I have a Gameboy

Chapter 316 The enemy who grabs business!

"Okay!" Yan Chong nodded, "Just do it! But if I know what little tricks you do with me..."

"How come, Brother Ke?" Sister Qing said, "It's just our relationship..."

"Then see you tomorrow!" Yan Chong stood up and left.

As Yan Chong left, Sister Qing's face behind her gradually became cold.

"Just because of the relationship between the two of us, I won't cut you off, and I'm not called Zhuyeqing!" Sister Qing gritted her teeth behind.

Yan Chong is now 80% sure that he is not exposed.

And even if it is exposed, he does not plan to come here for a meeting again, and there is no ambush.

Since tomorrow may be the time for a decisive battle between the Hyena Gang and the Viper Gang, Yan Chong himself had better prepare.

Then Yan Chong walked out from the inside with a heavy heart, and the few men who were meeting him.

The three of them smiled and said: "How about it, is it fun to play inside?"

It seems that they have not ridiculed about this before, Yan Chong can only sternly said: "Look less!"

"Then you're all done, don't you take the girl away?" The deputy captain said at this time, "It's not worth two cans to play in this place only once!"

Oh, yes, there's that thing!

Only then did Yan Chong remember the real reason why he came to the Unicorn Club. He came to find the addict's sister.

It seemed that they thought that Yan Chong went in for so long and did something entertaining with that woman.

Yan Chong's hard explanation is not appropriate at this time.

So Yan Chong could only turn around and come in again and ask the boss wife about the woman.

"Captain, you said earlier, if you wanted to find her, I would make arrangements for you!" said the lady boss, "but she has already gone to pick up the guests!"

This proprietress probably knows something about the Viper Gang, so playing the captain's prestige with him now may not be effective.

So Yan Chong asked, "When did it happen?"

"Just now, the person with you, the third box from the left." The lady boss said, "I advise you to wait here, and when she is done, I will call you again."

"No." Yan Chong was about to move forward.

"How embarrassing it is to meet this kind of thing!" said the lady boss.

"It's not something embarrassing or embarrassing." Yan Chong said, "Her brother owes us a debt, and I must take it away."

Of course, the speed of the boss is not as fast as Yan Chong, and even if she is held back, she is not Yan Chong's opponent.

But when Yan Chong walked to the door, he stopped automatically.

Because he heard the sound of the steel wire bed shaking from inside the room.

That's too late……

Yan Chong turned around, the lady boss was still smiling: "Look, I'm embarrassed!"

"How long has she been here?" Yan Chong asked.

"It must be a few days..." the lady boss said, "Don't worry, she is in good health! There is nothing wrong with it! It's okay to continue to live!"

Who asked you that?

"Who brought her here?" Yan Chong asked.

"Don't ask about that." The lady boss said, "These are all business secrets."

"I'm not telling you the secret, I'm asking you who brought it!" Yan Chongran was fierce, "Are you looking down on Lord Cannibal?"

The lady boss was immediately scared.

"Then, what, it's the humiliation of Chengnan." The lady boss said, "He brought it! What contradictions do you have, don't say that I said it!"

"Isn't that all right?" Yan Chong smiled, "Don't worry, people who dare to grab business with us will not have the opportunity to trouble you!"

After speaking, Yan Chong took someone away.

Yan Chong has no way to save the girl, and only hopes that he threatens a bit and the lady boss can treat her better.

On this wasteland, it is no longer easy to have a meal.

It wasn't her or even his brother who was wrong, but this Cao Dan's world.

What should be done, still has to be done.

The Huoyazi in Chengnan was also a well-known figure. Although his influence was not that big, Xu Guangyuan had lost a lot of his business during this period, but he heard that the debt collection team had come again, and he remained calm and composed.

"I don't seem to be in debt, right?" Huoyazi said with a smile.

As soon as he laughed, he showed his teeth.

The two front teeth on the top of him are gone, and there are four or five teeth missing on the bottom, and they all leak.

"Do you know this person?" Yan Chong took out the information about the addict.

"I know, he owes me money." Huoyazi said.

"He also owes us money, but you seem to have taken away his collateral." Yan Chong said.

"The mortgage?" Huoyazi said, "What kind of mortgage? Then I don't know."

After he finished speaking, he actually took out a document and said, "Look, did you say this? This is the paper he signed for me. If he doesn't pay it overdue, he will give me his sister."

The documents he took out had the signatures of both parties and handprints on them. They were even formal legal documents in Gasoline Town.

Of course, in this gasoline town, there are not many literate people, so no one will go into the details if there is anything in the contract.

Yan Chong didn't come here this time to dig out the law, and Yan Chong was not a legal professional.

Yan Chong came over to prove the dignity of the debt collection team and his ability.

"A thousand sets of parts." Yan Chong said.

"What do you mean?" Huo Yazi obviously didn't want to take this sentence.

"You ruined our collateral and turned her from a work of art worth a thousand sets of parts into a waste on Pink Street! You have to cover our losses!" Yan Chong frowned and touched her with his hand. The pistol around his waist.

As soon as he made this action, the people next to Huoyazi immediately became alert and took out their weapons one after another and pointed them at Yan Chong.

It seemed that they had already received the order from Huyazi, ready to resist violently.

In fact, Huoyazi has a complete document, and can say a few words wherever a lawsuit is filed.

Especially after the "City North Star" incident, although the authority of the cannibals was still there, the prestige of the debt collection team was not as good as before.

More than a hundred can be wiped out by one person, this is a bunch of waste!

So Yan Chong only brought a small team over, and Huoyazi felt that he could still eat it.

If he can really eat the next debt collection team, and clearly explain the truth to the cannibals, then he will become famous in the future!

Wasn't Xu Guangyuan getting angry in the south because he defeated the private defense team?

What Huoyazi wants to do is more powerful than him!

These people under the deputy captain were a little scared when they took their guns.

They are not as good as Yan Chong!

Although they have also been evaluated for joining the debt collection team, it's nothing more than bullying and bullying the common people.They don't want to fight with people with real swords and guns!

There are only five of them, and at least twenty on the other side!

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