Maybe it's because of the boundlessness of habit. Ye Xiaogu has no words.

Gu Shuimeng has been here for thousands of years. At present, he is not used to being accompanied by him. He occasionally wags his tail.

He has always been a lonely man. He sat on the ground and didn't say a word for several days.

The girl was worried that he would ask about Confucianism, but she glanced at him curiously and said curiously.

"Ye, why are you so honest?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly and said with an indifferent smile, "I was very honest."

"Bah!" the girl spat angrily, frowning as if she thought of something.

"What happened to rimen and the short legged sparrow?"

"Short legged sparrow? You say ya'er?"

"I said your uncle!"

Gu Shuimeng scolded angrily. Ye Xiaogu didn't speak much for a moment, so he had to smile and don't speak.

After a while, the girl couldn't help being curious, and secretly stretched out her hand to pinch him again.

He wanted to pretend not to notice, but the girl still stubbornly pinched him several times.

After several times, he couldn't stand it. He looked at his waist and joked.

"Thank you for your indecent nails, otherwise you have to take out my waist."


"Let's put aside the matter of Confucianism for the time being. Anyway, I will stay in the world soon. It's boring to say these."

"What do you mean to stay in the world soon?"

She frowned and asked. Ye Xiaogu was surprised at her reflection.

Judging from the girl's words and deeds, it seems that she has already known that he will appear, and even has prepared the silver scale ice prison array to seal him forever, which is revenge.

But it was strange that she didn't know what he was going to do.

Ye Xiaogu was puzzled and told her about Daoxin Bodhi and going to the Chaotian Palace.

Unexpectedly, Gu Shuimeng was stunned when he heard the speech. He didn't return to his mind for a long time. Even the restless fish tail didn't blow twice.

Looking at her reaction, he couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth for a moment, smiled and advised her.

"Life and death, wealth and honor in heaven, these things are also helpless."

"Who did you say asked you to hand over the Tao heart Bodhi?"

"Who? That's a lot, as if everyone wants it. If Meng Er wants it, I'll give you one."

Gu Shuimeng gave him a straight look when he heard the speech, but it seemed that he thought of something again and wondered.

"I don't quite understand why you should honestly go to Chaotian Palace, so you can't go somewhere else to hide?"

"Other places? The world is so big that ye was born into a situation step by step. They decided at one fell swoop. Where is the room to stay?"

His words were mostly bleak, but it fell in the girl's ear and turned his head.

"What have you done these years, you fool? How do you feel like living in a pig's stomach?"

"I can't help being a man for hundreds of years. I'm born with a thousand years less practice than others."

"Be a man forever?"

She asked again curiously. These questions fell in ye Xiaogu's ears. He suddenly reacted and asked.

"Meng'er doesn't know about my rebirth? I should have arranged this cage. How did you escape?"

"How did I escape? Hum!"

Gu Shuimeng snorted coldly, trying to lose his temper, but after a while, he also reacted, and the willow eyebrows wrinkled.

"Bingjie rebirth? What is Bingjie rebirth?"

"You don't know about the rebirth of our army? Do you know the end of the law catastrophe?"

"What is the end of the law catastrophe?"

The girl was so cute that she asked, and ye Xiaogu suddenly heard a muffled thunder in her head.

In principle, this girl should be an old acquaintance she knew well. How could she not know about her rebirth?

Is there any other secret in it, or is it just that Gu Shuimeng is locked up in the cage at the bottom of the pool and doesn't know the changes of the world outside?

The thoughts in my heart can't stop gradually.

Ye Xiaogu frowned and didn't think about it for a while. Gu Shuimeng in his arms suddenly shook his head and said.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, what do you want so much? Anyway, you bastard is locked up here and can't go anywhere."

"Can't go anywhere? Is this cage so powerful?"

"Hum, you'll know what effect it is if you try."

The girl glanced at the vast world with some deep meaning, which made ye Xiaogu feel guilty for a moment.

However, it seemed that he thought of something besides the joke, and he brought the topic to the so-called theory of the rebirth of the PLA.

"Menger doesn't know what is the rebirth of Bing Xie?"

"Of course I know that. The so-called Bing Xie's rebirth is the hindhand left by the strong man in the immortal realm when he failed to survive the natural disaster and lost his soul. After Bing Xie's rebirth, his body disappeared, but he still had memories, so he can practice again quickly."

"Then I should really be born again."

"Give birth to a fart!" Gu Shuimeng stretched out his hand and bounced on his forehead. He said unhappily, "your soldiers solve a fart! It's just a natural robbery. How can you fail?"

"Just a robbery?"

He repeated it subconsciously, and it was true when he thought about it carefully.

If this so-called method of relieving the soldiers from rebirth is really the hindhand left by the robbery, according to the legend, the former Heavenly Master still has the ability to wipe out the demons in Kyushu, it should not be possible to not even enter the fairy land.

More importantly, ye Xiaogu always had a doubt in his heart, that is, why did he die at the beginning, because why did he have to embark on the road of rebirth?

When he was in the desert array of Dongling City, he vaguely recalled that he had deduced a disaster, and even didn't hesitate to rob Zhao ya just to integrate the blood of the so-called spirit bird Yao que.

But when I think about it carefully, I don't know so much about the disaster, and I can't remember it for a while.

Just as he was concentrating and thinking fruitlessly, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Gu Shuimeng.

The girl was flustered by him. She pushed him angrily and said.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I'm just curious. I should look very different now. How can Meng er not be surprised?"

"Surprised? Why should I be surprised?"

"I no longer have the ability of the Heavenly Master, and my temperament is very different from that in the past. If you don't even know about my rebirth, why do you take my change for granted?"

Gu Shuimeng heard the speech, Liu Mei picked it slightly, and looked at him quite seriously for a moment.

They stared at the girl for a long time without a clue. On the contrary, ye Xiaogu looked at the light blue scale in front of the girl's forehead and touched it curiously.

It's not the sticky feeling of fish scales. On the contrary, it's like clear jade, with a faint chill.

"Don't touch me!"

"Dream, is this scale decoration?"

"Decorate your uncle!"

"It doesn't feel very real. It seems to be fragments of jade."

He said he would start again, but this time he was slapped open by Gu Shuimeng.

After such a interruption, the girl looked at him and continued.

"I don't know how you can do this. I just hear people say that you seem to be dead."

"Nonsense." ye Xiaogu flicked on her forehead and joked, "why can't ye? Three or five days are small things. If I'm willing to take no breath for three or five hundred years, do you want to try it?"

After saying this, he smiled greasy. Unexpectedly, Gu Shuimeng didn't see any shame on his face. Instead, he looked at him coldly, which made him a little embarrassed for the moment.

But just because the girl didn't like this set very much, he was a little more serious and asked.

"Who on earth told you that something had happened to me?"

"Feng Baoer."

A word thundered.

Ye Xiaogu had a smile on his face. When he heard this, he was stunned subconsciously.

The name appeared so abruptly that he didn't react for a moment.

In my impression, bao'er has been transformed into a demon body after the war with Wan daomeng. As for the so-called spirit, it has long been gone.

Bao'er has no reason to remember his changes. Now he should go to Chaotian Palace with Ren Hanxiang. How can he meet this girl?

Ye Xiaogu's eyes were full of consternation, but Gu Shuimeng's eyes could not see the slightest sense of guilt.

"What did Bao Er tell you? What else did she tell you?"

"Why are you so excited? I don't say you can beat me?"

The little girl seemed to see the urgency and irrecoverable care in his eyes, and even sold at this time.

When ye Xiaogu heard the speech, he subconsciously slapped her. He really wanted to slap her.

But as soon as the slap was raised, all sorts of things about the girl's past flashed in his mind.

Memory flashed by. Before he could recall more, Gu Shuimeng suddenly shook his fish tail and ran out!

In a hurry, he didn't catch up with the girl for a moment. Seeing her disappear in the twinkling of an eye, he left him standing in amazement between the vast world.

The face in the memory is as old as before, and all kinds of things about her are very real.

So Gu Shuimeng, like Zhao ya, doesn't belong to the so-called extreme East mackerel. Otherwise, seeing him in yinshuang palace a few days ago is not just as simple as the eternal ban of the silver scale ice prison array.

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