I have a Gameboy

Chapter 355 The demeanor of the senior!

"It must be a coincidence!" Coach Ryugasaki Sumire said.

"Do it again!" Coach Ryugasaki Sumire then hit another low ball.

With the same position, Yan Chong's movements are the same.

He now has perfect control over his body, so after confirming the power of the previous ball, there is no problem with the movement.

"Huh!" It was another high-speed top-spin stab comparable to a fluctuating ball. After the ball fell to the ground, it bounced suddenly and brought a gust of wind, which seemed to be stronger than the one just now.

This is a tennis ball, this is a cannonball!

"Pretty..." Coach Ryugasaki Sumire's face was a little numb, "Okay, let's try to change the course of the shot!"

Coach Ryugasaki now feels that ordinary training seems not suitable for Yan Chong.

Is this guy's first contact with tennis?

But to be honest, when Coach Ryugasaki Sumire was teaching Yan Chong's basic movements, he could clearly feel that Yan Chong's movements were uncoordinated.

But in just a while, has he learned it?

It really is a genius!

Then coach Ryugasaki Sumire started teaching Yan Chong to play the slash.

Ordinary slash balls can be made easily by changing the angle of the body. The movement does not need to be changed. The direction the face is facing is where it is hit.

This is a requirement for newcomers, because it is very difficult for them to hit the ball over the net.

But this action is too obvious for the master, and it is easy to be judged by the opponent.

Coach Ryugasaki Sumire can no longer demand Yan Chong by the standards of ordinary students. The growth of this student has exceeded her imagination.

He must do his best!

So coach Ryugasaki Sumire started to teach Yan Chong the straight and diagonal change ball in one step.

And Yan Chong was also really upbeat, and soon learned the technique of hitting the slash with topspin, and with training, his movements gradually became uniform.

The previous actions are exactly the same, and only at the last moment can the final change of the ball path be determined.

Of course, Yan Chong's rapid progress is due to his personal physical fitness on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also benefits from coach Ryugasaki Sumire feeding him ball by ball and guiding him at any time.

It was originally a big class for the tennis club collective, but in the end it was turned into a one-on-one private lesson by Yan Chong.

Most of the players who are currently selected did not participate today, and the sophomores and thirds of high school are doing ordinary duel exercises, which is really meaningless.

Therefore, Yan Chong exclusively occupied a space here, and he was playing "boom", which quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"Who is this person?" Ryugasaki Sakurano asked a new student next to him.

She didn't dare to ask Echizen Ryoma, Echizen Ryoma was so cold and couldn't take care of her.

But the freshman was very active, and said coquettishly: "My name is Horio and I have two years of tennis practice experience!"

Ryugasaki Sakurano: "..."

Who asked you!

After all, Ryusaki Sakura is a traditionally educated Yamato Nadeshiko, with a relatively shy personality, and without exposing Horio's show off, she looked at Horio with an embarrassment.

Horio showed off for a long time, only then remembered that the other party asked Yan Chong, and he could only say helplessly: "His name is Hikone No.2, he is a newcomer. Today is the first day to learn tennis!"

Ryuzaki Sakurano: "!!!"

Just make it up!

Is this an action anyone who learns tennis on the first day can do?

Ryuzaki Sakura looked at the cold Echizen Ryoma, and then at Yan Chong, who was training hard here, and couldn't help but said, "This year's newcomers are so handsome!"

"Thanks for the compliment!" Horio next to him was so happy, "I only have two years of tennis training experience! Hahaha!"

Ryugasaki Sakurano: "..."

Who is talking about you?

After Yan Chong practiced like this, it soon became dark.

They are a school after all, not a tennis training camp. They still have classes during the day.

Only club activities after 3 pm can participate in training.

So after a few hours of practice, it was already dark.

Although he still has the strength to continue practicing, coach Ryugasaki Sumire is tired.After all, today coach Ryugasaki Sumire accompanied him throughout the practice.

She's almost sixty, and her body is already dead.

"Okay, let's stop here today." Coach Ryugasaki Sumire said, "Go back and take a good rest. I will teach you new moves tomorrow."

"Okay." Yan Chong took the initiative to help pack things up.

In fact, packing up is what they should do for freshmen, but Yan Chong has been training with coach Ryugasaki Sumire, so he didn't do anything before.

But some senior students saw it and felt a little unhappy.

Why can you receive special training from Coach Ryugasaki Sumire?

"Hey, boy, move faster!" Two second-year students yelled five and six to Yan Chong.

Yan Chong raised his head, smiled at them, and said, "Would you two come and help?"

"Hey, who are you talking to?" a second-year student said.

"No one taught you to respect seniors?" the other person agreed.

It's not that Yan Chong disrespects seniors, but who did you two junior high school kids "senior, senior" with?

"Is it age for work?" Yan Chong smiled, grabbed a tennis ball and squeezed it hard.

"Bang!" The tennis ball exploded.

The two second-year students looked silly.

What kind of power is this?

Of course, the tennis ball itself is very strong and it is made of rubber. Even if Yan Chong's strength has reached ten points, his grip cannot crush the tennis ball.

But he took a bit of cleverness. Before squeezing the ball, through a simple hand-to-hand performance, he stabbed the tennis ball with a knife in the blind area of ​​both of them.

The tennis ball is almost about to be pierced through, with only a thin layer of rubber attached, and then a random stroke is a good breakthrough.

And when Yan Chong tried harder, he consciously applied pressure to the wound, and the tennis ball was squeezed vigorously by him and naturally exploded.

But those two second-year students don't know.

They didn't see the knife at all, so naturally they didn't know that there was a cut.

In their opinion, Yan Chong just picked up a tennis ball in his hand, and squeezed it randomly, and it burst!

Is this a monster?

"So, what..." The two of them immediately stunned, and at that time they took two steps back and wanted to leave.

"Hey, senior!" Yan Chong smiled, "I haven't finished picking up these balls."

"Let's do it!" The two immediately acted obediently, rushing to pick up the ball, "Such a trivial matter, do you still use you to go out in person?"

Yan Chong smiled and said, "Yes, yes, this is the demeanor that a senior should have!"

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