Because of this, he remembered the seal style very clearly.

In addition, he was originally a Heavenly Master. For the style of symbols and seal characters, the general knowledge of Taoism can be regarded as natural.

At that time, Chu Qingqiu and Yue Ji actually didn't lose their temper. Virtually, he also quarreled with them for a while, and also clearly recorded the symbol and seal style of their fingertips.

Originally, he was not very sad about those things, but his brain was better, especially for such a seal style, he had a natural feeling, remembered it and didn't forget it.

Later, when he looked at the seal characters at Zhao Ya's fingertips, he asked a few questions.

Originally, the girl was also quite tough, but at that time, ye Xiaogu happened to have a son with her, knowing that the time of death was coming.

Zhao Ya was still tight lipped, but finally there was some wind.

According to the girl's meaning, the finger tip seal character is more of a mark than the magic weapon hiding the finger tip.

As for what the mark meant, she just looked at him and didn't go on.

At that time, if you ask a question, maybe you can get an answer. Unfortunately, ye Xiaogu was too busy to stop at that time. He asked a question without thinking about it.

Now, looking at the faint seal style under Gu Shuimeng's manicure, although I was secretly suspicious, I didn't know what it meant for a moment.

The only thing he was sure of was that Gu Shuimeng should be his old acquaintance like Zhao Ya and Chu Qingqiu.

As for what she was doing in the silver frost palace, he couldn't think of it for the moment.

Between thoughts, thoughts turn back and forth, and it is difficult to settle.

While he was thinking, he took the osmanthus cake on the table and ate it like a bolt.

When he touched the table twice and saw nothing, he looked back at the osmanthus cake on the table.

Unexpectedly, he looked back at Gu Shuimeng and looked at him with a smiling face.

For a moment, he could not help shivering and frowning.

"Don't be so disgusting, will you?"

"Why am I sick?"

The girl was scolded by him with a frown and answered back subconsciously. She looked quite angry for a moment.

But at this moment, ye Xiaogu didn't want to make more trouble with her. He just frowned slightly and said directly.

"Don't pretend. Since Mu Yingxiong came to find silver scale white frost, why didn't he find the palm teacher of the silver frost palace to follow you?"

"Where did you follow me?"

"Continue to make up. When I saw you in the back mountain, why was it Mu Yingxiong who came the first time, not the leader of the silver frost palace?"

"How do I know? I'm just a little disciple of Xingyao mansion..."

"Little disciple?"

Seeing the girl's clumsy trick, ye Xiaogu was really upset. He grabbed her hand and wiped it on her fingertips.

The power of the ghost way flashed, and the rune and seal script on the girl's manicure flashed a light.

But before he could see more, he threw her hand on the stone table without looking more.

"You said you were a disciple of Xingyao mansion? Who engraved the rune seal of Confucianism on your hand?"

"Confucian seal character?"

Gu Shuimeng was stunned subconsciously when he heard this.

Ye Xiaogu just thought that she wanted to sophistry. He stood up with a cold hum, and the black dragon black robe on his body moved in response to the rising black Qi.

Seeing that he was going to do it, the girl was flustered and hurried.

"Ye, what do you want to do? Do you want to kill me?"

"You know what I want to do. Let's be direct. Don't waste time."

The cultivation of refining the body is empty and full. It doesn't have much ability. In fact, the deterrent force is really great.

Gu Shuimeng looked at his cold eyebrows and cold eyes. He seemed to have some concerns secretly. After hesitation, he pointed to the lotus pond in the distance and said.

"The silver scale and white frost of the silver frost palace is in the lotus pond. Go down and take out the baby. I'll tell you something else."

"Silver scale and white frost are at the bottom of the pool? Why should I get it?"

"Where are there so many? Why? Don't go if you don't like to go, and continue to stay here!"

He asked casually. Unexpectedly, it seemed as if she had let off her momentum. The girl scolded him at once and still had the upper hand in momentum for a moment.

The girl's self-cultivation is not high. It's really nothing to him. Looking at her solemn appearance, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows for a moment.

It happened that she showed him right now. The girl raised her chin, glanced at him and said angrily.

"What? Do you still want to fight with me? Don't think I'm afraid of you. In fact, I'm just hiding my strength now!"

"... hide your strength? I'm afraid people with real strength don't need to make such a bluff. Miss Gu, you've been in this poor silver frost palace for too long and have forgotten the sophistication of the world."

Ye Xiaogu's leisurely words pierced her mind and made the girl not angry at once.

She seems to be nothing more than a child's cultivation. In fact, she can't stand side by side with him.

Since they didn't have the ability and they just met by chance, she naturally didn't have the ability to call him like that.

Looking at Gu Shuimeng, ye Xiaogu looked at her and said faintly.

"What is under the pool?"

"What is what? I don't know what you mean."

"What do you mean when you look at people when you talk? Can't you see me looking at you?"

"... it's disgusting to see you!"

The girl's eyes dodged several times. He caught her right now and was scolded by him.

Ye Xiaogu looked at the girl's angry appearance and directly reached out and pinched the acupoint on her shoulder. Only after a little effort, it hurt so much that she couldn't help taking a breath and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Is it still disgusting to see me now?"

"It hurts! You let go!"

"What is under the lotus pond?"

"How do I know what it is?!"

"Dare you speak hard?"

He added three more points to his hand and listened to a click. The girl turned white, sweated a cat in front of her forehead, and fainted with pain.

Seeing her suddenly wilt, ye Xiaogu picked up his eyebrows and subconsciously couldn't help looking at her carefully.

Originally, he thought the girl should retain her strength. Unexpectedly, she was really so weak.

"It's just a small repair in the infant territory. Why do you seem to have foreseen me? Is there anyone else in the silver frost palace?"

As soon as she read, ye Xiaogu looked down at the seal characters on her fingernails and looked around.

There was no other movement around lotus pond. Green lotus moved with the wind, and there were ripples in pool water.

Everything seemed quiet and serene.

Only he was standing beside the pavilion with a girl in his hand. He seemed at a loss for a moment.

After so much right and wrong, in fact, he has understood this series of processes.

Whether it's bao'er's design or all kinds of right and wrong in this hidden world, whether it's good or bad, those people clearly understand his every move, so they will also have a deliberate layout plan.

It's not necessarily that he was down and out along the way. After all, he met so many beautiful girls. It seems shameless to say that others treated him badly.

But it's not true how smooth it is. At least he feels like a string puppet. Every step forward and backward is seen through. He really feels a little desperate.

More importantly, there is not much to enjoy. In fact, there is not a bad place to see blood and sweat.

Vaguely, he could even figure out a general camp.

At least for now, as long as you meet a girl, it should be a good thing. As for others, it's hard to say.

Together with this idea, he could not help raising his eyebrows for a moment, and secretly had another doubt in his heart.

Why do these girls find themselves? Are they also old acquaintances before their reincarnation?

On this thought, he could not help but secretly scold that he was not very kind in the past, and even let himself eat the overnight meal now. However, on second thought, these girls helped themselves a lot, and for a moment, he felt nothing.

Between his thoughts, he was so self-conscious that Gu Shuimeng fainted from the pain of pinching his shoulder blade just now, and now he woke up faintly.

She vaguely opened her eyes and looked at ye Xiaogu's appearance. Subconsciously, she couldn't help lowering her head and wanted to kneel down.

Ye Xiaogu saw clearly, held her chin and said casually.

"Do you know me?"


He asked as if he had awakened the girl.

She was so surprised that she was about to put on her face. However, ye Xiaogu reached out and took her into his arms. He closed his eyes and felt it for himself, and said faintly.

"So you really know me and know that I, the eternal Heavenly Master, will come here. Does that mean you know the secret of Dongling?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't know? Do you want me to help you remember?"

"Remember what?"

Gu Shuimeng asked alertly, but he raised his mouth slightly, smiled and joked.

"The good old days."

"What beautiful scene? Ye, let go!"

While talking, the girl faintly felt his movement, and the willow eyebrows wrinkled and hurried to escape.

It's just that her accomplishments can't change the baby's territory. Now ye Xiaogu has to do it. She really has no way.

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