The black fog was originally transformed by the power of ghosts and naturally restrained all kinds of auras in the world.

Ren Hanxiang was a little careless. Unexpectedly, he just smelled the black fog in the porcelain bottle. The poisoning was deep. Now it's even difficult to say a word.

Seeing that something was about to happen, sanxiu suddenly stopped and frowned at Ren Hanxiang.

She is now wearing a flowing cloud sideburns and three Golden Jade Phoenix hairpins on her head, which adds a little grace and dignity. However, the casual repair is so strange. Looking at her, Ren Hanxiang still doesn't feel very refreshing.

"Do it, what's the strength? That's how the cooked duck flies."

The sanxiu took a look, but before he could say a word, ye Xiaogu's voice suddenly came from outside.

Just now, with the power of the ghost Road, I found the movement caused by the black fog. It happened that Ren Hanxiang solved the siege.

Listening to ye Xiaogu's voice, sanxiu secretly knew that something was wrong. For a moment, he couldn't allow Hanxiang to backhand, so he threw a porcelain vase from his sleeve.

With the "bang" of the door being pushed open by the strong wind, the porcelain bottle "whew" flew out. At the right moment, ye Xiaogu swaggered in and was hit by the porcelain bottle!

Just listening to the "pa", the porcelain vase broke open and a black fog drowned ye Xiaogu in an instant.

"Hahaha! You're right!" said the monk in surprise.

Ren Hanxiang saw this situation, but she felt a drum in her heart. She didn't know what the black fog was. She only knew that the black fog could dissipate work and strength.

Now, seeing ye Xiaogu's move, the girl was anxious and looked forward to ye Xiaogu's coming in unharmed.

"In the black fog, even the gods have to fall in three steps. Is this guy a good friend of a beautiful man?"

Together with the black fog, sanxiu looked at the black fog and didn't hurry up. He looked back and saw Ren Hanxiang aiming at the door. For a moment, he turned back and joked.

Ren Hanxiang stared at him coldly when he heard the speech. Under the light of a slightly dim oil lamp, the appearance of casual repair can be regarded as handsome, and even decent when he saw it and estimated it on weekdays.

Sword eyebrows and stars are quite energetic, and their face is thin and matches their facial features. If they don't wear ordinary gray clothes and don't see any magic weapon, they may be more suitable to be this heavenly master than ye Xiaogu in the past.

"Don't be angry with the beautiful one. I, Qin Wende, haven't seen anything near the silver frost palace for so many years. I'm sure I'll treat you well and make friends with you."

As soon as he finished, the black fog in the distance dispersed with the wind, showing ye Xiaogu's body.

He just stood at the door with his head down, as if his accomplishments had been scattered, but he didn't sit in a chair like Ren Hanxiang. He didn't even say a word. At least he was still standing.

Qin Wende seemed to see something wrong. He frowned secretly and offered a half large orange red gourd from his sleeve with his backhand.

At first, the gourd was just the size of a palm. As soon as he came out, he was good at facing the wind. After a while, he became half a person tall and just emptied beside him.

"Hum! With the blue fire gourd of elder Qingyuan of Xuantian palace, it's easy to kill your soul and break your practice!"

Ye Xiaogu stood at the door without saying a word. Qin Wende secretly felt guilty. He pretended to shout loudly to see ye Xiaogu's reaction.

If ye Xiaogu said a word and a half at this time, it is estimated that he would not be so nervous. However, ye Xiaogu really lowered his head and couldn't see any expression clearly, which made him feel a little flustered.


After waiting for a while, Qin Wende saw that ye Xiaogu didn't answer. Qin Wende didn't have a bottom in his heart. He directly sacrificed the green fire gourd and led a green spirit fire to attack ye Xiaogu directly!

The spirit fire just flashed by, directly brought out an unimaginable extreme high temperature, and instantly burned the floor tiles and carved wooden doors in front of the whole wing room to gray black.

Even the wooden door directly "crackled" and burned, which was only a flash of temperature!

Ye Xiaogu, who was facing the hot flame, did not respond. Just when Qin Wende secretly rejoiced, a black light shield suddenly protected ye Xiaogu!

There was no need for words. Qin Wende's heart suddenly hung up, and even Han Xiang was confused.

The black light shield just seemed to protect ye Xiaogu's three steps away, and didn't mean to fight back deliberately.

Qin Wende thought ye Xiaogu was pretending to be dizzy, and secretly planned to run away. When he saw him, he didn't respond. He turned his head and took another look at Ren Hanxiang, who was still reluctant to enjoy it. He bit his teeth and took another magic weapon from his sleeve.

The silver frost palace is indeed across the mountains as he said, and there are occasional major repairs.

If ye Xiaogu didn't happen to meet Gu Shuimeng at the beginning, it is estimated that he would have to be calculated by Qin Wende.

Relying on the black fog brought out from the nearby black fog Valley, Qin Wende calculated many experts. Now he saw ye Xiaogu still breathing and vowed to kill him. He took out another magic weapon here.

But I saw that the magic weapon was a copper coin sword with half an arm. It seemed to have no edge and no blade, but it showed a powerful evil spirit.

"Look at my spirit sword sect killing evil spirit front!"

While talking, a sword shadow flashed. Just listening to the sound of "bang", the violent sword Qi directly shattered the charred carved wooden door and eaves. The violent sword Qi was too strong and even ploughed a gully in front of the yard!

It's just

The black light shield did not move, and ye Xiaogu still hung his head, as if he had no feeling at all.

One after another failed. Qin Wende was really angry for a moment and took out more than ten rare magic weapons from his sleeve.

"Magic wind Valley, new wind summoning soul flag!"

"Liu yuezong, butterfly don't shadow life chasing knife!"

"The metaphysical view on the eight trigrams, the eight trigrams seal of Zhengyang!"


A lot of magic weapons were smashed out. With the flashing of aura one after another, the magnificent magic weapon Yu Wei didn't say that the wing room and even most of the silver frost palace were shocked to the dust.

In the courtyard with green tiles and white walls, it seems like an earthquake. Occasionally, tiles are knocked down. Even those who don't strive for fame and wealth can't help but get up and take a look at the movement.

In the ruins, Qin Wende panted and tried to take out the magic weapon from his sleeve, but he suddenly found that he had no magic weapon.

He raised his head and looked at Xiaogu in the middle of a piece of rubble, and suddenly felt a burst of spontaneous despair.

Without the attack of magic weapon, the undamaged black light shield suddenly disappeared silently. In the weak dust, the black clothes and silver hair decorated with golden dragon were so conspicuous.

Qin Wende killed countless experts through his simple and honest disguise of only jiedan and the strange black fog pit in the nearby black fog Valley, but at this moment he really felt incomparable despair.

"Who the hell is this?"

As soon as he read it, he was shocked. Suddenly, he looked back at his back.

Although so many magic weapons had been triggered and banged before, as if it was the end of the world, Ren Hanxiang has always been in the position behind Qin Wende. Even without cultivation for the time being, he has not been seriously injured.


Ye Xiaogu is more powerful than Qin Wende expected. Now he is exhausted and can't kill ye Xiaogu by all means. Once the effect of the black fog dissipates, he can't escape ye Xiaogu's pursuit with his cultivation in the Dan realm.

After fighting Eagles for so many years, Qin Wende also knows that one day, the despair of dying at the moment urges 1 to give birth to a madness that can't turn back.

He hurried to Ren Hanxiang and gasped for the last time.

Ren Hanxiang watched the excitement for a long time. Suddenly, she saw Qin Wende coming back. She was too worried.

However, the black fog in the blue and white porcelain vase was far worse than expected. Even after playing for nearly half an hour, she still couldn't speak a word, let alone get up and start.

Seeing Qin Wende about to succeed, Ren Hanxiang suddenly saw Qin Wende's eyebrows a little red!

Before she looked more, Qin Wende contracted and melted into a drop of hanging blood!

"Blood essences?!"

Not far behind Qin Wende, ye Xiaogu still hung his head, but he obviously helped him just now.

"Ye Lang!"

Ren Hanxiang was happy for a while. Seeing ye Xiaogu still motionless, he felt a little bad at the moment.

Ye Xiaogu is really abnormal. Even if he is in the black fog, he should not be so immortal. Something must have happened!

The girl was worried, but she was unable to move. There were scattered repairs around the silver frost palace. Qin Wende's urging of dozens of magic weapons was almost like destroying the sky and the earth, which naturally attracted many good people.

Outside the rubble and ruins, scattered repairs slowly approach from time to time.

These idle monks are as listless as beggars, but when they see that they can find treasure, they are bolder than one.

Who didn't become a fairy? Everyone has it. What about you and me?

Ren Hanxiang still sits on the master's chair, and the effect of the black fog still doesn't dissipate. On the other side, ye Xiaogu killed Qin Wende earlier, which seems to be weaker.

The crisis is hard to solve!

At this time, Ren Hanxiang really hoped that Chen Yao and the little sable could appear, but the first one appeared was a white haired sanxiu.

It seems that the old man is getting old and has no hope of practicing. Shouyuan is about to enter, so he has extra courage.

In the ruins of the chaotic war, ye Xiaogu bowed his head and didn't distinguish between life and death. The old man didn't deliberately approach, but looked around to see if there were any magic weapons left.

Sure enough, he looked down for a while and found Qin Wende. He used a flying sword.


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