I have a Gameboy

Chapter 463 - Dreamland Collapse!

Even the Mr. Mellow in Yan Chong's subconscious mind couldn't resist this set of continuous techniques, and his whole body turned into a ball of flesh, which fell to the ground and scattered with a loud pop.

Yan Chong even felt that he was a bit cruel to deal with a human being in such a way.

But not only did he find it cruel, the onlookers also found it cruel. ......

That's right, in his dream world, in addition to these virtual NPCs, there was also a person lurking, whose goal was to steal Yan Chong's Spiritual Core.

The spirit nucleus is like a human soul, which can only appear in this special dream world.

As soon as the Spirit Core is destroyed, it is dead.

Someone has now been tied with Yan Chong with a rope, and his soul has entered Yan Chong's dream world and wants to kill him.

But not long after he entered the world, Yan Chong, who was not far away, started to tear down the building.

Before he could find the location of Yan Chong's spiritual nucleus, Yan Chong performed "Lushan Rising Dragon Ba" in front of him.

Then, the man was scared to death.

There were many people on the street, but after experiencing the power of the continuous uppercut, Yan Chong did not intend to continue the bombardment.

In an unfamiliar place, he unlocked a new move and was quite happy.

But as soon as he peed on his side, Yan Chong noticed him.

The average inhabitant of the spirit world is not very smart, they can only make a limited number of moves, and once there is information that is outside the set range, they are almost always down because they can't react.

So even when they see Yan Chong killing people next to them, these people are either down, or they come to attack him.

But your side suddenly squatted on the ground, covered in stains, almost bawling, out of place with the people around you, right?

If not you, who else?

"Hey, that who!" Yan Chong didn't think of that much at the time, he just thought this person was a bit strange, and wanted to ask him why he didn't crash, if he was a higher being, and also wanted to ask how to leave this dream world.

But this person was so scared that when he saw Yan Chong coming, he ran away, pissing his pants and shouting, "Don't kill me! I was forced to do it too!"

Wouldn't he be admitting that he was behind it all?

Then will Yan Chong let him go?

Naturally, they chased after each other.

The two of them chased after me, but they managed to run out of the way, allowing Yan Chong to escape from his dream world.

And not only did they escape from his dream world, but they also ran into the man's dream together. ......

Seeing the style of the entire world change from a cozy, modern family style to rural Japan all of a sudden, Yan Chong knew even if he was stupid that there was something wrong.

"Well, can you stand still?" Yan Chong asked, "Or else I'll have to speed up."

The man wasn't running very fast, but Yan Chong didn't want to kill him directly, so he was lenient.

Yan Chong's threat was quite useful.

It wasn't so much that Yan Chong's intimidation expertise had risen so high, it was just that his continuous technique was so intimidating.

"Can you not kill me?" The man had tears on his face, "I surrender! I'm not a ghost!"

"Are you a real person?" Yan Chong walked over and touched him.

In terms of feel, there was no difference between him and a human, and of course, the NPCs he had just killed didn't feel any different.

But this action of his was a great threat to that man.

He knelt down then.

"I'm human, it's true ......" he wailed, "I was forced into your dream, and if I can destroy your spirit nucleus, I can kill you."

"Oh? How else?" Yan Chong smiled, "Then how do I get out?"

"If you die in this world, you can leave." The man said.

"If you can leave by dying, then why are you so afraid?" Yan Chong asked again, "Isn't it true that if you are killed by me, you can just leave?"

"I'm afraid of the pain!" The man cried, "The way you just killed someone was too scary!"

That's right ......

By explaining the problem, Yan Chong was relieved.

But if he didn't die, wouldn't he be inseparable from this world?

In other words, he must have some other way to leave, but he just didn't want to talk about it.

So Yan Chong smiled and walked over to him, ready to interrogate him.

Yan Chong had killed so many people that he was numb inside, and he didn't mind using the most brutal means to get the information he wanted.

As soon as Yan Chong voiced the question, the man across the street confessed.

"Set a totem in your dream, such as a gyro that won't fall, a dice that can only throw six points ......" said the man.

"Wait a minute, those things you're talking about sound a little familiar?" Yan Chong said.

"Have you heard anyone say that?" The man asked rhetorically.

"It's okay ...... "Yan Chong shook his head, "What's your totem?"

"A girlfriend who loves me ......" said the guy.

Yan Chong suddenly felt so sorry for this guy!

"If that's the case, I want an ATM machine that spits out money all the time," Yan Chong said.

Don't tell me, he thought, but there was an ATM and a bank card right next to him.

Yan Chong inserted his bank card into it, and the ATM showed a balance of 9,999,999, and after choosing to withdraw money, it started to spit money out all the time.

"Then what?" Yan Chong asked.

"Forcibly stopping the effects of the totem." The man said, "Make the gyro stop, for example, and make the dice turn into other faces."

After saying that, the man summoned a girlfriend, a graceful Yamato Nadeshiko.

But when the man whispered something to his girlfriend, her girlfriend slapped him, then turned away crying.

After that, the man waved to Yan Chong and slowly disappeared.

But the problem is that this is that man's dream.

His disappearance meant that he woke up, and when he woke up, the dreamland he had created gradually collapsed.

Yan Chong realized that this guy had been talking for so long, and he was trying to trap himself to death here.

Yan Chong ran back, but he had chased too far, and as the world collapsed, he got a little lost.

The more he couldn't find his way, the easier it would be for him to get stuck here.

And then he looked at the ATM next to him, bulletproof level, good performance, no matter how many times he hit it, it wouldn't stop. ......

Yan Chong felt as if he had no choice but to kill himself now.

But the problem is that he doesn't have a knife in his hand, and it's hard to commit suicide with bare hands.

Is it possible to hang oneself naked?

So Yanchong had to summon Veronica from nearby!

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