I have a Gameboy

Chapter 332 Demons Riot!

This wave of explosions is not the most terrifying.

With the death of Black Mamba, the pink, blue, and yellow monsters he controlled ran away collectively.

Although the remaining numbers are small, the members of the Viper Gang regard them as allies, and they are not wary of them at all!

Who knew they would betray suddenly?

First there was a thunder, and then these demons collectively rioted?

So the monster that appeared suddenly rushed directly to the side of the remaining members of the Viper Gang, gnawing at the neck and face.

The Five Step Snake reacted the fastest and quickly shot back, barely knocking down a pink monster, but then was entangled in the hands and feet of two blue monsters hatched from the pink monster's body.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he will die here too.

And the most unlucky person is the cobra.

Because it was the bomb he threw, the last person Black Mamba saw before he died was also him, and the resentment also pointed at him.

Under the final command of the Black Mamba, the main targets of those monsters, big and small, were naturally him.

The cobra was also affected by the explosion, and had no ability to resist. He lay on the ground and panted, and was torn apart by these demons, and quickly turned into pieces.

This can be regarded as Black Mamba avenging himself.

It's just that he didn't even think about it until he died, why did the Cobra, whom he trusted so much, choose to launch a suicide attack on him at this point in time?

Yan Chong reluctantly got up from the ground and checked his physical condition.

That is to say, his life value reached a terrifying state after he was promoted, and he abruptly supported it, otherwise, he might use the resurrection mechanism.

He quickly took a sip of the potion in the potion gourd, and then stuffed a pill into his mouth to stabilize his health.

Now is not the time to hide his strength, most of the Viper Gang members have already died, and he must find a way to escape.

Fighting with these monsters is meaningless.

Of course, Yan Chong ran back, and the things that should be done were still done.

He moved quickly and threw the corpses of the black mamba and Zhu Yeqing next to him into the ranch, wanting to wait for a later inspection.

As the leader and deputy leader of the Viper Gang, these two people will always have something good on them?

The two corpses were easily loaded in, but a square black box was left under the black Mamba's body.

This black box was a good thing at first glance, and Yan Chong wanted to throw it in too, but what was amazing was that this black box couldn't be put in?

Only intelligent creatures with life will be rejected by the pasture. Could it be that this black box is alive?

Yan Chong suddenly remembered what Zhu Yeqing had said to him: "The black mamba's soul box is behind him."

In other words, only by destroying the black mamba's soul box can he be regarded as truly killing him.

Could it be said that this is the soul box of the black mamba?


Yan Chong felt that he had picked up something good.

Although he didn't know how to use this thing or how the Black Mamba would use it to resurrect, Yan Chong quickly picked up a torn piece of clothing from the side, wrapped it up, and carried it on his shoulders.

Then Yan Chong shot down the blue demon who was eating the corpse of the cobra next to him with two shots, cleared a path, and then jumped to the side of Max's V8 chariot and quickly started.

Yan Chong's driving skills are now very mature, and with a kick of the accelerator, the car whizzes up.

He quickly passed a yellow goblin, and the explosion caused by the yellow goblin almost didn't lift his V8 into the air.

But with this degree of explosion, a solid V8 tank can still handle it.

Yan Chong was relieved now. He didn't need to brake at all. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator harder, causing the car's speed to soar. Regardless of what was ahead, he just ran into it, and soon hit the one ahead. A blue monster.

"Get in the car!" Yan Chong shouted at the five-pace snake outside, then stretched out his gun from the car window and shot the blue monster next to him.

Fighting with these demons is meaningless.

Even if you kill them all, there is no gain.

At this time, you should run away.

Yan Chong didn't think about killing the snake gang's door, so he could save one if he could.

The five-step snake hates cobras that slid and slapped horses so much.

With Yan Chong's help, he immediately took action, kicking the blue demon next to him, and then quickly fired a few shots at it, directly knocking it down.

Before the blue monster turned into a yellow monster, he immediately turned around, ran two steps towards the V8 tank, jumped up in the air, and just got in directly from the car window.

This set of his movements is very flexible, even Yan Chong himself can't make it so precise, for fear that he might get stuck on the car window if he is not careful.

In this way, although Yan Chong had already slowed down, he didn't have to stop completely, and he didn't even need to open the door.

He then slammed the speed with a kick of the accelerator and quickly left here.

Behind them, regardless of whether it is a pink monster, or a blue or yellow monster, no matter how fierce they look, there is no car running fast.

Yan Chong quickly left them all behind.

After the five-pace snake was breathing well, Yan Chong still asked: "Why did you keep away from everyone in advance? Did you know that the cobra is going to explode?"

"How would I know what he was going to do!" Five-Pace Snake was also annoyed. "This bastard! The boss is so good to him! Why is he betrayed! Is there any benefit? Not even his life? To pit the boss?"

Next, Five Step Snake scolded Cobra again, and the words became more and more ugly. In the end, Yan Chong wanted to plug his ears.

When he got tired of scolding, Yan Chong said, "Do you know something? Why is your attitude so weird?"

"Weird?" Five Step Snake hesitated.

"Your emotions are a bit too excited." Yan Chong said, "I feel that you are acting in front of my face. Whether you are because of the death of your boss, or because you first met those terrifying monsters. Anyway, if you If you didn't make some small movements behind your back, you don't need to be so excited."

Hearing what Yan Chong said, even the voice of the five-step snake changed: "You, you, you, doubt me?"

"The two of us are the only remaining members of the Viper Gang." Yan Chong said, "We are also responsible for rebuilding the Viper Gang and defeating the Hyena Gang. How do I know if you will suddenly take out one Grenade, blow me up?"

"I, no, no, no, no, absolutely impossible!" Five Step Snake waved his hand quickly.

Only then did Yan Chong understand that his so-called five steps might not mean that he was very toxic, but that he could say five "no" words as soon as he spoke.

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