Some strange conjectures seem to have been supported at this moment.

In fact, when he first saw the gold cage, he vaguely saw the appearance of the ten thousand feet of gold awn, but he had never seen the real object.

Now when he really saw the golden light on the sea of clouds, he suddenly realized that the golden cage was not the essence of the big array. In fact, the real big array had not been broken.

The thoughts in his heart were not exhausted. Before he thought more, Gu Shuimeng on the other side clenched his fist and accidentally hit him in the face!

The punch was so solid that it almost stunned him head-on, turned his head and fell directly.

But the girl didn't give her strength. She chased him and beat him again and again.

For a moment, the fist shadow was like the wind, and the feet were like rain. A burst of random kicks banged and banged, and forcibly beat ye Xiaogu from the sky to the ground.

Before ye Xiaogu could react, he was beaten black and blue and couldn't stand up.

"Bah!" Gu Shuimeng played for more than ten minutes in a row. At this moment, he seemed to slow down a little. He kicked him again and said unhappily, "Ye, I don't care what you are. If this array doesn't open today, I Gu Shuimeng will break you into pieces!"

"You have to break it down a little. After all, it's a little difficult for me to break into 10000 pieces."

Ye Xiaogu collapsed on the ground with a bruised nose and face. Rao's face was still red. At the moment, his mouth was not forgiving at all.

Gu Shuimeng looked at the loose appearance of his playful smiling face. For a moment, he couldn't help his mood. It was a good fat beating after him.

It's just that this coming and going has no effect. Gu Shuimeng himself doesn't feel very interesting.

Trapped in the mountains of yinshuang palace for so many years, she actually acquiesced to such a result. If ye Xiaogu suddenly opened the array, she might be at a loss.

Between her thoughts, the girl couldn't do anything for a moment. She looked back at the golden blue sky and white clouds, silent.

Ye Xiaogu was beaten by her. Now he narrowed his eyes and looked at her side face. Subconsciously, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and secretly smiled.

Unexpectedly, Gu Shuimeng saw his smile. The girl was angry, clenched her fist and asked coldly, "Ye, what are you laughing at?"

"Give birth to a daughter with me. How can it be regarded as killing time?" ye Xiaogu smiled and joked.

Unfortunately, as soon as this sound fell, Gu Shuimeng strode forward and pressed him, which was a random beat. The banging was accompanied by blood splashing, which was so terrible.

They quarreled for a long time, but there was still less meaning after all.

Although Gu Shuimeng has never been stingy with ye Xiaogu, in essence, the girl is not a violent maniac, but she can't help but feel emotional when she sees ye Xiaogu's greasy appearance.

It was fun to beat him, but it didn't mean much to fight all the time.

The clouds rise at the beginning and the sun sets in the West.

Gu Shuimeng knew that he could not escape the ten thousand feet of golden mans above the sea of clouds, and went towards the silver frost palace with a cold face.

Ye Xiaogu's face was black and blue, and his whole body hurt as if he were going to fall apart. As soon as he saw the girl turn and go, he hurried to catch up with the pain.

As soon as he reached the forest, Gu Qingwei kicked him out before he took two more steps, followed by two more steps and a fight.

The girl was disgusted, but she couldn't do anything about him. In the end, she simply let him follow.

After returning to yinshuang palace, Gu Shuimeng went straight into his wing room. This time, he opened all the prohibitions outside the door and didn't give ye Xiaogu a chance to be naughty.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't get into the wing room, so he had to stay outside the corridor. As soon as he turned back, he happened to see the original Lianchi Pavilion and sat down for a while.

The lotus pond was originally arranged with a mysterious array, but it was found by Ye Xiaogu after using it once. At the moment, only some array potential is left.

The trip to yinshuang palace was not a good pastime for him. Few people could stand his temper if he took care of water dreams.

Although the girl was a water shark, she was not gentle at all. Ye Xiaogu didn't see her. She was deeply impressed by her pink fists.

So that even if the girl's face was peerless, he didn't have much intention to get close to him at the moment.

As soon as the sunset glow passed, it passed away without even waiting for another look, just as it is difficult to tell clearly.

Ye Xiaogu casually touched his elbow, but the injury on his face disappeared faster. His shoulder and back joints were a little bleak. He had been twisted and beaten by the girl, and now he was still a little sore.

"What is this?"

Between his thoughts, he half leaned against the railing of the pavilion and was going to squint for a while to boil the long night. Unexpectedly, there seemed to be a strange light in the lotus pond under the moonlight.

The aura may be too small for others and won't care at all, but it fell into ye Xiaogu's eyes and let him subconsciously stretch out his hand.

Originally, why would it not happen? Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his hand, a sudden flash of light on the water, like a mirror, reflected Gu Shuimeng's figure.

"The lotus pond is connected with the wing room?"

Ye Xiaogu raised his eyebrows slightly and said he was surprised. In fact, he didn't care much.

The light and shadow on the water just showed the girl's figure at the moment. She had been noisy before, but now she was a lot more clever when she calmed down.

She turned into a demon, and the light blue fish tail curled up around her and turned into a ball, so she stayed quietly in the golden cage at the bottom of the pool.

Ye Xiaogu simply looked at the moon in the sky and looked up again. Suddenly, he wanted to drink.

Naturally, he saw the grievances and frustrations in the girl's heart, but he was dying himself. What ability did he have to get involved in her affairs?

Besides, there are several girls around him who have given birth to children. He really doesn't want to bother with such a girl or two.

It's just

"Do you need to be miserable like that? It's just trapped in the silver frost palace for thousands of years. Anyway, the outside world is meaningless. It's better to stay here."

There are thousands of thoughts in his heart. Ye Xiaogu looks at the bright moon, and the underwater Gu Shuimeng is still shrunk into a group, with few words and half a sentence.

In the following years, Gu Shuimeng never opened the ban of the wing room, and never asked about the weather.

On the contrary, ye Xiaogu occasionally left the hall and went outside to find some leisure practitioners, occasionally asked for a drink, and occasionally watched them play go.

Gradually, he himself began to integrate into the daily routine of those casual repairs, pretending to travel around with them every day, as if he was also a foundation repair.

When he came back to himself, he knew why he saw Gu Shuimeng among the disciples of yinshuang palace.

The girl's loneliness was not so crazy that she killed him as soon as she met. In fact, it was the greatest tenderness.

Sometimes it rains and goes on into the night.

Ye Xiaogu sat on the bench of the pavilion again, holding a pot of green bamboo wine, staring at the figure curled up in the water.

If her fish tail didn't shake twice with the waves from time to time, he really thought she was dead.

He has been doing nothing in the silver frost palace for nearly 30 years, and the girl has been hiding in the water for more than 30 years.

The intermittent light rain made the lotus pond ripple countless ripples, but it did not blur the underwater light and shadow.

Ye Xiaogu looked at it and took a sip of wine.

This wine was originally green bamboo wine. It didn't taste spicy or strong, but he seemed inexplicable and dizzy at the moment, so that he looked at Gu Shuimeng under the water and was still a little confused.

The dark blue eaves of the pavilion occasionally drop a drop of eaves water with the drizzle.

Ripples together, gradually spread to the green lotus leaves in the distance, and in the twinkling of an eye, it seems to be calmed for a few minutes.

Looking back, ye Xiaogu, who should have been sitting on the bench, suddenly disappeared, and the water surface of the lotus pond seemed to be blurred with the ripples of the drizzle.

Years and nights are always said to be long every minute. In fact, it seems to have passed in a twinkling of an eye.

The wing door, which had not been opened for a long time, opened slowly with the "squeak" of the old door shaft, and the dust on the door rustled and sprinkled a pile.

At first, a man walked out, dressed in the hidden dragon black robe, his silver hair was slightly raised in the wind, and he felt some natural and unrestrained for a moment.

"Come, madam, be careful of the threshold."


Gu Shuimeng followed him. Seeing him turn back, he subconsciously frowned and took a half step back.

After a while, the girl seemed to react. As soon as her backhand raised, she subconsciously wanted to slap him.

But this time ye Xiaogu didn't hide or flash. He still looked at her with a smile.

It seems that he smiled too brightly. Gu Shuimeng raised his Yangba palm and really didn't fall down. On the contrary, ye Xiaogu smiled and hugged her and said, "it's so sweet."

Gu Shuimeng was so angry that he didn't have the heart to quarrel with him on these trifles, and turned the topic.

"Is there any way you can get out?"


Ye Xiaogu was very single, so he said. Gu Shuimeng's face suddenly pulled down and said coldly, "Ye, what do you mean?"

"I haven't said it for several times. If I could go out, I would have gone out long ago. Why should I go back to find you for entertainment?" ye Xiaogu raised his mouth slightly. Speaking of these words, he was quite righteous.

That night with light rain, for him, he really had a thought for a moment, and didn't think about anything else at all.

After so many years of coaxing and cheating all the way, he is still so naughty when he is exposed.

"Big deal, Menger beat me again? Anyway, that's it, isn't it?"

"Ye, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"That's not true. I just think my dream is just as lonely."

While talking, the smile on ye Xiaogu's face faded a little and reached out to take Gu Shuimeng into his arms.

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