"Coincidentally, I really think he is a good man. Isn't it a good man to give me such a good daughter-in-law?"

When he said such a joke, Zhao Ya tilted her mouth and didn't answer.

But in addition to the words, she also vaguely felt something wrong, and subconsciously reached out and touched her wrist.

Ye Xiaogu saw it clearly and directly reached out to hold her hand. Without saying a word, he pulled up her sleeve.

The girl's hand is just wearing an emerald bracelet. It doesn't look strange.

"Take it off."


"Take down this jade bracelet and I'll study it."

"I don't want it."

"Do you think I'm joking with you now?"

His face sank slightly, but it was rare for him to put on his face. Zhao Ya was not willing to talk to him, but she was really guilty, so she had to raise her hand and say.

"He didn't give it to me. It's from my family."

"Ancestral? I'm also from your family."


"If you tell a lie, you won't look at people. Your eyes have been floating and you have the face to tell me about your ancestors?"

Between these words, ye Xiaogu dragged the jade bracelet on the girl's hand for a while. She was also stubborn. She couldn't help but use some cunning force to prevent him from taking off the bracelet.

He pulled it twice and didn't pull it out. He vaguely understood the girl's mind. Without saying a word, he suddenly came to her mouth and kissed her.

This time, Zhao Ya was also slightly stunned, but he also joked.

"You see, I have to have a daughter again."


She was stunned and didn't answer. Instead, ye Xiaogu stretched out his hand and pulled down the jade bracelet directly with her stunned Kung Fu.

There is no trace of aura between the jade bracelets, and the style is no different from that of ordinary bracelets. If you really want to say, there may be a few golden red dark lines.

This dark pattern looks familiar. After looking carefully, he thought that there seemed to be such a golden red dark pattern in the jade pendant Qin Feng gave him when he first met in Jin Guifang.

At first, he said he had seen through the calculation of the surname Qin, but in fact, it was not. The golden red dark pattern in the jade pendant was similar to the simple pen of the seal character, and there was no trace of aura. Ordinary monks could not feel it, let alone study it.

Ye Xiaogu is just cheating. In fact, he doesn't have any research on this thing.

"Do you know what this jade bracelet is made of?"


"Madam, you still want to protect the Qin at this time?"

"Shut up! Shameless villain!"

"Don't be shameless. Do you know this thing?"

He repeatedly asked, but Zhao ya just tilted her small face and didn't speak.

Seeing the girl with frost and snow and not easy to approach, he didn't want to talk to her. He didn't have a clue. He threw his backhand on the ground!

The girl didn't have time to respond for a moment. She just listened to the "pa" sound. The jade bracelet fell to the ground and cracked. The golden red dark lines inside seemed to be a kind of energy. As soon as the jade bracelet cracked, it dispersed.

As soon as the misty fog rose, ye Xiaogu obviously felt something wrong. He hurried back a few steps, hugged Zhao Ya and retreated to one side.

The golden red mist in the jade bracelet kept rising and fluctuating, and soon led to a human shape. He said he couldn't see the appearance clearly, but he also clearly felt that it was the breath of the Lord of Jin Guifang.

"Ha ha ha!"

As soon as he saw the man in the Qi, he laughed wildly. He hugged Zhao Ya thoughtlessly and kissed him. He looked at the rising fog arrogantly.

Zhao Ya was wronged. Liu Mei frowned and was going to make trouble with him.

Unexpectedly, a childe's fan suddenly stretched out in the rising fog!

I saw a man coming out of it!

Ye Xiaogu saw it clearly and hurriedly dragged Zhao ya to run. Unexpectedly, the girl seemed to react at last. She just didn't go.

Seeing her clubbing, he directly touched her stomach and pretended to be cold.

"Are you going? If you don't, let the Qin see what you and I have done!"


The girl didn't want to leave, but when he talked about it, she felt a burst of grievance and helplessness.

Naturally, she didn't want to let Qin know about it. After several struggles, she turned to Yukong and left.

Alone left ye Xiaogu standing in place, waiting for a person to appear in the fog.

It was like magic in the rising and fluctuating fog, but a young man in royal clothes came out in a moment.

He looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on ye Xiaogu. Then he looked down at the broken jade bracelet and said casually.

"This bracelet is good. It's a pity to fall."

"Your daughter is also good. Don't you think it's a pity to give it to me?"

"Brother Ye has a great mind. Can't you guess what I want to do?"

"What do you want to do? Can I see the silver carp picture on her back?"

"Not bad."

Qin Feng's mouth was slightly raised. The childe fan in his hand was habitually fanned, looked around the forest and said.

"Brother Ye is a talented person. He has the destiny of heaven and earth, so he can't follow around. He can get great opportunities every once in a while. The thousand machine silver carp manual is one of them."


"Ice Phoenix blood counts as the second."

Between these words, although he spoke casually, he also had all kinds of calculations.

Although ye Xiaogu knew that his mind was not simple, he didn't expect that Zhao Ya had some secrets.

"You know I won't use her as my wife's host, so you will give her to me?"

"Yes, I pushed that she had this treasure, but I didn't dare to test it easily for fear that the change of heaven might destroy it."

"The secret of heaven changes? I'm afraid you're afraid you can't get it."

"It can also be said."

Qin Feng smiled. The childe fan in his hand was all at random, and there was no sense of impatience on his face.

Although ye Xiaogu ordered the girl to leave just now, with her cultivation, she could be caught up even if she ran a few more hours, let alone if she lingered on the road for a while.

Don't worry about catching up with her. Naturally, they don't mind talking for a while.

It seems that he noticed Qin Feng's free and magnanimous, and ye Xiaogu frowned slightly and asked.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Dan, it's almost over."

"Is there anything underground in Dongling city?"

"There is a secret collection. If brother Ye wants to, Qin is willing to take a close look with brother Ye."

"Hum! I'm afraid I can't do it without going?"

Jin Kwai Fong's major is far better than him. It can even be said that it's not too much to crush completely.

Since the game has been set, he has no intention to struggle, so he can only wait and see the change.

Qin Feng seemed to be surprised. He was calm and calm. He slapped the childe twice. He pretended to be natural and unrestrained for a while, and his eyes returned to him.

"Interesting... Don't you seem to be going to resist?"

"If I could beat you, I would have done it."

"You don't have to be so absolute. Brother Ye has talent and noble support. It's not difficult to beat me."

"That's nice to say. I'm afraid your accomplishments have exceeded my realm for several times."

"How many realms? Brother Ye joked. Brother Ye's cultivation at the moment should be in the empty realm. In fact, Qin's cultivation is only a line higher than brother Ye."

"Just a line higher? Joke, you could easily put me down with one fan at the beginning. Both body method and strength are far better than me."

Ye Xiaogu clearly remembered the battle in the courtyard behind Jin Guifang. He was indifferent to his moves. He was afraid that his cultivation was higher than him.

He looked at Qin Feng with such eyes. Instead, Qin Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, unfolded the folding fan and picked a leaf from the tree on one side.

When the leaves fell into his hands, there was a flash of gold and red, and in the twinkling of an eye, it seemed that nothing had happened.

"What does brother ye see?"

"You crushed all the roots of the leaves with real yuan."

"Good eyesight, but not necessarily."

After saying this, he threw the leaves in his hand. It was clear that the veins of the leaves seen by Ye Xiaogu were all broken into powder. Now it seems that the leaves are falling with the wind, but there is no sign of damage.

For a moment, he could not help frowning, and his heart was vaguely suspicious of life.

The feeling just now should be right. The whole leaf has been smashed in a flash of golden red brilliance, but why does it look no different now?

Seeing him frowning, Qin Feng didn't mean to continue to sell off. The childe fan in his hand spread, fanned twice and said with a smile.

"Brother ye, do you know the saying that one leaf blocks the eyes? One leaf is in the eye, and all things are gone. It's not that the eyes have no sense, it's just that the mind is not clear. Cultivating the body is still empty. Ordinary monks can't advance inch for thousands of years. I'm higher than brother Ye. It's not self modesty, but pride."


"To return to the void, you need to understand the five elements and clarify your mind and soul. The separation of the five elements is contained in heaven and earth, and your mind and soul are accessible and can insight into the world. Brother Ye's real yuan has dispersed and has become a phase of scattered skills. If you open the centrifugal spirit, you will make a hundred progress in a day."

"You seem to be teaching me?"

Although he boasted a few words between these words, he didn't mean to give directions.

Ye Xiaogu has always regarded the leader of Jin Guifang as an enemy. Now he feels a little uncomfortable listening to his teaching.

Qin Feng smiled when he heard the speech. The childe fan in his hand was still a leisurely fan, quite handsome.

"Qin has long said that brother Ye is the destiny. Those who obey will reach and those who go against will die. However, people with some brains will not easily make enemies with brother Ye. It is a great success to follow around and be contaminated with some destiny."

"After you said that, I really felt a little invincible. If I hadn't been lame and climbed for more than half a year, I really believed your nonsense."

"Brother ye said with a smile that Qin is just a little alchemist. All his practices and schemes are based on the deduction of fate. If there is a way, it is not accurate, it is inevitable to lose. Even if something goes wrong, you can't go back to me to ask for a crime?"

He always smiled when he spoke. Even though ye Xiaogu was secretly afraid, he inevitably felt a lot softer.

After all, he didn't hit the smiling man. Even if he knew it was a smiling tiger and didn't get a bite from him, he always felt that he was a cat.

The two of them chatted so trivial in the forest. Ye Xiaogu deliberately wanted to cover Zhao Ya's departure. Seeing that Qin Feng didn't do it, he simply continued to consume it.

"Qin, what else did you do to me except the silver carp picture on Zhao ya, my wife's ice Phoenix blood and the secret collection of Dongling city?"

"Enough. The way of heaven plans to suffer from inequality and gain and loss. It's greedy to care too much."

"I think you are greedy enough. Is the silver carp map a magic weapon?"

"Not really. It's just a wedge."


The childe fan in Qin Feng's hand seemed to hesitate or think of something.

This was clearly just a simple question. He suddenly looked up strangely and looked at ye Xiaogu. He was so forced that ye Xiaogu almost had to do it secretly.

Just as the sword was drawn, he sighed and said faintly.

"The wedge is a mysterious skill."

"Mysterious skill?"

"It's just for brother Heye. If you have a chance, brother ye will take it himself."

"What do you mean?"

Qin Feng suddenly changed his tone. Ye Xiaogu couldn't accept it for a moment.

But at the moment, he seemed to be in a faint of interest. He slapped the childe twice, closed the fan directly and said.

"It's almost time. It's time to go back to Dongling city."

"You haven't said what the silver carp picture is. Why did you go back to Dongling city now?"


When he heard the speech, he suddenly glanced at ye Xiaogu coldly. This sudden killing intention almost made ye Xiaogu start to move.

Just when the two were deadlocked, a flash of light suddenly flashed in the distance!

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously frowned and looked back. The flash of light showed two figures.

One of the women, dressed in a red dress, looked beautiful, but now she looked a little angry.

Another man was dressed in a royal dress, handsome and elegant, and held a childe fan in his hand.

"The soul incarnation of distraction?!"

As soon as he read it, he frowned and was going to turn back and say something to Qin Feng. Unexpectedly, Zhao Ya trotted over and slapped her hand!

He didn't react for a moment. He just listened to the crisp sound of "pa", and was directly slapped.

"Ye! You're shameless! Pro... You won't have children at all!"

"You said kiss?"


The girl was still a little ashamed, but this time she slapped him in the face.

He had suffered a loss before. How could he slap her again?

As soon as Zhao Yagang raised his hand, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. As soon as he turned back, he blinked like a show off to Qin Feng.

"Why should I suddenly change my face and kiss her? If ye really makes some noise, you won't kill me?"


"What's the fate of heaven? It's divine. As a result, you can't steal chicken and eat rice. Now do you still want this girl back?"

"Go back to Dongling city first."

Qin Feng, who had been leisurely before, looked indifferent now. Although he didn't see any anger, he was probably in a bad mood at the moment.

If ordinary people see that others are in a bad mood, they probably don't want to touch the bad luck. It's just that ye Xiaogu is the master of good things. At present, instead of converging by half, he pushed Zhao Ya in his arms and joked.

"The one surnamed Qin is right ahead. Don't you chase the girl?"

"Don't be so shameless!"

"It's shameless of me to ask you to go after me. Is it because your little girl has done something sorry?"

While talking, he kept smiling at Zhao ya, as if he wanted to return all the grievances just now.

But the person in front of him is not a soft persimmon, but a virtual realm expert whose cultivation is a line higher than him.

"Chi" sound!

There was no sound. A blood line suddenly flashed across ye Xiaogu's face, and the blood slowly flowed down.

Qin Feng turned his back to them. He couldn't see what expression he had for a moment. He just listened to him indifferently.

"Go back to Dongling city first. Don't delay the time."

"No, it's not too late to play again. Look at this girl. She's so obedient. It's not fun. I'm sorry for brother Qin's gift twice."


Obviously, the atmosphere was not quite right. Ye Xiaogu seemed to have no feeling. He smiled and joked about himself, holding Zhao Ya's chin and joked.

"Why does my husband feel like there's something on his face? Madam, look what's going on?"

Zhao Ya subconsciously frowned and wanted to slap him, but looking at the blood marks on his face, she faintly felt that the atmosphere between the two was not quite right.

At this time, she should have gone directly to find Qin Feng, but she suddenly stretched out her hand to wipe the blood mark on ye Xiaogu's face, pretending to be indifferent.

"Nothing, a little ash."

"Oh? A little ash? No wonder it feels strange."

This bloodstain seemed to fade the tense atmosphere in the field.

Qin Feng, who is walking in front of him, seems to have no intention to tangle here. He will leave with his own steps.

Unexpectedly, when the little misunderstanding was about to fade, ye Xiaogu suddenly said a word.

"Ya'er, my ya lady."


Zhao Yawen subconsciously doubted. She has been listening to him joking these days, and didn't feel anything wrong for a moment.

Seeing that she was so obedient, ye Xiaogu suddenly looked at Qin Feng's back and smiled.

"Come and kiss your husband."


The words fell and resounded.

Not to mention Zhao Ya's dismay, Qin Feng, who had taken a few steps before, also slowed down, vaguely meaning to start.

But at this time, ye Xiaogu added fuel to the fire.

"Why? Is my elegant lady ashamed? Didn't she often come to me before..."

The words are not finished, and the light is shining!

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