I have a Gameboy

Chapter 271 Slug Hawk!

Yan Chong backed away, no longer staying with these kneeling fools.

These people have given up their minimum dignity for the sake of a little water, and they are no longer humans, but beasts.

There were some people at the market who didn't grab water, but they didn't necessarily have dignity, or because they had other ways to survive. They were all old, weak, sick and disabled.

After all, people who are strong and strong are basically gathered above the castle.

If Yan Chong wants to help them, he must first provide them with conditions for survival before he can help them regain their dignity.

"Don't stand stupidly here, kid!" someone who had received the water return scolded Yan Chong.

Yan Chong looked up, but he was just an ordinary person in sloppy clothes.

Because of good luck, he grabbed a small bowl of water and was very happy at this time.

Yan Chong said in his heart: "I can't beat Riktus, and I can't beat you? When can even you scold me?"

After Yan Chong's gaze, the man was scared.

He gripped his bowl tightly, and quickly explained: "I have no other meaning, just telling you not to stand here, for a while when the children of war come down and parade, I'm afraid it will hurt you."

The sons of war are the heroic warriors. They claim to be the sons of the immortal Joe.

The undead Joe uses lies and "love" to drive them, and they give their violence back to the undead Joe.

After the water was released on Jubilee Day, it was time for them to show off their strength.

Conquest, plunder, and after the amnesty may not necessarily be happiness.

Unexpectedly, this is still a kind person?

"What's your name?" Yan Chong asked.

"Hawk, my name is Hawke." The man was stunned by Yan Chong's gaze. "Everyone calls me the slug Hawk."

"But you don't have a nasal mucus?" Yan Chong looked at his face. Although it was not clean, he did not drag his nose.

"Snot so delicious, of course you can't keep it." Hawke said, "Why, do you want to eat too?"

Yan Chong: "..."

Ghosts want to eat that kind of food!

But these people can't even drink water, let alone other food.

I'm afraid there are cans of dog food now, and they can all be regarded as rare treasures.

In this way, a salty nose may indeed become a snack.

"I want to go to Gasoline Town." Yan Chong resisted his nausea and asked, "Can you be my guide?"

"This... the road is very long." Hawke said, "I'm afraid it will take several days on foot. You don't really need a guide at all, you just have to go all the way north along the dirt road."

"Then do you know where to get the car?" Yan Chong said again.

"Hahaha!" Hawke laughed loudly, as if he heard something very funny.

In fact, people who can't eat food, how can they still want to drive?

"I have a bad sense of direction, and even if I enter Gasoline Town, I am not familiar with the rules inside." Yan Chong said, "I originally wanted to pay you some water and food as a salary, but since you don't want to go... "

As Yan Chong said, he took out a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip.

The bottled water is clear and transparent, which is much stronger than mud soup stained with red clay.

After Hawke watched it, he licked his lips at the time, although there was no saliva in his mouth.

"I am willing to go!" Hawke nodded at the time, "As long as you are willing to give me this bottle of water!"

"Deal." When Yan Chong arrived, he prepared hundreds of boxes of bottled water and stacked them in the warehouse. One bottle or two bottles is not a loss at all.

He threw the bottle of mineral water in his hand directly.

He thought that Hawke, who was hungry and thirsty, would definitely drink the water, not to mention gulping, at least he would swallow a small sip of water in three mouthfuls like Xu Guangyuan before.

But that is definitely not the style of the wasteland people.

Hawke took the bottle of water directly into his arms and looked around, not daring to let others see it, as if the bottle of water was a rare treasure.

"Boy, where did you get the water?" Hawke asked.

"There are some things you don't need to know." Yan Chong replied.

"Do you know the value of this water?" Hawke asked again.

"Of course." Yan Chong nodded.

Even if he didn't know, he knew now.

"Aren't you afraid that I will eat black?" Hawk touched the knife on his waist.

It was a triangular piece of broken iron made of a piece of black iron. It should be a part of a car, which was picked up by the residents of the wasteland and made a self-defense weapon.

This kind of thing simply couldn't enter Yan Chong's eyes.

"I have a lot of water like this." Yan Chong stretched out his hand and took out another bottle, gave Hawke a glance, and then put it back. "Guess, if I use it as a reward, it will How many people are willing to kill you?"

Hawke knew that Yan Chong's threat was justified. Needless to say, using a bottle of pure water, even with the same volume of sewage, a large number of people would kill him for it.

In this chaotic market town, Yan Chong only needs to shout.

"We should set off now, Master!" Hawke knelt down, surrendering to Yan Chong.

This is probably called money can make ghosts go around?

At this time, those who went to collect the water have returned one after another. Some of them have smiles on their faces and feel sincerely happy for their harvest today, while others have their faces full of frustration, and their mouths are covered with red clay. Suck the last bit of moisture into his mouth.

With their return, the convoy of the children of war will also set off.

"We have to stay away from them, if you don't want to be made into blood bags." Hawke pulled Yan Chong aside, "If you want to go to Gasoline Town, we'd better leave at night."

"No problem," Yan Chong said.

They just watched as the convoy of the children of war drove away from the immortal fortress one by one, then dispersed and drove in different directions.

Yan Chong had seen Riktus' raiding team before.

At that time, because he found Yan Chong such an excellent gift, he did not carry out further plunder.

And this time, because of Yan Chong's jumping off the building, Riktus' gift was completely vanished.

This made Riktus feel extremely angry, and once again led the team out, wanting to kill the Quartet.

It is conceivable that the first hapless person he found will definitely experience an inhuman torture.

Yan Chong couldn't help but feel sorry for the hapless guy.

At this time, Hawke said: "Master, are we thinking about starting later? For example, tomorrow?"

"Why?" Yan Chong asked, "isn't it more convenient to move at night?"

"It's the undead old Joe's most reckless son, Rictus, who is heading in the direction of Gasoline Town." Hawke said, "If we run into him, I'm afraid we will be dead!"

"Oh, is it?" Yan Chong smiled, "Do you want to have some excitement?"

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