I have a Gameboy

Chapter 307 Why Are You Arrogant?

When the others follow the route to find him, Yan Chong will no longer be seen.

Yan Chong quickly returned to Garcia's factory, when a group of people was blocking the door of the factory.

Judging from their outfits, they are much better than Garcia's men.

Yan Chong didn't dare to go in at the time, so he jumped onto the second floor and observed from top to bottom.

Things are almost the same as he guessed. Although Yan Chong doesn't know how Garcia did it, Garcia must have spent a lot of money to buy it.

Yan Chong listened to it for a while at this time, and naturally he understood the cause and effect.

These people are mercenaries under the cannibals, and they are considered the most elite group.

What the cannibal admires most is the invisible big hand, who wants to use economic power to promote the development of Gasoline Town and maintain their absolute authority.

So in such a major game moment, he did not just lend the money to Garcia alone.

These people can be regarded as "debt collectors" under the cannibals, and there are many teams.

Knowing the result of the game, they rushed over immediately.

If Garcia pays back the money obediently, they will leave.

But if Garcia wants to refuse to repay the money, they will let Garcia know who is the sole master of Gasoline Town.

Although there are also Garcia's fighters who stay in the factory, they are not Garcia's cronies, and I don't know the specific situation of Garcia.

They said they didn't know the whereabouts of Garcia, and wanted those people to wait until Garcia came back.

But those people naturally refused to listen.

They all carried communication devices such as walkie-talkies on their bodies, and they were soon notified of Garcia's death.

They felt that Garcia could not come back to pay back the money, so they began to want to take the repair shop.

Those workers naturally disagree.

Cannibals take the factory away, and no matter to whom they will subcontract in the future, will they all lose their jobs?

It's hard to eat a bowl of rice on this wasteland!

Therefore, whether fighters or engineers, they wanted to copy guys to stop these people from violently collecting.

Then the debt collectors were not in a hurry, they just communicated on the speaker, and they could hear a lot of people coming from all directions.

Although the team that collects debts is small in number, it can't hold up the number of teams!

It didn't take long for it to have hundreds of people, all with relatively sophisticated weapons in their hands, at least much better than the home-made iron barrel pistol.

"Leave or die?" The debt collector who had taken the lead now suddenly became arrogant.

"Repay the money!" Yan Chong shouted at this time, falling from the sky.

To be honest, because he was relatively free before, and had plenty of time, he often wandered around in this factory in Garcia, and he also established some relationships with these people.

Especially those people who are helpless and can barely make ends meet with technology.

They are all really suffering people, but many of them also exude humanity.

Whether Yan Chong is poor or rich, their attitude towards Yan Chong is very good.

Yan Chong couldn't watch them die because of Garcia, just die here.

"What are you doing?" the lead debt collector asked.

"I am the star of the north city." Yan Chong did not hide it.

"Why, do you want to pay the debt for your former boss?" the debt collector said, "I heard he was not very good to you?"

"It's okay." Yan Chong said, "I'm dead, can I say anything bad about him? You just ask the price."

"We are collecting debts decently, and we are not collecting usury." The debt collector said, "You can take one hundred thousand sets of parts. Of course, if you are willing to pay with other things, we are also happy."

Yan Chong heard this and scolded his mother.

Garcia's own head is worth 10,000 sets of parts.

The repair shop under his name plus the owner, he is not worth a hundred thousand sets of parts!

How can you lend him one hundred thousand sets of parts?

Do you still dare to say that you are not a loan shark?

"As long as that?" But Yan Chong's surface was still very calm and said, "You have come so many people, don't you leave a glass of water?"

"Don't be so polite," said the debt collector. "You only have to pay 100,000 sets of parts."

"This head belongs to Garcia." Yan Chong took out Garcia's head and threw it to the debt collector. "His reward is 10,000 sets of parts. You should be able to find it."

Although Garcia shot himself headshot with a pistol, his eyebrows, teeth and other important features have not changed, so he can still be seen at this time.

When offering a reward, life and death are not counted, so there is no problem with offering a reward for these ten thousand sets of parts.

"Very good," the debt collector said, "but there are still ninety thousand, what will you pay for it?"

"Is it really not enough?" Yan Chong asked, "give some time, is it okay to take some time?"

"Of course!" The debt collector smiled, and threw Garcia's head aside. "The cannibal is to blame. Do you have to use your head to repay the little money?"

"Don't worry, we don't dare to default on the money of the cannibals." Yan Chong said as he walked slowly to his side, "but I don't want you to demolish the venue, so..."

Yan Chongran ejected his forbearance hand and slashed it on the debt collector's neck.

There is no difference from when Garcia's head was just cut.

The knife is out, the knife is back, and the blood is shocked!

The debt collector is not a good stubborn, he has been secretly guarding Yan Chong's approach.

He knew that Yan Chong was the "star of the north of the city", a gladiator who didn't blink.

He even went to see Yan Chong's game in person, and knew Yan Chong's style of fist and fist.

But he didn't know that Yan Chong still had such a fast knife!

He thought that if Yan Chong had any changes, he would shoot immediately, but he miscalculated.

Yan Chong's knife was too fast.

At the very least, it was too fast for him as an ordinary person.

"It's better to pay with your head!" Yan Chong said.

"He, you! Ah..." The person next to him was filled with consternation, and instinctively wanted to shoot.

However, for the sake of their momentum, the hundreds of people crowded together, blocking the entrance of Garcia's assembly plant tightly.

All can't run this time.

"Upright-Undead Slash"!

The super long Taito with a blood mist of ten meters was immediately swung out by Yan Chong.

There is nothing else on the knife, only the chill that harvests life.

Huh, huh!

With two swipes, most people looked silly.

"These people should also be wanted?" Yan Chong said with a smile, "I don't know if their heads are enough to pay off their debts?"


Have they seen this before?

What kind of effort is this, how can so many people be hacked to death in the blink of an eye.

Is this the strength of the arena championship?

They suddenly felt that the weapons in their hands couldn't be pressed.

So weeping, weeping, weeping pants, some people simply knelt and begged for mercy.

Of course, more survivors chose to escape.

Yan Chong saw too many killings today, and didn't want to kill them all.

"Then let's clear it up!" Yan Chong said, "You are welcome to come over for a drink at any time!"

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