I have a Gameboy

Chapter 318: Is it appropriate to run into a superior?

After this battle, Yan Chong and the others gained a lot.

The deputy captain is not good at fighting, but he is very good at searching for people.

They collect debts. If they don’t know where others will hide their money, then don’t do it.

The deputy captain led the people into action. First, the gunmen who fell on the ground were refilled one by one without leaving alive. Then the dead bodies were cleaned up, the equipment was removed, and they were neatly stacked in different categories. Then they hired carts to transport them back to the cannibals. Under the tower.

These are the records of their debt collection team.

Next, he dug the ground three feet and turned over the stronghold of Huoyazi again.

Behind the stronghold, they also found a small vault with a lot of supplies.

Although Huoyazi is not as rich as Garcia, there are basically no businesses like him who digs out three doors, and he has ready-made living supplies in his hands.

In the eyes of most people, the food, water, beverages, and narcotics are much more attractive than the parts.

They don't need to turn in all these things.

Yan Chong didn't like the food, water, and beverages in the wasteland. He just collected all the anesthetics to prevent it from circulating and causing harm to the human world. He left a small batch to hand in, and all the rest was given. Four men.

The rule of debt collection teams has always been that the captain takes the big head and the others take the small head.

Although the monomer price of anesthetics is higher, the quantity is scarce after all.

Yan Chong generously distributed so many good things to them, which made them feel flattered.

These things are no longer pure money, this is fate!

So the deputy captain was very grateful to Yan Chong, and came over to Yan Chong and said, "Captain, we were wrong. We shouldn't retreat when we fight."

"No, you're not wrong." Yan Chong waved his hand. "Let's say it's OK. I'll go in during the war. Go in for debt collection!"

Although the deputy captain did not remember that Rattlesnake said such things, but Yan Chong said it at this time, and he couldn't refute it!

If you refute it, he will have it in the next war!

He has only one feeling now: This boss is right!

In the warehouse, they also found some papers, which were all loan contracts signed by Huoyazi with various people, and without exception, the parties to these contracts had a young and beautiful female relative.

Or sisters, or daughters, or even wives.

When faced with the real pressure of survival, these people exposed their nature.


Yan Chong couldn't help but spit, and then burned all the writings with a torch.

"What are you doing?" The deputy captain was a little panicked, "This is all rare property!"

"I don't want to be a skin and flesh business." Yan Chong said, "Although these people are scumbags, they are also relatives of these women. I don't want to destroy their families. At least I wouldn't do that."

"You can't change the world." The deputy captain shook his head regretfully, "They don't sign contracts with Huoyazi, they will also sign with others. Just like the addict we killed today."

"I may not be able to change the whole world, but I hope that through my efforts, this world will become a little better." Yan Chong nodded firmly.

The deputy captain was deeply moved by Yan Chong's words. He looked at Yan Chong with a little star light in his eyes, and then silently took a step to the right, blocking another box of writings that had not yet been discovered by Yan Chong...

In another warehouse, they found some women tied up.

They are not very old, and they are all good-looking, and they seem to be the "property" that has been executed in these documents.

Although the deputy captain was a little reluctant, but under Yan Chong's insistence, they all released them.

As a result, Huoyazi would be completely looted here.

After returning, the deputy captain drafted a report and reported the incident.

He not only concealed the amount of confiscated property, but also the young girls who were caught.

According to the official statement, these people, Huyazi, were punished just because they sympathized with the "North City Star", snatched the property of the debt collection team, and also intended to violently fight the debt collection team and challenge the majesty of the cannibals.

But this has been very successful, at least in line with the captain's requirements for subordinates.

Anyone related to the "North City Star" should be wiped out on the spot!

Of course, the captain also knew that behind the extermination meant damage.

Unless there is a request from the superior, the extermination team will not easily go to war with large-scale gangs, and they will not even go to the gangs' territory.

But with such a small team, Yan Chong eliminated a medium-sized gang with at least 20 people, which made him feel very excited.

This is an opportunity for their debt collection team to become famous. As long as they are properly publicized, it is an opportunity to restore the momentum suppressed by the "Northern Star"!

Regardless of the materials that Yan Chong brought back, he could find someone to fill the empty business.

Here is another windfall.

This is simply an opportunity for fame and fortune.

So the captain admired Yan Chong very much.

"You have made a lot of progress!" The captain praised, "If you have two or three more times, I'm afraid I will give you the position of captain!"

"Does it have to be two or three times?" Yan Chong said, "If you have any work, please arrange it quickly!"

Captain: "..."

I'm just being polite, what are you doing so seriously?

Yan Chong was really not joking. Seeing that a decisive battle would be coming tomorrow, he couldn't delay his progress.

After eliminating Huoyazi, he really received a new side quest, which shows that he has now perfectly replaced the rattlesnake.

It doesn't matter to be a big captain, but as a small captain, he at least needs to complete a few more tasks to gain the trust of the cannibals.

The captain also understands that Yan Chong is ambitious, but he also understands that it is impossible to replace his position of captain by simply suppressing bandits again and again.

Because no matter how high Yan Chong's accomplishments were, they were all done under the command of his team leader.

When Yan Chong became the captain, he had already climbed to a higher position.

Since Yan Chong wanted to climb up, why not give him a few more opportunities?

So the captain found out the hardest bones in the debt collection team in recent years.

Yan Chong swept through the list above, feeling angry.

Are you trying to kill me!

"You can collect these bad debts." The captain gave a smirk. "Except for the most basic debts, the extra part is considered your hard money. Just divide it with your brothers. , I don't want it at all."

"I didn't plan to give it to you either!" Yan Chong curled his lips and replied.

Captain: "???"

Is it appropriate for you to challenge your superiors like this?

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