I have a Gameboy

Chapter 288 Power Distribution!

Yan Chong ran away all the way, and by the way, he took a look at the nearby rooms.

In fact, he wanted to find Xu Guangyuan.

More or less he had to say hello to Xu Guangyuan, or else he would be easily fooled by playing with Cobra with his own scheming.

But unfortunately, Xu Guangyuan estimated that he had gone out to handle other bounty tasks, and he was not here.

Yan Chong's random escape also disturbed several original residents.

These residents weren't good people either. Seeing that he was only a child, he behaved very viciously, so the shout of cursing came out immediately, causing Hawke to chase him along the way.

No way, Yan Chong could only flee all the way and escaped from the pig nest.

Fortunately, he was already retreating when he sealed the ice wall, and when Hawke sculpted the wall, he had already opened the distance.

So with his ten o'clock agility, when he got out of the hotel, Hawke really didn't catch up.

It wasn't that Hawke couldn't catch up by himself, but Cobra refused to let Hawke go too far away from him to prevent him from accidents.

Yan Chong ran to the street. Although the security in the south of the city was very chaotic, and even the guards were killed, people still had to live.

The more chaotic the place, the more people there will be, and people will go back and forth on the street.

Yan Chong easily got into the crowd, changing his face casually, turning his clothes over, and Hawke couldn't find him.

OK, Cobra, you can play!

Yan Chong was very happy here.

If he wants to reveal his identity, he can summon Cobra alone at any time.

With Cobra's ability, without Hawk by his side, he would not survive for a second in front of Yan Chong.

When he died, Hawke was naturally relieved.

But Yan Chong was not so kind.

Although he had a certain relationship with Hawke and didn't want to watch him die, he didn't know what Hawke wanted to do in this instance.

A master who has hidden so deeply can make him suffer a little bit more. By the way, he can re-divide the strength gap between the Hyena Gang and the Viper Gang.

Anyway, Cobra still uses Hawke now, not so easy to let him die.Let him suffer more, and he will be more grateful when Yan Chong rescues him.

As for Yan Chong himself, he now has a new mission goal.

Garcia is a gang leader in the north of the city, worth a bounty of 10,000 parts.

The important thing is that Cobra's current identity is still his confidant.

Yan Chong could go to the north of the city to try his luck, waiting for them by Garcia's side.

This way, you can get a little closer to Cobra and Hawk, so that you can observe them up close, so that you won't lose the relevant information about the graveyard of the falling star.

If you are in a good mood, you can also rescue Hawke.

So Yan Chong went all the way to the north, observing the surrounding environment, and inquiring about the power distribution of the city from the people around him.

Although there are not many good people in Gasoline Town, there are also many poor people, and the food is full of allure for them.

Yan Chong did not dare to seduce them with modern pure water and bread, for fear that they could not accept it and cause a large-scale riot.But taking out a can and opening it into smaller portions is enough to pry open the mouths of many people.

Although many people were moved by evil thoughts and wanted to get something for nothing, they immediately tasted the power of Yan Chong's fist.

Others, as long as they can eat a spoonful of chickpeas, they are willing to say everything they know.

Gasoline Town is divided into four districts, southeast, northwest, and the chief cannibal lives on the tallest tower.

He may be the skill he learned from the undead old Joe. Only by raising his position can he show his majesty.

Of course, he may also be for the convenience of observing his entire sphere of influence.

The gate of Gasoline Town faces south, and all foreigners come in and out from here.

Therefore, the Southern District is basically the poorest place in Gasoline Town. Most of them are refugees from outside. Ninety percent have not escaped poverty, and more than half are still struggling with life and death.

But having a place to shelter from the wind and rain is already a rare luxury for most of the refugees.

So here is not only chaotic, but also the people are very poor. Even the guards often fail to collect taxes and have to come out to blackmail everywhere to exploit the seemingly rich to the greatest extent.

The North District is the most stable place in Gasoline Town, because the only oil refinery in the city is here.

Excavating oil from the ground and refining it into gasoline is the main business of Gasoline Town.

Therefore, the automobile industry and weapon manufacturing here have been developed.

Don't talk about the person in charge of these enterprises. Even the workers here have higher incomes than other places, and they are the hardest to speak.

However, there are the heroic warriors of the immortal old Joe who change guards regularly, and their weapons and equipment are sufficient. Compared with them, other gangs are only second-rate, and generally there are few people making trouble.

The eastern and western regions are more focused on economic entertainment activities.

The Eastern District mainly uses food, pornography, narcotics and other things to provide joy to ordinary people and squeeze the last bit of resources in the pockets of those who have just escaped the poverty line.

In the west, there is the only arena in the gasoline town.

Here, various gladiatorial events are often held.

Some people fight with people, some animals fight with animals, some fight with animals, and a large group of people fight with animals in cages.

However, the competition here has the same standard, that is, no matter how many people enter, only one person can come out.

Never die!

In this wasteland world where people may die at any time, only such bloody projects can arouse people's desire to watch, right?

Yan Chong expressed regret for this, but why do you still want to see it?

Garcia is a crazy supporter of this fighting event.

Although he lives in the North District and runs a large car repair factory, he usually goes to the Arena in the West District to watch shows every day.

He also trained a large number of gladiators under his hands, specifically for participating in gladiatorial fights.

A gladiator who can help him make money, he has never spared his money.

Eat the best food, live in the best room, and even arrange beautiful women for their enjoyment.

But those gladiators who don't make money don't matter. They are all one-off products anyway, and there is no chance to come back. The resources he occupied before can naturally be passed on to the next person.

It is rumored that as long as someone with a good skill is willing to engage in a gladiatorial career, it is more cost-effective to go to Garcia than to the boss of the arena.

Of course, if it is a single talk with the arena boss, it is possible to participate in a single game with one bill at a time, but as long as you follow Garcia, then there are only two results: Feihuang Tengda and this fall.

It is absolutely impossible to escape.

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