To be idle, in fact, it is not that there is nothing to do, but there is a person chatting at the moment. Naturally, he is a lot lazy.

The morning and dusk changes can be seen outside the window, and stars can even be seen faintly. However, this is not the reality of the outside world, but the change in the magic array.

Ye Xiaogu walked to the lamp that had not been used for a long time and led out a fire. At this moment, he seemed to think of something and asked casually.

"Shiying was born to you and me, but it should not be what I understand?"

"Why not? That's what you understand!"

"Was it really born in October?"

He turned back and happened to see Zhao Ya nodding in a serious way. Before the girl could perform for a while, he lit a lamp and went straight to her. He bounced at her forehead.

"October pregnancy? Really October pregnancy can make you so happy? It's obviously made by the power of your blood and my blood."

"You know that?"

"How can I not know?"

He pretended to be profound and took the girl's hand and looked at the window.

The sky outside the window has already dimmed down. The evolution of the magic array is not perfect. There is no scenery at a glance, but nothing can be seen in the dark.

"But in the final analysis, she is also unique. She should be old. Where is she now?"


He asked so casually that Zhao Ya didn't answer.

Ye Xiaogu curiously tilted his head to see her look, but saw her light glance at him.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I just thought you really recovered your memory. Now you've only recovered some fragmentary memories."

"So what? Are you still trying to perfunctory me now?"

"Is perfunctory you, is deceived you, what can you do?"

"How about that? It's really funny. There's something else to discuss. Clean up your little girl and I'll work out a pattern for you in a minute."

"Go away ~ dog lame!"

Zhao Ya didn't really want to talk to him, but he smiled and wanted to talk. She really couldn't bear it.

At this moment, she just scolded. Ye Xiaogu looked at her with a smile and helped her trim her sideburns. There was no deep friendship in her eyes, but it also warmed her heart.

The two were not a good match in the past. He was domineering and paranoid by nature. She was the girl robbed by him, so she would not have any good feelings for him.

He was simply more bitter than timid. He was used to his usual bullying. Listening to his soft words in a few words, the girl was moved to death for a moment.

She turned her head to look at the fading sky and said softly.

"There's nothing to talk about. The girl has long gone."


This remark, like a sudden thunder on the ground, fell in his ear and stunned him for a moment.

Originally, some loose memories swept in an instant. Between the light and shadow, he seemed to see a baby wrapped in countless cumbersome symbols.

The majestic Qi surges with the aura, causing countless brilliance in the world.

However, just when everything was going well, a flash of light suddenly flashed. A man rushed into the array and robbed the baby who was still in his infancy.

The memory of the moment ended here. Ye Xiaogu was slightly stunned and subconsciously looked at his hands.

Because in that memory, he clearly remembered that the light and shadow were not in a hall or house, but in a huge dark cave.

The surging blood color fluctuated like the tide, and even just looking back, you can feel the pungent smell of blood.

"What's that? Why do I cast magic in that place?"

As soon as he read it, he had some doubts in his heart. The next moment, a pain in the back of his head made him subconsciously cover his head and hum.

The picture in the memory turned, the cold wind mat was wrapped in ice and frost, and the friars and demon families were in a tight position to watch him.

"Northern region?!"

In a flash of amazement, before he had time to think about it, suddenly his feet were soft and he was going to sit on the ground.

Zhao Ya's reaction was good. She reached out and helped him to stand still.

"What's the matter? What do you think of? The past is over. Don't keep thinking like a draught."


He closed his eyes and sighed. He didn't answer for a moment, but everything in his mind really lingered.

Where did the child who engraved the seal characters in the blood cave go? Why do you face the siege of many monks and demon families in the northern region?

All these thoughts are too cumbersome for him to tell the cause and effect.

Zhao Ya looked at his frown, rubbed his forehead and said softly.

"Since it is already reincarnation, what are you doing now?"

"... why did I never die?"

"What never dies?"

"Whether it's a hundred or a thousand generations, why do I still retain my original memory? Why can I still have this talent?"

She patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Who knows what you have done to keep your memory. Maybe you still want revenge."

After saying this, the girl unconsciously flashed a different color in her eyes, but ye Xiaogu didn't notice.

"Revenge? Why did the heavenly master die that day? Why did I ask you to have a child?"

"I don't care about you."

Zhao Ya was also flustered in her heart. She casually gave an excuse and was about to leave.

But before she took a step, ye Xiaogu grabbed her arm directly, which made her face panic and almost didn't move her hand directly.

Ye Xiaogu's mind was in a mess at the moment. He really didn't want to make any trouble with the girl. He just looked at her and frowned slightly.

"Mrs. ya, I know my life is miserable and I don't want to ask you anything, but you have a chance with me. Now have the heart to see me so embarrassed?"

"I'd love to. What's the matter?"

It's good that he didn't say this. When he opened his mouth, it seemed that the girl had said something long ago. He couldn't answer him for a long time.

If he hadn't experienced so many rights and wrongs before, maybe he could joke with the girl.

But now he is really not in the mood to quarrel with her.

What's more, the girl's cultivation is good. She doesn't want to speak. It's useless for him to ask.

The topic between the two people was temporarily relaxed. Ye Xiaogu sighed dejectedly and didn't think about anything else for a while.

After all, this situation has been here for thousands of years. Now he is facing not only himself, but also a large group of overhaul talents who have been practicing for thousands of years. It is too difficult to ask the cause and effect just by his ability.

"Forget it, madam. Come with me for a while."

"Entertainment? Why should I accompany you for entertainment?"

"Zhao ya, you?"

"What are you? You lame dog. You don't have the ability to play now. What else do you want to do?"


The girl seemed to suddenly realize that the person in front of her was no longer the Taoist master who used to call the wind and rain, but a minor monk with shallow cultivation.

With her momentum, ye Xiaogu couldn't help raising his eyebrows for a moment, approached her ear and whispered a joke, which made the girl stare at him, but she still didn't do anything.

"Are you going to be so proud for hundreds of years?"

"Then why not?"

"I don't care. I'm bored anyway."

"Ye, tell me again!"

"There's nothing to say."

He responded lazily and annoyed the girl for a moment.

In the past, she was captured by him when she was still ignorant. If it weren't for her, she would have been transformed by the spirit bird white feather Yao bird. There were no relatives and friends in this world.

I'm afraid he killed many demon families guarding her when he was a Heavenly Master, which can be regarded as deep hatred.

It's really because she was ignorant at the beginning, so now she has only fear and no hatred for him.

Otherwise, he would have hated the yellow spring for a long time, and there was absolutely no such thing after that.

Ye Xiaogu also knew that his situation was not very good. At this moment, he didn't have to ask her one, two or three questions. He looked back at the night sky and said casually.

"Ya'er used to be afraid of me?"

"I'm afraid of your fart ~"

"That's fear. Why? I don't remember I beat and scolded you."

"Hum ~ still beating and scolding? You are a murderer, cold-blooded and ruthless..."

"All right, all right, I see."

"You know shit!"

These days she was finally free. It seemed that she suddenly understood her position and began to scold.

This time, I scolded quite soundly without saying anything.

Ye Xiaogu looked out of the window and didn't answer. His silence made the girl feel guilty for a moment.

"Why don't you talk back?"

"There's no need to answer back. The old gratitude and hatred are now cleared up."


"Besides, I also like listening to you. My voice is good. It's not soft or waxy, but it's good."


At night, the wind blew through his sideburns, and his long silver hair was slightly raised, setting off his side face and the black robe decorated with golden dragon, which inexplicably made Zhao ya feel in a trance.

In the past, all sorts of things floated in her mind. She was in awe of the person in front of her. It was difficult to break her feelings for a moment. Now, the changes of years still do not change.

She had habitually lowered her head to stand respectfully behind him, but somehow, the mood in her heart suddenly reached out and hugged him.

Ye Xiaogu was stunned when he looked at the night sky outside the window. He was suddenly held by the girl. He was really frightened for a moment. Then he joked.

"Don't you say you don't want to? Why are you still entangled now?"

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