I have a Gameboy

Chapter 346 - Returning to Utopia!

The five-step snake brought his soldiers to the upper floors of the Immortal Castle by elevator, and they would not be soft in their actions against the insane Yingling warriors.

Soon, he had the situation under control.

A "coup d'état" was over at a very low cost.

Yan Chong handed over the little dwarf to the Five-Pacer, letting him take charge of everything up there, and anyway, it wouldn't be long before they were all sent out together.

Yan Chong, on the other hand, came to the paradise and wanted to see the five beauties.

Yan Chong had the key in his hand and opened the door very easily.

But as soon as he opened the door, a double-barreled shotgun was placed against his forehead.

"I don't care what's going on outside," said an inch-headed beauty with a prosthetic left hand, holding the gun up, "if you hurt anyone inside, you're dead."

Even with a shotgun to his face, Yen Chong wasn't really that scared, but he immediately put his hands up.

"Hey, hey, hey, I don't mean any harm." Yan Chong said, "I'm not going to hurt them or their children. I just want to... look at them."

Rage Ji looked at Yen Chong and said, "Nax, I know you. You're supposed to be a good-hearted person..."

"I'm not... "Yan Chong stopped in mid-sentence.

He was going to say that he wasn't Nax, but it seemed a bit inappropriate to say something about how he could disguise himself at this time.

After all, Yan Chong could only stay here for twenty hours or so.

But he stopped at the wrong moment, after all, Furious Ji didn't even know that Yan Chong could change into Naxx.

So when Yan Chong said the words "I am not", Furious Ji felt that Yan Chong was saying: I am not a kind-hearted person.......

"You're looking for death!" Rage Ji's eyes were suddenly sharp and gestured to pull the trigger.

This shocked Yan Chong, because he felt that at some point, Rage Ji really wanted to kill him.

Yan Chong tilted his head in a row, his hands firmly clutching the barrel of the gun.

"Boom!" This reckless woman actually shot!

Yan Chong was so shocked that he could only launch a counterattack in a row, launching a sliding shovel at Rage Ji in place.

The sliding shovel from Castlevania was forced to be launched, and there was no forward swing of movement, so Yan Chong was now clutching the barrel of his gun in his hand and suddenly came to a sliding shovel, his weight immediately lowered.

He had actually gone into a rock state early for fear of Rage Ji hitting him, and now weighed several hundred pounds.

A sudden drop in the center of gravity, bringing Rage Ji down with it, almost flashing Rage Ji's waist.

The next thing you want to do is to get your hands on some of the most important things in the world.

If you were outside and were thrown out like that, you would be able to reduce the damage by rolling forward and receiving the body.

Although Rage Hime hadn't trained in jujutsu, she had also practiced many instinctive tumbling techniques from her years of combat experience.

But they were at the door at this time....

Rage Ji was directly lifted off by Yen Chong, her back hitting the door beam heavily, and then fell back down, not giving her a chance to suffer at all.

She even shattered the prosthetic leg on her left hand in order to brace herself to unload the force.

And the original shotgun in her hand naturally went into Yan Chong's hands.

Yan Chong's side didn't suffer any injuries, and although his weight was a bit heavy, he was able to climb up.

He pointed the gun at Rage Ji, "Save it, I'm really not here to hurt you."

Rage Ji's side was about to fold at the waist, staring at Yan Chong with two eyes and saying, "You fucking call this not hurting?"

Yan Chong saw no way to explain it, so he didn't explain it, but of course he wouldn't return the weapon to Rage Ji, instead he pocketed it himself and turned around and walked inside.

After walking not two steps, he saw those five beauties.

It had been a few months since Yan Chong had left this time, and they all looked a bit pregnant.

They snuggled up to each other and shrank in the corner, looking at Yan Chong with fearful faces.

Without answering, Yan Chong directly sat down on the middle table and poured himself a glass of fresh water and drank it down.

"I won't hurt you, nor will I hurt your children." Yan Chong said, "This world doesn't need more violence and killing, maybe it's good to be run by women."

Yen Chong pulled out the keys to the immortal old Joe and placed them on the table.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow," Yan Chong added, "Until then, I'll take out some supplies to feed the victims, and I'll also open the floodgates to release water. How you will lead them afterwards is your business."

This time, Yan Chong had also come with the idea of renewing his previous relationship with them, but when he saw them, Yan Chong wimped out again.

This was probably what it felt like to be a father.

Yan Chong didn't even know how to say goodbye.

He thought of many possibilities on how he could stay here as long as possible, but a copy rule was a copy rule, and when the time came, mandatory teleportation.

He couldn't even teleport here again.

Then all the parting words would be unnecessary.

Yan Chong can only silently bear the word "scum".

At this time, Furious Ji struggled to stand up and walked towards Yan Chong shakily.

"You don't need to waste your energy." Yan Chong said, "You're a battle hero and their guardian angel. Then continue to do everything right! As for that oasis you had back home, it's ruined. You can send someone to pick them up."

"How do you know..." the Raging Ji choked on Yan Chong's words and shook all over.

"Of course, as long as there's a seed, there's hope." Yan Chong said something that the old lady who had brought up Rage Ji since she was a child often said.

There was a packet of seeds in her, and she always wished she could find a suitable place to plant them.

Now that Immortal Old Joe was dead, and there was water and clean soil, wasn't this heaven on earth?

But where there are people, there are disputes, and Yan Chong doesn't know what the future holds.

The future was in the hands of people.

After Yan Chong said this, Raging Ji took two more steps forward.

Yan Chong warned her, "Save it, you can't beat me."

Who knew that Rage Ji didn't think of attacking, but just pulled a chair and sat down, "I fell and my back hurts, I need to sit down for a while."

Yan Chong: "........"

"Why don't I treat you," Yan Chong suddenly said, "As long as you don't point a gun at my head again."

Raging Ji was a little wary of Yen Chong, but she still leaned in, looking like she had fallen really badly and had a protruding disc in her lower back.

Yan Chong first helped her straighten her bones, and then sprayed her with some Divine Dragon Dew.

The Divine Dragon Dew's healing ability was as perverse as ever.

Rage Hime had a newbie growing out of that wound because her left right hand had just been thrown off!

And it's a standard left hand!

If Xu Guangyuan knew about this, he'd be furious!

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