There are not many beautiful monks like unclean, especially in such wild mountains.

As soon as ye Xiaogu and Buzheng walked into the yard, they saw unclean lying on the threshold in the sun.

It seemed that he heard the footsteps. He narrowed his eyes and looked at ye Xiaogu. He was not surprised to see that his arms were broken.

It's as if everything should be taken for granted.

On the contrary, it is indisputable to introduce with a smile.

"Younger martial brother, this is benefactor Ye."


Neither clean nor responsive, less casual and eager between words.

The yard is also a bumpy loess land. It is not paved with bricks and tiles like ordinary zongmen. It has lost its identity more or less.

There is also a large vegetable field on the right. There are some ordinary farm dishes such as cabbage and eggplant.

In the past years, the director was not long, but the short was not short.

Ye Xiaogu himself was eager for success. He delayed some time with Chu Qingqiu to fix the Panlong Yufeng formula. Later, he lingered with Yueji for some time.

Now I suddenly see something unclean. For a while, it is inevitable that there is a long gap between years.

At the beginning, he had been tossing the two girls for a breakthrough. Later, he suddenly realized that the world was boundless. He could not break the chain of fate, and his mind was inevitably dim.

If it weren't for breaking his arms, it would be too tragic. I'm afraid he would sink for a while.

The two people who looked at each other from a distance didn't have any meaning to speak. They were still embarrassed for a moment. They didn't know what to say when they stood next to Ye Xiao alone.

After a moment of silence, ye Xiaogu asked.

"Where is the so-called clean water?"

"Just go down the well next to the vegetable field."

"Go down?"

Indisputable took it for granted, which made ye Xiaogu's eyebrows pick, and inevitably gave him a strange look.

There is indeed a well in the vegetable field in the distance. There is someone's wheel on it, but it has been abandoned now.

If it's not indisputable, I'm afraid he won't find the so-called clean water if he turns it upside down.

Between his thoughts, he walked to the well and took a look.

He just came to the well and accidentally kicked the broken stones by the well. He only listened to the "poop", and the sound was quite far-reaching.

Maybe it's because of the rare sunshine, I didn't see what the so-called clean water looked like.

Just vaguely feel a cold surge, vaguely make people feel a little empty.

"Jump directly?"

"It should be all right to jump directly."

"Should I?"

When he heard this, he raised his eyebrows again. For a while, he really didn't know what to say.

But indisputable came over as if to give him some advice.

Seeing that he was going to talk nonsense for a long time, he simply jumped down.

In fact, in such places, some things like prohibition will be left more or less. Generally, we can't arouse our energy to avoid interference.

Ye Xiaogu didn't dare to arouse his strength, so he jumped down.

Just listen to the "pop" sound, the sound is not very loud, even a little stuffy.

The well water is not as clear as expected, even sticky, and there is a faint smell of dead branches and rotten leaves.

He subconsciously thought he had been cheated. Just when he wanted to stand up, he felt that the water under his feet seemed to be a little cold to the bone.

Such a difference was so abrupt that he subconsciously went underwater.

There was no sunshine in the well water. It was dark. I just felt that my body was getting colder and colder.

Even when it was extremely cold, the whole brain and body seemed to be separated.

Clean water to clean, clean to nourish the soul.

Gradually deeper and deeper... Colder and colder

Ye Xiaogu only felt his body sinking a little, but his soul seemed to rise slowly.

Before he could experience such a magical realm, he felt something slowly coming out of his body.

Between the glittering and translucent light and shadow from the soul overflow, it was like a fluffy pile.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold the thing, but saw the group of furry things slowly bloom, but it was a newly hairy bird. It covered its brain with its wings and looked like a plush ball.

"What is this?"

As soon as he read it, the bird emitted a faint blue brilliance in the clean water. It seemed that he was born close to him and began to fly around him.

At this moment, there was no need to say anything. He just grinned, but his heart was sour.

The clear water seemed endless, and the blue bird born from his soul danced around him.

This person and bird seem to roam in the sky and sink into the endless deep sea. They are empty everywhere. Only they interpret the beautiful scenery together.

In the small yard of Jingshui Buddhist temple, unclean waited until ye Xiaogu jumped into the well before raising his head and taking a look.

Although he didn't speak, he didn't argue, but he also understood what he wanted to ask, and smiled.

"It's righteous to cut meat and feed the eagle?"

"The eagle will eat people after all. The more you let him, the more arrogant he is."

"It's good to be arrogant."

Indisputable seems to have been very open-minded, but it is against the unclean face with a slightly sad face.

"Elder martial brother, are you really going to take a dangerous move?"

"What does it mean to say whether it is dangerous or not? He used to be an old acquaintance with us. He just helped us out a little. What's more, what's terrible now that we are left out in the cold?"


They frowned and didn't speak. They didn't say a word. The faint blue radiance slowly rose from the well in the distance, which inevitably attracted their eyes.

Indisputable, the monk was still smiling casually. When he saw the blue Guanghua, he restrained a little and said with a smile.

"Was it an accident?"

"Maybe it's not certain that she has long calculated. If she pushes the performance, he is willing to take him through the disaster, it's natural that she can't do without this excellent skill of disintegration and rebirth."

"It's also a little strange. She should have been a jade creature. Unexpectedly, she polished her appearance in addition to the magic sword, but condensed and extracted the ice phoenix soul with the blood spirit of the Heavenly Master."

"Hum! I knew that those people in Chaotian Palace had no good intentions. Why are you so sincere, senior brother?"

"It's not necessarily sincere. I just feel that there must be something moving when I come here. It's unreasonable to eat fast and chant Buddha."

The streamer in the clean water didn't move for long. After a while, it covered the sound.

Indisputable and unclean chatted casually, but they walked to the vegetable field to see the growth.

The vegetables planted in the vegetable field are farm dishes, mostly Chinese cabbage, and there are no other kinds.

The land here is extremely poor. The cabbage is not growing well. It is small and full of insects. There are few to see.

However, indisputable was quite happy, and even nodded with appreciation from time to time. He turned back and asked unclean to pour some water for him.

He looked at his elder martial brother with broken arms and frowned all the time, but he still didn't know what to say.

The absence of Ye Xiaogu in the small yard seems to restore the peace of the past, but the indisputable injury seems to be announcing something.

Dawn and dusk, day and night, time passed day by day. Somehow, the stubble of cabbage seemed to have really grown well. There were no pests, and it felt quite strong.

Even vaguely connected with the Loess on the ground, it feels a lot solidified, and the breeze blows through rare dust.

At the end of the new year, with an early first snow, a door rang in the yard late at night.

"Dong Dong ~" two muffled sounds, not urgent.

The door opened with a "squeak", and the two people looking at each other across the threshold could not say what emotion they were in.

The unclean complexion is as old as before, still as beautiful as that. Between the eyebrows and eyes, it seems that he is a Confucian scholar rather than a monk.

Ye Xiaogu stood outside the door. After half a year, he grew some green stubbles. Although his silver hair was still natural and unrestrained, he inevitably felt a sense of decadence.

He hasn't been wearing such a coat, just a pair of black pants. Now the cobweb light lines on his chest seem to have faded, and his muscles are still clear and conspicuous, showing a particularly masculine spirit.

"Where is the monk? I'll ask him something."

"You don't need to ask anything. You just need to achieve the unity of the eight gates, understand the Tao heart Bodhi and go to the Chaotian Palace."

"What happened to him?"

While talking, ye Xiaogu actually saw indisputable in the room.

The yard is not big at all. There are no Buddha statues in the Zen yard, but it seems to be an ordinary farmyard.

The tables, chairs and benches in the room should be ordinary furniture. There is only a futon with a incense table on the front, lit with a green incense, that's all.

He knelt on the futon as if he was meditating and worshipping the Buddha, but his arms were broken and he couldn't bow with his palms together. It looked a little strange.

With ye Xiaogu's gaze, the monk's broken arm wound dropped a drop of blood across the gauze.

The blood fell on the ground as if it had caused ripples, and the whole place was full of vitality.

The Qi strength spread quickly. Each circle of Qi strength seemed to have great strength, but it was not aimed at the two people in front of the door.

Ye Xiaogu frowned secretly and observed the movement around him. When he looked carefully, he noticed that with the momentum, the Loess in the yard had unknowingly turned into fertile black soil.

Even without the nourishment of rain, the whole courtyard seems to have changed for nothing.


"The pure water sealed the underground spiritual pulse. Now it's dyed by you. Naturally, it can be regarded as restoring this aura."

"Can purified water seal the spiritual pulse?"

Although he explained this, he still felt a little stunned.

Between his thoughts, he wanted to see indisputable, but unclean had been standing behind the door and didn't give in, and he couldn't break in.

"What happened to your senior brother?"

"It's dead."


"What are the reasons for birth, old age and death?"

He didn't take it for granted. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

But for indisputable, his impression is actually very good. I didn't expect him to die suddenly now.

Although the unclean monk didn't say anything cruel, he was so expressionless behind the door that he must not be able to speak.

Ye Xiaogu hesitated and turned to leave. Before leaving, he turned back and saluted Buzheng.

Although he did not break the monk's arms at the beginning, he could not "get rid of" the relationship. Now, he also took it as a gift.

Out of the low gate, the light snow in the sky fell like fine silver chips. It seems that these happy "off" elves dotted the atmosphere. I don't know when a woman's virtual shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

The woman didn't say a word, so she put her hand around him.

Ye Xiaogu's footsteps slowed down and the corners of her mouth raised slightly. She knew that she was just a virtual shadow and didn't reach out to do anything. She just stood quietly without saying anything.

After a while, the woman slowly faded away, and he jumped up. The thunder wings behind him flew across the sky in an instant.

Indisputable monk is a little strange, but he doesn't want to ask about the reason at the moment.

Wang Pei's soul is separated from him. Now it doesn't have an entity. He still needs to find a place for her.

As like as two peas, she is a monster. She usually finds a woman who has a common woman. But Ye Xiaogu wants the same old Wang Pei, who is just like the same plump and gorgeous woman.

The essence and shape have their origin. If you practice with your soul, you should actually become one of the ghost families. Unfortunately, this girl is the most extreme dragon and Phoenix in the world, and she is contaminated with the karma of heaven.

If ye Xiaogu entered the ghost world by killing industry, it might destroy the ice Phoenix blood on her, and even change her temperament.

So now the best way is to find a spiritual jade body and practice it again for a hundred years to turn into a human form.

The map given by Bu Jing when he was in wandaomeng is just a little useful now. Although the Jingshui Zen temple is not very conspicuous on the map, it is more or less marked.

Linjiang city and Yuequan sect actually went to the water purification temple. When they silently took him to resist the sky, it was estimated that they looked at him in a wrong state and deliberately changed their direction to bring him to the water purification temple.

Relying on the purified water to restore Wang Pei's soul, it can be regarded as a temporary peace of mind.

Now there is still some distance to go back to the main road. There is a place on the road that he needs.

Changleji is 30000 miles east of yuequanzong. It is a famous commercial city within a radius of 10000 miles nearby.

It usually takes a little half a month to travel from the water purification Zen temple to changleji. In a hurry, ye Xiaogu directly led Lei Guanghua wing to compress the journey to three days by the power of the vast ghost road.

The light and shadow at the beginning of the morning is slightly cold at the end of the year. From a distance, a huge city lies across the plain.

There are no doors and walls. At a glance, they are all pavilions and palaces. The outermost circle is full of secular houses, mostly brick and tile houses. In the city, there are rich and exquisite pavilions and palaces, flashing light and extraordinary style.

Most of the monks who came and went went away with their swords. For a moment, the sky was full of streamers.

Occasionally, there are some earthly caravans, with long carriages and horses. They also rely on this place to do business.

Changleji is not a serious city. At first, it was just an ordinary crossing.

The terrain here is relatively flat, and there are mountains nearby. Only here is a great plain, which naturally attracts many ordinary people.

Although the monks in the secluded world are one level higher than ordinary people, some secular sects are actually looking for disciples among these people.

Over time, there are also friars' sect doors here. In addition, the terrain here is gathered in all directions, including ordinary people and friars. Naturally, it has become a city-state.

The hidden world should have many spiritual channels. There are many mountains and rivers. Generally, there are few such suitable plains, so most commercial towns will be in such places.

It was a winter morning at the moment. Ordinary people were sleeping sweetly in their nests, and most of the people walking on the street were monks in Chinese clothes.

With the occasional flash of imperial sword in the sky, most of these friars come and go in a hurry.

Suddenly! With the sound of "bang", a ray of thunder suddenly fell from the sky!

Among the crowd, those who respond quickly immediately hide, and some directly sacrifice magic weapons and have to fight!

Unexpectedly, there was a handsome man with silver hair who was wearing only a pair of black pants and showed a concise body. At the moment, he was looking up at a gold paint signboard by the road.

"Jin Guifang"

If changleji is a place of Commerce and trade with a radius of tens of thousands of miles nearby, then this jinguifang is even one of the signboards.

Apart from the gate face of the 14th entrance and the nine storey archway, more than 10000 mu of land behind is the territory under the name of Jin Guifang, which has everything to eat, drink and have fun.

Ye Xiaogu took a simple look and went straight in, but just now his handsome appearance swept the limelight of many people.

Before he took a step, a handsome sword repairman stopped the sword and frowned.

"Friends are strangers. Where is the fairy house?"

"Do you have money?"


This Junlang sword repair hasn't responded yet, but ye Xiaogu faintly looks around at the people who are rubbing their hands around.

"I need Lingshi. One person can buy ten thousand Lingshi at a fair price."


"Who is he x?"

"Arrogant child!"


As soon as these words were finished, many friars around immediately burst into a pot. Originally, several wanted to calm down, but now they were about to pull out their long sword.

It's just


Before he could do it, he saw a black breath beside the silver haired man standing among the people!

Those black Qi, like wisdom, walked quickly at the feet of everyone and entangled everyone!

In the twinkling of an eye, even many monks didn't have time to respond.

Only ye Xiaogu repeated it leisurely.

"Pay for your life."

"You him x..."

Some people in the crowd subconsciously scolded, but before the words were finished, they directly wiped the black air. Unexpectedly, Sheng Sheng was wiped out and couldn't even see a little blood on the spot!

Not to mention the cultivation realm of the friar, it is shocking to say that this strange black gas kills everyone invisible.

The rest of the monks were silent, and the knowledgeable ones had taken out the brocade bag.

Ye Xiaogu looked as usual, not happy or sad. It seemed that he had expected the result long ago.

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