He spoke so frankly that Ren Hanxiang was blinded by the girl.

After all, if you really want to say it, isn't the Taoist Heavenly Master ye Xiaogu? Isn't the reincarnation like this?

He made such a derogatory remark, which also hurt himself.

During the joke, ye Xiaogu didn't continue to tangle with Ren Hanxiang about this matter. He sipped his mouth, turned the topic and said, "this tea tastes good. Is it jasmine tea?"

"Hum ~ if you haven't seen it, you have to guess. What kind of earthly tea can you compare with? Have another drink?" Ren Hanxiang seems to have some research on this tea.

Ye Xiaogu took another sip when he heard the speech. At first, he didn't feel anything. After a while, he felt sweet in his mouth, and the aroma was thicker. It was vaguely like rose tea.

He was surprised that there was such a big difference between the first and second mouthfuls of the same cup of tea. He looked at the tea soup in the cup for a long time, but he didn't have a clue.

Ren Hanxiang looked at him and snorted with disdain, explaining, "this tea is called Xia Xuehua tea. Xia Xuening ice belongs to two poles. When the tea itself grows, it needs to be nourished with aura, so the first bite and the second bite after boiling are completely two tastes."

"So mysterious? Then I'll change my taste if I take another sip?" while talking, ye Xiaogu took a sip of tea cup, but it seems that the taste has been fixed this time.

"But it's just a little thing hastened by aura. It's not a treasure of heaven and earth. How can there be so many patterns? If you go to the Chaotian Palace and ask your mother to give you immortal tea, it's a hundred flavor and one product with endless aftertaste." Ren Hanxiang's eyes are full of pride when talking about the Chaotian Palace.

But these three words in ye Xiaogu's ears made him avoid them.

The three girls came all the way to the door. Ye Xiaogu knew he couldn't escape. He didn't want to talk more about it. Looking back, he saw that the girl was still drinking tea slowly. For a moment, he deliberately frowned and said, "what kind of tea do you drink slowly? Don't give me a daughter soon."

Ren Hanxiang almost choked when she heard this. When she looked back, she couldn't help staring at him. However, looking at his serious appearance, she felt empty in her heart, looked left and right, turned the topic and said, "Yao Er hasn't seen anyone for a long time, so you really don't worry?"

"What's my hurry? It's important to finish my business with my wife first."

Ye Xiaogu was about to start. Ren Hanxiang didn't have so much free time. He pushed him and said angrily, "go away ~ hurry to find Yao'er. It's very chaotic near yinshuang palace."

"It's just an idle mountain. Where's the mess? It's not a dangerous place in the world." that's what he said, but ye Xiaogu was worried when he looked out of the window.

In this place, Gu Shuimeng has no deliberate management, so there are good and bad people mixed up with everyone. However, because of the lack of aura here, it will not attract the strong to stay, so there should be no big problem.

Between thoughts, ye Xiaogu looked back and Ren Hanxiang was going to ask her to go out to find the two girls.

Unexpectedly, he happened to see the loss in Ren Hanxiang's eyes. For a moment, he unconsciously raised his eyebrows and joked, "you said you didn't want me to go to those two girls, but you still showed such concern. Now this fake generosity has been exposed?"

"I'd love to, but I can't?" Ren Hanxiang pouted her little mouth, knowing that she was teased by him, but she didn't let it at all at the moment.

Ye Xiaogu smiled and shook his head. He went to her and whispered a few words. The girl was so angry that she pushed him and stared at him, "dare you!"

"Why don't you dare? It's all a family, isn't it?" ye Xiaogu smiled. He didn't continue to talk here. He took Ren Hanxiang into his arms and strode towards the door.

He said he was not in a hurry. It was so dark now. In fact, he was worried about Chen Yao and the little sable.

When they walked out of the corridor, ye Xiaogu didn't see the light in the pavilion. He felt something wrong in his heart.

Sure enough, he jumped lightly, and as soon as he appeared in the pavilion, he saw that it was empty. Although it has long been thought that Chen Yao and the little sable will not wait here, ye Xiaogu is still a little flustered because he can't see anyone at present.

"No? Is it hard to go out?"

"Don't go out and look for it. I told you to come out and look for it. You don't listen and pretend to drink tea."

Ren Hanxiang inevitably has some small emotions at this time.

Yinshuang palace still doesn't have a religious boundary, which is more like a gathering point for scattered cultivation. In addition, the cultivation of Chen Yao and the little sable is not very good. It's inevitable to worry that they have disappeared so quietly for so long.

Ren Hanxiang doesn't know if she has been with bao'er for a long time. Now she is also learning that crooked mind. She was originally angry about Gu Shuimeng. Now, she chattered about ye Xiaogu's absence through the disappearance of Chen Yao.

Ye Xiaogu stood at the edge of the pavilion and looked around at a loss. It was when she was upset that she kept talking so much that he unconsciously frowned, looked down at her, and said softly, "who told you to pester me? If you didn't let me go, I could grind until this time?"

"..." Ren Hanxiang listened to him pull his words askew, pursed his lips, and clearly wanted to retort. At the edge of his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

She paused a little, and ye Xiaogu looked back at her, which made her feel guilty.

"Guilty? With whom did you learn to look like you don't have enough to eat all day and look like a fox."


At this moment, she finally reacted and spat back, but the pink face made ye Xiaogu lower his head and kiss her.

They lingered here and there for a long time without any movement. Chen Yao and the little sable, who were called away by several casual repairmen earlier, were in a dilemma at this time.

"Here is?"

On the huge mountain wall, Chen Yao's royal clothes were not visible in the middle of the night, and the little sable on her shoulder could not see her body clearly. Several scattered practitioners came to the front, and the party had reached the halfway up the mountain.

The silver frost palace is not obvious in the world. It is poor in aura. The mountain is not high and the peak is not dangerous. There is no brilliant place. Therefore, ordinary monks are not familiar with this place.

This is especially true for Chen Yao and the little sable. Chen Yao has been wandering in the secular world in the past, while the little sable has been guarding the mangroves. They are really not familiar with the mountains and rivers of these secluded secret places.

According to the news they heard before they came, the two people always thought this place was just an ordinary place, but looking at the black fog rising depression in front of them, they secretly felt that something was wrong.

The little sable stretched out his paw and touched Chen Yao's collar. He winked at her secretly. Chen Yao was a man who cherished his life. At this moment, he didn't feel right or polite. He said straight, "I'm not going. Go find the treasure yourself."

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to leave. It seemed that the young monk who had invited her to take a walk also saw her concerns and explained, "please don't worry, sir. There will be black fog in the black fog Valley every winter night, but it doesn't do any harm. It seems that the black fog is still a collection of strange auras, and sometimes it will be accompanied by things such as light and shadow illusions."

In order to support this statement, he turned back and winked at his peers. Soon, the man turned his back and led the flying sword, jumped and rushed directly into the black fog.

After a while, the man's sword flew out again. It seemed that nothing had happened.

However, although there is no hidden danger, Chen Yao looks at the gloomy sky and touches ye Xiaogu. There is almost a round of trouble. Now she doesn't want to continue to play treasure hunting games with these casual practitioners and leave whatever she says.

Over the years, she has also obtained many Dan Medicine Classics in Chaotian Palace, and the improvement of cultivation is not slow. In addition, the constitution of the immortal in the painting can completely ignore these casual cultivation words.

Just as she turned to leave, the previous scattered monk suddenly said, "please stay here, sir. In the black fog Valley, we found the secret collection of the skills left by the former Taoist master. If you can help us break the array prohibition, we..."

"The Heavenly Master left behind the skill?" Chen Yao stepped slowly and frowned. In the end, she looked back at those people.

These scattered cultivation looks ordinary, and the cultivation level should not be much higher. It seems normal to find someone to help break the array and win the treasure.

Moreover, the skill left by the Heavenly Master is a good gimmick.

Chen Yao and the little sable looked at each other, with some intention in their eyes. The little sable actually had no idea at the moment. A pair of black eyes also looked back at the scattered repairs and took a look at the black fog valley with rising black fog.

"OK, I'll go with you." before the little sable spoke, Chen Yao clapped his hands first.

The three casual practices seemed to be very grateful. They all hugged their fists and bowed their hands to thank them again and again. For a moment, Chen Yao felt very embarrassed.

The party continued to move towards the black fog Valley, and they couldn't see anything before long.

In the hall of yinshuang palace, ye Xiaogu looked for a circle. At this moment, he didn't have any mind to stroll around slowly with Ren Hanxiang.

"Still not! Where did those two little things go?"

"Go and have a look outside the main hall and ask for some casual repairs by the way."

Ren Hanxiang also frowned slightly, and secretly felt that something was wrong.

Ye Xiaogu couldn't find any clues. He led Ren Hanxiang's body and appeared outside the hall in a flash.

There is an array left by Gu Shuimeng in the main hall of yinshuang palace. The casual cultivation nearby can't get through. He didn't come out of the main door and didn't attract anyone's attention in the middle of the night.

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