I have a Gameboy

Chapter 341 Stingy Xu Guangyuan!

The two heroic warriors just fell to the ground without humming.

"Okay, let's act according to the plan!" Yan Chong said to the five-step snake, "You take people in and find an ambush. Everything is waiting for my news."

Before they came, they had arranged a plan, and Yan Chong had to carry out the battle, but the absolute strength of Undead Old Joe was relatively strong, and he could not insist on it.

Yan Chong could let Five Pace Snake know that he had the ability to change his face, but he could not let other people know.

For the reincarnation, this may just be a relatively advanced talent or skill, but this is beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

If they knew Yan Chong's ability, they would have to treat him as a monster.

So Yan Chong hid from the side for a while, and turned back into a black face, letting the Five Step Snake lead the others into Gasoline Town first, and occupy the important military area.

Although the fighting ability of the Five Step Snake is not particularly outstanding, he has a strong sense of danger and seems to have a talent in related aspects.

This always allows him to save him from danger.

On the other hand, his own perception is also relatively high, otherwise he would not choose shooting as his main fighting method.

With high perception and tactical training, he is quite accomplished in arranging troops. This time the Viper Gang’s plan to ambush the Hyena Gang was also designed and personally led by him.

His battle plan directly reversed the power gap between the Viper Gang and the Hyena Gang. As for the Black Mamba and his monster warriors, they were actually just icing on the cake, and even indirectly led to the destruction of the Viper Gang...

So he took these refinery soldiers who had regained certain weapons to ambush, there should be no problem.

Yan Chong waited for them to finish, and went straight to the huge truck of Immortal Old Joe and threw it into the pasture.

His ranch can even fit tanks. What is a truck in your area?

As for the other cars of the Heroic Warriors, Yan Chong was not polite.

Anyway, there was no one in the car, so he gave it a spoonful.

Undead Old Joe is a little too big now, what kind of chaos is the situation now, he only sent two heroic warriors out to see the car?

Look, the car is lost!

Then Yan Chong changed back to the appearance of a flower like a dream, swaggering into the gasoline town, and came to the pig’s nest hotel to look for Xu Guangyuan.

Xu Guangyuan was actually here, but his soldiers had already suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, his overall strength was not entirely dependent on these people.

He believed in his marksmanship, so what he needed most was the pills that Yan Chong provided him.

Seeing Yan Chong's return, Xu Guangyuan seemed to have seen a hundred-man reinforcements.

"You are back!" Xu Guangyuan said excitedly, "Where have you been?"

"I went out to find the news!" Yan Chong also deliberately pretended to be innocent. "It is scarred eyes that ambushed you, but after I found out the news, they said that you had gone out to fight. I heard you still Grabbing the scarred site? How about?"

"Oh, don't mention it." Xu Guangyuan said, "It went well in the beginning. Who knows that the debt collection team came later, and the captain was pretty good. I ate all the pills, that's it. Kill him."

Yan Chong: "..."

Sure enough, it was you, old boy!

That captain is capable of reaching the position of captain, surely not an ordinary person.

The cannibal is a big fat man who only knows how to control the economy and has no combat effectiveness, so in this gasoline town, the captain can definitely be regarded as a boss-level enemy.

And at the level of the rattlesnake, who has been lurking for such a long time, isn't it a small captain?

Therefore, it is estimated that the shooting level of the small captains of the debt collection team will not be much worse than that of the Diamondbacks.

Of course, compared with Yan Chong, they are definitely not good, even if they lose, they are not ashamed.

What Xu Guangyuan is facing may be a super boss, several captain-level elites, and a large number of debt collection team members.

And Xu Guangyuan actually used the waste firewood of his own men to attack such a big Boss, indicating that his own strength may have improved again.

Yan Chong quickly gave him a thumbs up and praised him again and again.

"It's a pity," Xu Guangyuan said suddenly.

"What is a pity?" Yan Chong asked.

"It's a pity that you are just a support." Xu Guangyuan said, "That captain's body is really good. You have helped me so much. It can be said that without your medicine, I have no chance to kill him. I should divide the things. Some of you."

Yan Chong: "..."

Come on this!

You are a support!

"It's okay. Give me something." Yan Chong smiled, "I won't choose."

Xu Guangyuan: "???"

I'm just being polite, what do you really want?

Both people froze for a while.

Seeing Xu Guangyuan really didn't mean to give him some of the relics of the captain, Yan Chong felt a little angry.

I'm so good to you, you don't even give me good things?

Do you want to improve?

Yan Chong was very thankful that he had come this time and didn't give Xu Guangyuan the pills first.

So Yan Chong used the excuse of going to the toilet, ran outside, took out two sets of pills, picked one out of each set, and stained it with some poison from the owl venom bottle.

You took so many medicines for me, and you don’t want to share some rewards with me?

Then you continue to eat.

You can eat well, count me lose!

Yan Chong gave Xu Guangyuan two sets of pills and said he was leaving.

Xu Guangyuan had the pills and was in a good mood. He knew how long he could last, and he might even go out and rob him again.

He thanked Yan Chong again and again, but still did not make any substantial actions.


It's definitely floating!

Yan Chong gritted his teeth, and finally did not tell him the change of the ball.

Anyway, there is only one poisonous in a group, it depends on when you are unlucky.

Yan Chong changed the subject: "The Immortal Joe has now entered Gasoline Town. Have you received the main quest?"

"Protect the undead old Joe?" Xu Guangyuan said, "I received a shared mission from the Hyena Gang. I heard that the Hyena Gang will encircle the Viper Gang today. I don't know how it is going. But I don't expect to die. Old Joe should be fine, right."

Indeed, without Yan Chong's intervention, the Hyena Gang and the Viper Gang would have lost both. Crazy Max is dead, and all of the undead old Joe’s wives are pregnant, and Fury Ji would not take them away.Then the current undead old Joe is really not dangerous at all.

However, these things that can threaten the life of Undead Qiao also seem to be related to Yan Chong...

"That's great, we just need to wait." Yan Chong said.

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