Ye Xiaogu's appearance is not ugly, never.

When I was young, I was a handsome boy in the community. Even after I opened Yin and Yang eyes and saw too many souls, I was so full of yin and Yang that my body was slightly bent. I was still handsome without changing my face.

Moreover, after a hundred years of practice, as soon as his body recovered, his temperament became more handsome.

At this moment, Gu Shuimeng was frightened to cry. He was really unable to cry or laugh for a moment.

"Good guy, can ye scare you like this?"


He joked that the girl seemed to be aware of something. She sobbed in a low voice, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and didn't say anything more.

Ye Xiaogu is still curious about Mu Yingxiong.

At this moment, seeing that Gu Shuimeng was willing to speak, he didn't mean to continue joking. He straightened his collar and said.

"Don't say that ye's blood is orthodox in heaven and earth. I really don't want to waste it on you, an ordinary woman."

"Bah! I don't care about water dreams! What is the blood of a mere Heavenly Master to be proud of?"

The girl was in a hurry and opened her words. Ye xiaoguben answered with a sharp look in his leisurely eyes, turned around and looked at her with a smile and sneered.

"What a Heavenly Master's blood. It seems that you are really not an ordinary woman. If you can't tell the truth today, ye will help you."

When he said that, Gu Shuimeng would not go on without interest.

They were just in the main hall at the moment. The girl looked left and right, got up and patted the dust carefully, went straight to the main seat in front of the main hall and sat down.

She made such a movement fall into ye Xiaogu's eyes. For a moment, ye Xiaogu narrowed her eyes secretly, and a sneer appeared at the corners of her mouth.

Ordinary disciples pay attention to respecting their teachers. She sits on the main seat of the hall unscrupulously. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, she has made a clear distinction with yinshuang palace.

"Are you really from Xingyao mansion?"

A thought flashed through, although ye Xiaogu had a thought in his heart, he was not in a hurry to make a judgment.

Gu Shuimeng sat on the hall leisurely. Now he looked back at him and couldn't help laughing contemptuously.

"Ye, you look like a God, and your breath is natural. It's a pity that your cultivation is not a person."

"Really? I have no ability, but I can be a little better than you."


The girl suddenly had a showdown. Although her accomplishments didn't grow much, the momentum was in place.

Especially when she was sitting on the main seat of the main hall, she had great momentum for a moment. If it weren't for her cultivation, she would be afraid that ye Xiaogu would really have to kneel down and talk with him.

The two looked at each other. Gu Shuimeng didn't seem to continue to play tricks with him, and said faintly.

"What do you want to ask?"

"What do I want to ask?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the girl with great momentum. For a moment, he really couldn't help laughing.

"Gu Shuimeng, I really want to drag you down and kneel now. Don't think you have confidence when you sit high. I'll let you kneel later. You don't dare PA to kneel. Do you believe it?"


The girl just snorted coldly, disdaining and feeling guilty.

If it was normal, it was estimated that Gu Shuimeng would really have to be cleaned up by him. However, he was really in no mood at the moment. He simply ignored her and asked directly.

"Where is the silver frost palace?"

"What is a place?"

"One more question?"

Seeing that the girl had nothing to say, ye Xiaogu frowned slightly. For a moment, he couldn't help but want to drag her down.

Instead, Gu Shuimeng snorted coldly.

"Yinshuang palace doesn't know anyone. It's also said that it's the blood of the Heavenly Master. It's been mixed in the world for thousands of years. You haven't even run half a corner. Do you still have the face to say you're the Heavenly Master?"

"Gu Shuimeng, can you try again?"

"Boo Hoo? I just look down on you."

The girl said everything. Ye Xiaogu couldn't help raising his eyebrows for a moment.

Just when he was going to do it, Gu Shuimeng said leisurely

"Yinshuang palace is hundreds of thousands of miles east of Xingyao mansion, but the clouds are not obvious all year round. There are only 3000 disciples in the door. It is a famous hidden door."

"Hundreds of thousands of miles east of Xingyao mansion? Isn't that not far from Dongling city?"

"It's not far, but it's not near. There are many clouds and fog in the mountain forest. Even if you walk in the sky, it's difficult to identify the direction, so it's difficult to go to Dongling city."

After saying this, she looked at the expression on ye Xiaogu's face and knew that he meant to turn back, but she didn't admit it to herself.

"Mu Yingxiong was seriously injured, and even a spiritual fire reached his heart pulse. It can be said that he was in danger. So he deliberately came here in the hope of getting silver scale white frost to extinguish the spiritual fire on his heart pulse."

Sure enough, ye Xiaogu cheered up and frowned as soon as he listened to Mu Yingxiong.

"How can spiritual fire enter the heart pulse?"

"Yes, how can the spirit fire enter the heart pulse? The falling thunder in the sky can be moved by you, and the ivy on the ground can be urged by the wood Yingxiong. Why?"

"You mean that man is also one of the eight disciples?"

Gu Shuimeng heard this but didn't continue to answer. He just looked at him and smiled, but he also understood the meaning of the smiling face.

This seemingly incompetent girl is really not simple.

In his mind, ye Xiaogu frowned secretly. For a moment, he didn't know what to ask.

The girl suddenly looked like a pig eating a tiger, which really surprised him. Although she hasn't shown any other cards yet, her magnanimous arrogance has made him feel something wrong.

Mu Yingxiong appeared in the silver frost palace. If he was seriously injured, he must have been attacked by other eight door inheritors.

As far as ye Xiaogu knew in the past, he didn't know that there were eight inherited skills that could ignite fire.

In other words, if Mu Yingxiong was seriously injured by the man, maybe he would come to the door.

Ye Xiaogu flashed a thought in his heart and fiercely raised his head to see Gu Shuimeng.

The girl seemed to have a sharp heart. She raised her mouth slightly and said with a light smile.

"Ye, what are you looking at me for? Do you think I'm one of the eight descendants?"

"Where is the silver scale white frost?"

"Are you ready so soon? Unfortunately, I really don't know where that thing is."

"Don't you know? There are so many disciples in the silver frost palace. Why did Mu Yingxiong find you alone? You have been well in Xingyao mansion. Why did you come to the silver frost palace?"

"Why? Where are you from? Why?"

Gu Shuimeng replied lazily, and plainly swayed a lot of his fierce momentum.

Originally, he didn't like the girl very much. Now, looking at her fearless appearance, he really couldn't help jumping in front of her and jumped in front of her at once.

For a moment, the girl dodged with some guilt.

"Ye, what do you want to do?"

"Gu Shuimeng, why are you so arrogant as a friar who is just a baby?"

"Am I horizontal?"

When she heard this, she felt a little guilty and looked around for a moment.

He was not in the mood to make fun of the girl at the moment. He just reached out and pulled her up by the collar, looked into her eyes and said.

"Don't play tricks with me, or I'll really let you feel the power of the Heavenly Master!"


"What do you mean by blushing? I mean I'm going to kill you."

"Bah bah! Where am I red?"

I didn't think before. At present, the girl is really chattering, which makes him a little impatient.

Her appearance is OK, but now there are strong enemies hiding around. He really has no intention to joke with her.

If he had been casual in the past, maybe he would have joked with Gu Shuimeng for a while, but now he is the father of two children, and he doesn't have the strength to make any noise.

He didn't want to chat with her now. After a simple look at her, he didn't get tired of anything. He pushed her away. Instead, he sat in the master's chair and said coldly.

"Why on earth did you, a disciple of Xingyao mansion, come to the silver frost palace?"

"Are you afraid of me?"


"You didn't dare look into my eyes just now."

"What's the matter? You really want to inherit my Heavenly Master's blood?"

"Then I'm not very rare."

Gu Shuimeng's mouth was slightly raised, and his smiling face was full of fear.

I don't know if it's because of something else or because I didn't have it at the beginning.

Seeing the girl's fearless appearance, ye Xiaogu frowned unconsciously. For a moment, he looked at her curiously and frowned.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing in silver frost palace?"

"Surnamed ye, you are so arrogant that you can cultivate your body. You might as well guess what I do?"


The girl's words were full of pride, which made him feel inexplicably guilty for a moment, and he just looked away at her.

It's just that after looking at the girl so carefully, she looks at the girl's disordered breath. It's a minor repair of Danhua baby.

For a moment, he couldn't help but pat the girl's little brain, raised his mouth slightly and said with a light smile.

"Bluff me? You want to pretend to be shunzi with San right in your hand?"

"Do you want to shoot again?"

"Why don't you want to shoot your little brain?"

Ye Xiaogu is also used to making trouble with Zhao ya. For a moment, he didn't think about the girl. He doesn't know the foundation, so he patted her again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this light falling down, Gu Shuimeng's momentum suddenly soared!

In an instant, he even stood up with a start!

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