virtually destroyed the leisurely atmosphere of the Spring Lake Pavilion.

The white skirt woman's face was also a little colder. After all, no one can carry these words from a new acquaintance.

She casually picked a white piece from the chess pieces on the table and put it on the chessboard Tianyuan, and said to herself.

"Yuequan Zong Yueji."

"You're welcome. You say your moon chicken is moon chicken. I don't understand. I don't dare to ask."

"I've heard some interesting stories about Mr. Ye, but it's just a joke. Now it seems true."

"Really? What interesting things can I have fun with?"

"They say you are an unintelligible dog... Of course, this is not what I said, but what others said."

The girl didn't do it directly with a knife and a sword in her words, but the smile on ye Xiaogu's face didn't change at all. She was happy as if she didn't understand, joked.

"Then these people know my specialty very well. My wife often says that my waist is almost as strong as a dog's waist."


The girl trembled with a piece in her hand. Although her face was not obvious, she was probably angry.

They can't meet each other without a cup of tea. Ye Xiaogu's mouth is really broken. Even if the girl deliberately put it on, she can't put it down now.

"I lost something in my door. It had nothing to do with Mr. Ye, but later I found out that the man who stole the treasure in my door seemed to know you well."

"Muyingxiong? He said he knew me?"

"The thing lost in the door is called the Moon Spring golden wheel. I wonder if Mr. Ye has heard of it?"

She just answered and led the topic straight to the other side. She knocked on the chessboard with a piece between her words. For a while, she and herself had been working for most of the day.

Although ye Xiaogu wanted to find Mu Yingxiong, he frowned and agreed to listen to her.

"No impression. Is there anything special about this thing?"

"Nothing special."

"Nothing special? Girl, that's interesting. Since I don't want to say the origin of the magic weapon, how can I help you find it?"

"Who said I wanted you to help me find it? The Moon Spring golden wheel has already been found."

"Why did the girl treat someone like this?"

The smile on his face faded a little, and he looked at the woman in front of him with a little vigilance.

In fact, from the very beginning, he vaguely felt that the breath on the woman was very weak, unusually weak, and even no more than the infant state, only the standard of jiedan state.

How can a girl who just ends up in Dan become the leader of a sect?

For decades, he has been using the formula of Panlong Yufeng to hope to find an opportunity to break the situation, but he has never felt any breakthrough. Naturally, he doesn't know what it will be like after the peak of Tianmen.

Now I see the girl's breath is flat, but she lives in a high position. She is vaguely afraid.

But he was not afraid for long. The girl seemed to feel something. She picked up a sunspot and put it far away in the corner of the chessboard.

"Is Mr. Ye afraid?"

"A little. There are many people and many things in my family. I can't do without my pillar."

"Then why are you still running around like this? Can't you find a place to stay?"

"I'm also looking for my way home."

When the words fell, Yueji frowned slightly, raised her head and looked at him. She said that there was no emotion, but she was a little surprised.

Half way through their conversation, they unknowingly finished most of the chessboard on the table.

She only played chess but didn't eat the number of pieces, so the chessboard was soon filled with pieces, except a small space was still empty.

Ye Xiaogu was idle and bored. He took a sunspot and weighed it, and said casually.

"It's quite textured, jade?"

"Mr. Ye knows jade?"

"I have a wife who is a jade creature. I often touch her."


The words were so straightforward that she was speechless for a moment, but her eyes fell on the magic sword behind him.

Except that the magic sword was taken by Chu Qingqiu when the inn was destroyed. Later, when he decided to leave, he left it to ye Xiaogu.

Originally, according to his intention, he gave the sword to Chu Qingqiu and asked her to take it to Chaotian Palace, but the girl didn't seem to want to have any more disputes with him. She didn't even help him with that little favor.

He is not used to using a sword. Now he just habitually carries it, but he doesn't hide it.

Now he was discovered by Yueji. He didn't hide it, so he took out the magic sword.

Compared with the original plain appearance, now in addition to the magic sword, because of the jade tears made by Wang Pei, it has unconsciously been stained with some deep blue brilliance.

But the sword itself doesn't know what material it is made of. The blue light drifts on the sword body, and the sword body has no change at all.

"It seems enough."


He was looking at the long sword in his hand strangely, but Yueji suddenly said such a sentence, which made him curious to ask.

After talking for so long, she didn't have any meaning to continue talking. She looked at the chessboard and said casually.

"Go and get the Moon Spring golden wheel from the main hall directly opposite. I'll tell you what to do after that."

"Did miss Yueji misunderstand something? Ye is not a disciple of your Yuequan sect. You just want me to be obedient?"

"The little broken jade in your sword is about to be swallowed and assimilated by the sword."


"Help me do this. I'll help you wake up the soul in the jade. Although it won't reshape the body, at least the soul can be called back."


The corner of her mouth was slightly raised. It was the first time she smiled. I don't know whether it was ye Xiaogu's cheerfulness or something else.

In fact, there are many exquisite things about this matter. For example, the so-called Yueji must not be her real name. Ye Xiaogu doesn't know who she is.

And about Wang Pei and except the magic sword, she can't judge whether she has good intentions or malice.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, he can't afford to gamble at all.

He was not familiar with the function of the magic sword. At the beginning, he just confused and fused the jade tears with the sword. If there were any disadvantages and irreparable results, he was really hard to accept.

So even if it was the first time he met, he was willing to take a chance.

Yueji's words were very simple. She just went to the hall opposite the pavilion to take the Moon Spring golden wheel. He didn't want to jump into the sky and went directly to the hall.

Yuequanzong stands around this huge lake, surrounded by some temples and pavilions. The one opposite the pavilion is a slightly larger building.

He jumped lightly and flew directly to the main hall. He wanted to go straight into the main hall, but suddenly dozens of people rushed out. The first person was the Yuequan disciple who had brought him earlier.

"Take it!"

That month, seeing ye Xiaogu's appearance, the disciple of quanzong directly shouted an order without saying a word.

For a moment, dozens of Yuequan sect disciples either pinched their fingers and recited the formula, or jumped to lead the sword. The Yuequan sect disciple who shouted led the Qi in his hand and directly offered a golden bell, Lang said.


Jinzhong's voice became louder. He directly turned into a hundred feet of light and shadow and hit ye Xiaogu head-on!

He was so vigorous that he broke all the floor tiles laid on the square for a moment!

Under great pressure, the floor tiles on the ground are continuous and crack in an instant!

The strong wind hit his face and blew ye Xiaogu's silver hair. In that moment, his spirit was like a shadow and his strength was flying. Ordinary friars were afraid that they would sit on the ground in fear of one face to face.

It's just

Just listen to a loud bang!

When ye Xiao was alone, he suddenly burst into a black air, like a dragon and a snake, shining on the sky's magic weapon and the attacking Yuequan sect disciples!

For a moment, it roared like a long wind, the dragon and snake churned, the Qi was turbulent and fell into the sea!

At first, the Zhenhai moon clock was directly smashed by several black gas dragons!

As soon as the magic weapon of this life was broken, Ying Shi, the disciple of Yuequan sect, sat on the ground with a pale face. After all, he couldn't help spitting blood, but he was shocked.

"What the hell is this?"

All the disciples of Yuequan sect in the field were stunned. The previous magic weapon aura was easily wiped out by the black gas dragon and snake!

Under the extremely strong strength, even many amazing magic weapons with magical powers are still destroyed in an instant!

The smiling and kind-hearted man is just wearing a pair of black pants, showing his strong muscles. His silver hair moves with the wind, and the black air behind him fluctuates like dragons and snakes!

He came step by step. Many disciples of Yuequan sect had long sat on the ground because of their own magic weapon, but they were unable to resist for a moment.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the Yuequan sect disciple hurried to beg for mercy.

"These are the orders of the sect! She just asked us to test your strength! Don't take it seriously!"

"Don't kill me."

"Please spare me."


Although he is a person who seeks immortality and asks questions, in fact, when he is dying, he is naturally more like the appearance of all sentient beings. After all, he has practiced for hundreds of years and has survived such a long time.

But they did not beg for mercy, but when they asked for mercy, ye Xiao Gu only waved away all the passers-by.

"Life doesn't know death. Why do you live? After practicing the Tao for so long, you can't even see this. It's just a waste of time to stay."

Between his thoughts, perhaps his heart felt something. He looked back at the Lake Pavilion in the distance.

Although there was a slight mist in the lake several miles away, he vaguely felt Yueji's eyes.

These dozens of disciples suddenly rushed out and wanted to do it. In fact, ye Xiaogu vaguely felt that it didn't look like the woman's handwriting.

But now is not the time to pay attention to whether to do it or not. After all, he has killed these people, and the rest is naturally meaningless.

He turned expressionless, pressed down the force of the ghost and went straight to the hall.

The hall had just passed through such a battle, but no one came out to take a closer look. Now it seems that there is no one in it.

On the altar table in the distance, an exquisite small ring was placed with ivory white stone. It was about the size of a PU fan, like the style of silver utensils of the Miao nationality. There were many patterns and pendants on it.

The bracelet of an ordinary girl's house is a little big. It's a magic weapon against the enemy. It's a little fancy.

Ye Xiaogu took a simple look, but carelessly picked it up and left without paying any attention to the mechanism trap.

Just now he had a fight with the disciple of the Quan sect for dozens of months. He understood.

This place must be an idle stronghold.

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