The huge crack is tens of feet wide, just like a glance opened in the night.

Although this crack was set by the disciples of the Taoist school in the past, it is supposed to be mysterious and abnormal. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the aura inside has been exhausted, and the Taoist array has become much more fragile.

Only after opening for an hour, the space around the whole crack has begun to produce rippling ripples, which vaguely looks like it can't stabilize the boundary.

Almost all the disciples who participated in the Dongling Dan Club entered the Dongling secret collection. The originally lively Dan Club turned cold and deserted in the twinkling of an eye.

The mud at the head of the city occasionally fell down, and the sound of "patter" was quite abrupt.

There was a flash of light in the sky. When the flash of light came, I saw a handsome man with half wings and thunder wings behind him, holding a woman in red in his arms.

They flew to the side of the city wall and saw the crack on the abandoned hall from a distance. For a moment, it was inevitable to look at each other.

"Go in?"

"Or you want to wait outside?"

"That's OK."


Zhao Ya snorted coldly. Although she knew he was just joking, she flashed a little disdain on her face.

Ye Xiaogu stood on the wall and hesitated a little. The space-time crack in the distance didn't seem abrupt in the night. If you really want to say, he didn't see such a crack.

It was through such space-time cracks that I came to this secluded world long ago.

However, the crack in Dongling city looks a little unstable, and the surrounding space is constantly distorted like the water surface, which vaguely means that it can't stick to it.

Although there is not necessarily only one exit in the secret collection, the crack is so unstable at present. Once you go in and want to come out, I'm afraid it will really take some effort.

Between his thoughts, he hesitated secretly. Unexpectedly, Zhao Ya beat away his hand and rushed to the crack.

Between the lightning and flint, he couldn't care about anything else for a moment, and subconsciously caught up!

The girl had slowed down before she rushed into the crack. He just caught up and hugged her.

Before she could say more, she suddenly took two steps forward and pulled him into the crack.

The darkness was endless, and the surrounding space was like a misty spring with ripples, which turned into another scene in the twinkling of an eye.

The yellow sand everywhere stretches from south to north, as if it is endless. As soon as the hot wind rolls and the gravel is brushed on the face, people unconsciously raise the idea of some concession.

Just a simple look like this makes people feel a burst of unspeakable heat rising in their hearts, not only the Yellow sandy desert climate, but the mood at the bottom of their hearts.

"This place..."

In the desert, ye Xiaogu's subconscious whisper made Zhao Ya look back at him smartly, waiting for him to show his divine power with joy.

Unexpectedly, he said faintly.

"It's so hot."

"Ye, you make a strange face for me again!"

During this conversation, Zhao Ya was really angry. When she raised her hand, she would slap him.

But he covered it with a shy smile, then raised his head, looked around and frowned.

"There's no sign around here. How do you go next?"

"I have the order of elder martial brother. Just follow me. Let's meet him first."


"Otherwise? Are you going to go out by yourself?"

"I really have the idea that we should take two steps?"

When he said this, the girl had no intention of fooling around with him, but when she thought about it, she seemed to think of something, and even nodded as an answer.

"Well, if you can think of anything, it's not a waste of time."

She frowned and said such a sentence, but ye Xiaogu smiled and joked.

"Is that really it?"

Zhao Ya frowned, stared at him and said angrily.

"What do you mean, that's all?"

"I wonder if you like me if you have to go alone with me?"

"I like you, uncle!"

The girl looked at him with a wink. For a moment, she was ashamed and angry. When she raised her hand, she slapped him.

But as soon as he reached out with a playful smile, he pulled her into his arms and whispered in a joke.

"I saw you secretly touch my abdominal muscles the night before yesterday. Does it look very exciting?"

"Can you stop being so narcissistic? Do you really think how handsome you are?"

"Looks like a person, but physical talent can't be fake. Don't believe you have a special sense of power to touch it?"


While talking, he took Zhao Ya's hand and touched her abdominal muscles. For a moment, he frightened the girl and jumped away like a mouse who met a cat.

In addition to this simple joke, the surrounding desert is still as long as ever, and it is impossible to distinguish between North and south.

Although they were standing in the desert without moving around, it was difficult for them to have any clue for a moment.

There is no array prohibition around. I feel that the real energy is normal, but there is no sun in the sky. It looks a little strange.

He always had no magic weapon. Even if he found the magic sword in the northern region, it was destroyed in a few days.

As for Zhao ya, she was used to hiding her mind. She wanted to pretend that she had to feed her meals in front of him.

She didn't say, and ye Xiaogu pretended to be confused. He directly led Lei Guanghua's wing to hold her and walked towards the desert first.

I walked hundreds of miles in the air all the way, but I didn't see any trace at all.

In the long yellow sand, footprints are unreliable. Moreover, most of the monks who come in have good cultivation and travel thousands of miles in the sky. It's really difficult to find a clue for a moment.

"How long do you want to walk aimlessly?"

"It's not urgent. Let's talk slowly first."


Although it didn't last long, the girl seemed to feel something bad at the moment. She frowned and looked around at the news.

The long yellow sand seems endless. It's not a dangerous place to suffer, but it makes people feel some unconscious panic.

Perhaps he felt Zhao Ya's mood. He patted the girl on the back and comforted her.

"Don't panic, everything has me. Compared with the desert I've been to before, it's really nothing. At that time, the desert was endless, hot and sweating..."

"Can you stop shooting?"

"I'm used to it. I used to like this when I coaxed my two daughters to sleep."

"You still have two daughters in your family?"

There was no clue in the desert for a moment. She was idle and bored. She asked curiously.

Speaking of the past, ye Xiaogu didn't hide it at all. He told her everything in detail.

Everything from yipinju to Maoshan.

Zhao Ya had just asked casually. Now, listening to him talk about the past, her mind is gradually full of joy, sadness and joy.

He used to be a gag, and his words were inexplicably infectious.

Those past events one by one, as if she had experienced them with him.

Bao'er left confused and confused to the excitement of the first dragon's gate meeting, but then he couldn't give advice and couldn't practice... He went up and down all the way and stumbled until now.

This seemingly handsome and casual silver haired man also has a different vicissitudes of life from ordinary people.

Zhao Ya listened. A pair of bright eyes unconsciously flashed some complex emotions. Ye Xiaogu looked really, and touched her easily, which surprised the girl to frown.

"What are you doing?!"

He raised his mouth slightly and joked without skin or face.

"Isn't the atmosphere in place? What's the matter? Come and have a competition?"

"Get out! Get out as far as you can!"

Between the words, she just yelled.

Unexpectedly, ye Xiaogu shamelessly came up and kissed her, which made her seem to blow her hair at once. She almost didn't scratch his face.

But beyond the joke, the girl seemed to think of something and asked tentatively.

"Where have you seen a disciple of Confucianism? What does she look like?"

"Want to know?"

"Love does not say."

"Then I won't say."

He shut up and flew away to the distance. Unexpectedly, Zhao Ya was annoyed and fluttered in his arms for a while.

It seems that ye Xiaogu always has a temperament that annoys girls. Every woman always makes trouble around him for a while.

The blue thunder wings were not conspicuous in the sky. They walked in the sky without two steps, and the girl made trouble again.

He watched the girl really keep on, subconsciously frowned and said perfunctorily.

"Give me a kiss and I'll say."

"Ye, can you have some face?"

"It's a coincidence that when someone Ye has walked in the world for so many years and hasn't had a face several times, I want it, and others probably don't want to give it."


Although it was a joke, he said it inexplicably with the meaning of vicissitudes.

At the beginning, he played the clown as a gag and climbed step by step. Now, he is still under such calculations.

It's not true to say it's a soft persimmon, but it's true that everyone can pinch it twice.

Between his thoughts, the mood in his heart darkened, but his mouth suddenly warmed slightly.

Zhao Ya saw some red clouds on her pretty face. She was too ashamed at the moment.

But before she was ashamed for a while, she listened to ye Xiaogu's insipid words.

"I asked you to kiss. What do you mean?"


"Tongue, hand, expression and body language? Shall I teach you?"

"I teach you, sir! It's shameless!"

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