I have a Gameboy

Chapter 320 Leaders' Meeting!

Hypnosis is naturally successful.

Because Xu Guangyuan himself wanted to break his wrists with their three big gangsters.

He still has confidence in his combat effectiveness, but he is afraid of the number of opponents.

After hypnosis, he felt that it was okay for everyone to meet.

Anyway, these people will also bring powerful little brothers over, and if they are deterring each other, they should not be able to fight.

If you can't agree, you can go back to the war again.

Xu Guangyuan then sent his cronies to take his handwritten letter to make appointments, and asked them to take relatively expensive gifts, and welcomed the three of them to the pig’s nest hotel to gather together.

But these eldest brothers are not fools, do you just make an appointment?

What to do if there is an ambush?

So they immediately raised objections, some of them needed to change the time, some needed to change the location, and some needed to restrict manpower.

But before they left, Yan Chong had already said to the messenger: Time is running out, and the debt collection team has already begun to attack the medium-sized gang, and maybe who will suffer next.Therefore, the time cannot be changed, and the rest is easy to discuss.

As for the location and entourage, your three eldest brothers can discuss again and set a final position, and Xu Guangyuan will definitely arrive by then.

It's enough to express the meaning, and the rest is to wait.

In fact, these three big brothers also felt the crisis.

At the beginning, they heard about the extermination of Huoyazi this morning. They didn't take it too seriously. After all, Huoyazi was only the leader of a second-rate gang with limited energy.

If he dared to openly discuss the "City North Star", he deserved to be wiped out.

But then the captain of the debt collection team announced that all the debt collection teams should be stationed at their posts, not to support others.

what does this mean?

The three eldest brothers have informants on the debt collection team and can hear the content of the full-range call.But the status of these informants is not high enough, and they don't know the private conversation between the captain and Yan Chong.

So they can only guess that the captain is going to make a big move!

The debt collection team has to make big moves here, and of course they are all in their hearts.

It's not that they are afraid of the debt-collection team, but that the debt-collection team will clean up other gangs. If you know the news is too late, you will not be able to grab the slot.

Xu Guangyuan is now the new eldest brother of Chengnan, so it is reasonable to call the three of them for a meeting.

Although the three eldest brothers are respected, they are also quite jealous of each other. They don't trust each other where they are meeting.

In the end they could only choose a public area, although it was not the place chosen by Yan Chong's deputy captain, but it was not far away.

Each party can only bring up to five people, and it is agreed to meet on time at six o'clock in the evening.

After learning the news, Yan Chong was relieved.

Did you bring so many people?

Of course, Yan Chong believed that these eldest brothers were not sure what to say, and they must have left behind.

Not only are the five people they took are masters, but there must be several gunmen in ambush outside.

But this is not important.

Yan Chong left for a while, explained his work to the deputy captain and the others, and then returned.

Xu Guangyuan has also arranged manpower here.

As a reincarnation, Yan Chong is always better than an ordinary gunman.

And he has auxiliary props on his body. If he really fights, he might be able to help.

Xu Guangyuan picked three more relatively agile and outstanding marksmen, and drove to the agreed place.

Scarred eyes are the first to arrive.

In fact, he chose this place too.

As the name suggests, there is a huge scar on the right eye, which seems to have been burned by fire.

As a veteran, this kind of injury seems a bit normal.

He didn't bring too many helpers, only a gunman in a trench coat and sunglasses followed closely.

The gunman had two pistols pinned to the left and right of his waist, looking very mighty, pretending to be beeping and not losing the cobra.

On the one hand, it showed the sincerity of scarred eyes, and on the other hand it showed his self-confidence.

It is agreed that only five people will come, and I will only bring one. What can you do for me?

And his eyeliner flips over a wide range, who knows how many of his subordinates are lying outside?

Seeing Xu Guangyuan, his scarred eyes were very enthusiastic, and he rushed over quickly, almost giving Xu Guangyuan a hug.

Even Xu Guangyuan couldn't stand his enthusiasm.

Two people entered the house and took a seat. It didn't take long for the pitcher to arrive.

The asphalt is not as big as a scarred eye.

He brought a group of soldiers over like a demonstration. They were all standard equipment, and even their outfits were very similar to those of the heroic warriors of the undead old Joe.

He is also demonstrating his strength.

Of course, showing off is going to show off. He still respected everyone's agreement and asked this group of soldiers to wait outside. He brought only four close-fitting soldiers into the venue.

The relationship between Scarred Eyes and Asphalt doesn't seem to be too harmonious, and it doesn't seem to be close to Xu Guangyuan at all.

But they are not completely silent, scarred eyes say one last sentence, and the pitch follows the next sentence.

Two of you, each of you, each of me, each of you have a sharp edge.

This seems to involve their past grievances, so Yan Chong didn't know whether Xu Guangyuan could understand it, but he didn't understand it anyway.

They waited for a while, and another young girl came outside.

The young girl carried four big men with her, all dressed as gladiators.

Although Yan Chong didn't know the four of them, they all came out of the arena and looked familiar.

But he didn't know this young girl.In his memory, the boss of the arena should be an old man.

"Ling'er, why are you here?" Scarred eyes seemed to follow the girl.

"Grandpa is sick, now I have the final say in the arena." The girl called Ling'er said.

"Huangmao girl, are you the master?" Qiu snorted coldly.

"Uncle Tar, you can't believe me?" Linger's laughter was like a silver bell, "How can I prove it?"

With that, Ling'er took out a pistol.

When he saw him draw his gun, everyone in the room was startled.

The four soldiers under Asphalt immediately became alert and blocked the Asphalt behind him, and the gunman beside Scarlet Eye also pressed his hand on the gun.

Xu Guangyuan and Yan Chong did not respond, because they felt that Ling'er could not shoot.

Sure enough, Ling'er turned the gun upside down, threw it on the table, and said, "This is Garcia's exhausted pistol. I will give it to you as a meeting gift."

Garcia is the leader of the gang in the north of the city and the owner of the repair shop. Naturally, there are inextricably linked with Asphalt.

Ling'er took out the gun at this time to tell the pitch: Garcia was forced to death by me, what can you do with me?

Asphalt's face was cloudy and cloudy, changed a few times, but still recovered. He laughed a few times and said, "If this is the case, please take a seat!"

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