It's good that ye xiaoguben didn't say this. It was very difficult for him to come back. At this moment, he also dragged her and had to clean her up.

They were used to playing like this, and they didn't feel bleak between tossing and turning.

The yellow sand magic array in Dongling's Secret collection is extraordinary. It can lock the changes of time and space, and there are many residual techniques such as mirror image Tianyan, obviously to wait for ye Xiaogu to come back.

If it weren't for Zhao Ya's repeated interruptions, I'm afraid he really thought it was this white daughter-in-law who arranged these things behind the scenes.

Although the memories of and her remain in my mind, which can be regarded as knowing the root and bottom, it is difficult to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the changes of years over the thousands of years.

To put it simply, the girl was captured by him to deal with the disaster in the past. It's really reasonable to plan on him.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu was happy with Zhao ya, but the gloom at the bottom of his eyes never disappeared.

The girl was originally an exquisite heart. Looking at his smiling appearance, she guessed what he thought and sneered.

"Don't be tired of it. It's disgusting to see you like an old bacon!"

"Why is Bacon disgusting?"

"Bah! I don't want to talk to you."

"Why don't you want to talk? Didn't you say it well just now?"

"Hum! You think I don't know what you're thinking with your gloomy face."

"What am I thinking?"

Although ye Xiaogu was exposed, he grinned and didn't feel guilty at all.

But Zhao Ya was also an exquisite master, and said straight with a sneer.

"Don't pretend. You think I don't know you've been doubting me?"

"What do I doubt you do? Aren't you my ya lady? You and I know the root and the bottom. What reason do I doubt you?"

"Hum! Know your roots? I'm afraid you don't have much trust in this place from the beginning."

"You can see that, too?"

His playful smile made the girl snort again.

They are all old foxes who have lived for thousands of years. When Zhang San meets Li Si, don't look down on anyone.

Zhao Ya seemed to be tired of his playful trick. With a cold hum, she pointed straight out of the window and said.

"The heaven and earth in this magic array have changed, and it will be a reincarnation opportunity in hundreds of years. Do you think I can lay such an array that can be reincarnated for 3600 years with my cultivation?"

"Lady Ya's lack of this ability doesn't mean that others don't have this ability. Besides, the big tripod and mirror heaven performance previously arranged outside the hall, which isn't arranged in advance?"

"Ye, do you really want to break the casserole and ask to the end?"

"People live for a lifetime, confused for a lifetime, and sober for a lifetime. I'm always used to being confused, but the people around me are extremely confused."


"If you weren't my wife, we would play whatever we want, but since you are my Ye's thing, I have to see the good and bad, don't we?"

"Shut up! Dog lame, you really have a face!"

"Ye has no other choice but to have a thick skin for so much of his life."

Ye Xiaogu smiled, "Hey, hey", and there was really no difference between these words.

Zhao Ya used to have a blood relationship with him and was the only soul bird in heaven and earth. He robbed her back and destroyed her clan. She was also in awe of him.

Now, seeing his tangled appearance, he was angry and angry. There was no way to convince him that it was this big night that dragged him out of the side hall.

The main hall outside the side hall suddenly collapsed because ye Xiaogu led the big tripod in the square in front of the hall, and now there is only a piece of rubble.

There was morning and dusk in the magic array, but there was no star and moon.

In the dark, he thought the girl would tell a secret.

Unexpectedly, the girl kicked him behind his back and said angrily.

"Dog lame, don't you worry? Look! Look for me now! Don't come back if you can't find a clue!"

"No, Mrs. ya, what are you?"

"Get out!"

As soon as he turned back, Zhao Ya kicked him away with a look of disgust. For a moment, she was really firm.

It's a dark night with high wind and dark everywhere. Naturally, it's not a good place to relax.

He wanted to go back with a shy face. Unexpectedly, the girl seemed to have set an array prohibition in the corridor. Although it was invisible, it would swing away as soon as he approached.

He couldn't think of a good way around, and he didn't want to leave his face. He had to look around with his head down.

The broken rubble hung in the air, perhaps because of the influence of Qi, the original towering main hall had become a piece of ruins, leaving countless debris in the air.

Ye Xiaogu stood in front of the square of the side hall and looked at the ruins of the main hall without expression. There was no particularly positive emotion in his eyes.

After all, he still has some feelings for Zhao ya. If he really finds some clues here, it will be difficult for each other to fall out at that time.

Although the girl is relatively white, she had a relationship with him in those years. It's not too much to say that she is an orthodox original match.

And they look good and have a good figure. In this magic array, they have survived together for thousands of years. Now it's too much to say that they turn over.

Perhaps with the this idea in his mind, he muddled along with the job and did not study it carefully.

But she didn't want to study it, but the place seemed more than he thought.

The stagnant Qi in the air stagnated bricks and rubble in the air. At a glance, there was no reason to see a mess.

Ye Xiaogu subconsciously glanced at the pile of rubble, his eyes suddenly coagulated, and his eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously.

In that piece of rubble, there was a black bead floating far away. It was not obvious in the dark night, but the bead was scattered with a strange light.

The light was so conspicuous that even if he only glanced at it, he could easily find the existence of the bead.

"What's that?"

As soon as he read it, he jumped up and wanted to catch the floating bead. Unexpectedly, it happened that Zhao Ya happened to come out to see him and saw the bead from a distance.

Ye Xiaogu jumped up first, but then came. The hibiscus needle at Zhao Ya's fingertip flashed across the sky, and in an instant, he grabbed the black bead first.

"What is this?"

As soon as the girl took back her hand, she put the hibiscus needle and the black bead in her palm. For a moment, ye Xiaogu couldn't help frowning and looked at her.

When his eyes were sharp for a few minutes, the girl became angry and yelled at him directly.

"Dog lame! What are you staring at me for? Want to hit me? Come on! Try it!"

"... give me the beads."

"If you give it to you, you have to give it to you? This thing is yours? Your name is written on it?"


Don't tell me, the girl's temper doesn't need to be much lighter than that of other women.

Ye xiaoguben didn't have the ability since she came here. Naturally, she didn't have a good intention to compete at this moment. She could only come up to her and look at the bead and said casually.

"The bead seems to have accumulated some strength."

"You say power is power? I have to say it's a magic weapon!"

"That's a magic weapon."

He didn't argue with the girl either. He just made a perfunctory remark. For a moment, Zhao Ya couldn't help looking at him and seemed to know him again.

"If you as like as two peas, I really doubt if I have mistaken you."

"What if you admit your mistake? If you admit your mistake, come and be my ye Xiaogu's wife."

"Bah ~ I am transformed by the spirit bird in the world. Naturally, my husband should be the first-class person to stand up to the world, not you lame dog."

For a moment, she became angry. Her chin looked very sad, which made ye Xiaogu's mouth slightly raise and joked.

"What can I do? I've done everything I have to do. Go and find out if there are heroes who like leftovers. Maybe someone really likes your size."

"Get out! Dog lame! Lame all your life!"

Zhao Ya was playing angrily, and the black bead flashed in her hand!

Ye Xiaogu looked at the movement quickly. He slapped the black bead open, and his backhand triggered Zhengyang Leigang to turn into a thunder shield three feet away!

Just listen to the bang!

There was a loud noise outside the thunder shield, and the black beads exploded in an instant, but countless black and gray imperial swords and dead souls sprang out of it!

"Is it a Taoist monk?!"

All over the sky, the dead souls of the black and gray imperial sword roared and scattered like a strong wind. Ye Xiaogu simply laid a thunder shield in advance!

The dark blue arcs intertwined into shields. Although those dead souls used to have peerless cultivation, now only the remnant souls are left. Naturally, they are no longer powerful in the past.

However, these dead souls roared, accompanied by the sharp whistling of Yin pity between heaven and earth, which made people scared in the end.

Ye Xiaogu and Zhao Ya hide under Lei Guang's shield and look at each other. The girl's eyes are still a little emotional. On the contrary, he seems to be frightened.

"Fool, look at your virtue. Are you scared silly?"

"... no, I'm not afraid of these things."

"Still say not afraid? Look at your eyes..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhao Ya suddenly frowned. When she looked closely, she found that in his eyes, with the souls of countless Taoist disciples in the sky, she even outlined one-of-a-kind sword moves!

The imperial sword is extremely powerful. People and swords are one. Even if only the remnant soul is left, they still have the sword spirit and know the meaning of the sword!

The random track that seems to roar past is like a sword!

Zhao Yazheng was surprised. On the other side, ye Xiaogu suddenly shook his head, as if he suddenly woke up, and said faintly.

"It's the excessive sword intention of the dead souls of these Taoist disciples that affects me."

"What did you realize?!"

The girl asked in surprise.

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