I have a Gameboy

Chapter 467 The third winding, Yiwoza!

"Okay, get up." Yan Chong said, "Healing and saving people is also a great achievement."

Yan Chong continued to find the wounded on the derailed train, pulled them out, and classified them according to the emergency.

His "Dragon Dew" is limited after all, and it is impossible to use it without restriction.

Therefore, only if his life was dying, Yan Chong sprinkled a bit of "Dragon Dew" on his fatal injury to hang his life.

If it is just a small injury such as a missing arm or a broken leg, drag them out and place them flat, and then bandage them.

As for whether they will become disabled in the future, Yan Chong has no choice.

Although Veronica can't treat, but she has her unique ability.

Her pair of large pliers are very sharp, they can easily cut the iron sheet of the train carriage, making it easier for Yan Chong to rescue the people inside.

Although Yan Chong's sword is sharp, it tends to become blunt. If it is used too hard, it will hurt the people inside.

With Veronica, it's much more convenient.

"Don't you sacrifice them all?" Yan Chongran asked, "Will your evil god blame you?"

"No, don't say that," Veronica quickly corrected, "That is the greatest god, the god of love and happiness, don't talk nonsense."

Yes, then she turned you into such a ghost?

Oh, you can change it back!

That said, it is indeed very happy.

"It's an ultimate experience that cannot be described by voice. You will love it once you try it!" Veronica said as she spoke, and suddenly began to teach Yan Chong.

Yan Chong hurriedly waved his hand: "You can stop it! I won't believe in your evil god! I just warn you not to hit these passengers."

"Don't worry." Veronica quickly said, "Our god is not the kind of evil god who kills!"

She actually said it wasn't an evil god?

"Our purpose is to spread love all over the world!" Veronica continued.

"Should love to come and go!" Yan Chong corrected, "is your god Cupid or Yuelao? Could it be Meng Fei?"

Veronica: "..."

You're a little bit grotesque!

I'm preaching to you here, do you tell me if you are the one?

But she knew she couldn't afford to offend Yan Chong.

Yan Chong has the ability to get her back to the battlefield just now.

The ghost of the winding is the only master she has ever seen in her life. In her heart, even Yan Chong is not his opponent.

In just one round, the winding ghost easily defeated Veronica's proud speed, broke through her defenses, and then pierced her body.

Veronica felt a little scared now thinking about it.

"Hey, you said, they can't beat that ghost, right?" Veronica said.

"What are you afraid of?" Yan Chong asked back, "An is better than us, so I shouldn't lose. No matter how bad, there will be Yan Zhu to help."

Yan Chong said that, still a little worried.

After all, the twelve ghost months are more powerful than each, that is the third of the first episode!

Although Yan Chong brags that the second of the first string was easily captured alive by him, it was not based on his true ability.

That was because Tong Mo was too confident, and he took the initiative to jump into the trap that Yan Chong had prepared in advance, and was irradiated by two high-power ultraviolet cleaning lamps, which was then caught alive.

But even so, Tong Mo can struggle in that environment for more than five seconds, much better than ordinary ghosts!

Moreover, Tong Mo is more like a mage, not good at being physically strong, and none of his spells have been displayed. This has created such a situation.

But now facing the first three yinzao, before he became a ghost, he was a master of fighting. After becoming a ghost, he is also in order to reach the highest level, so his fighting ability is very strong.

In addition, he is a ghost and has the ability to regenerate. It is not so easy to chop off his head.

Moreover, Yiwozao is not the kind of guy with no brains, and even knows how to attack.

One left forward kick, one right whip kick, and a left jab, and Veronica was knocked down.

Who knew that An Zai went with the Purgatory Kyung Shou Lang. Would he say that they didn't speak martial arts and bullied him, a two-hundred-year-old comrade?

Yan Chong speeded up his progress, and finally rescued all the wounded with the help of my wife Shanyi and others.

Leave the medicine to these children. At this time, Yan Chong hurried to the battle site.

The good news is that the battle is not over.

Although Ann Zai and Purgatory Apricot Shoulang failed to kill the third yinzao, they were not killed by the other party either.

Both of them had wounds on their bodies, especially Kyoju from Purgatory.

His left arm has dropped, and his right eye can't be opened, but his fighting spirit is still tenacious.

Judging from the expression on Yiwozuo, he should have suffered a lot of injuries, but it is a pity that as long as his head is not cut off, other injuries can heal quickly.

These injuries can only bring him pain and anger.

Basically, An Zai relied on her exquisite swordsmanship to resist the fierce attack of Yiwoza, while Purgatory Kyo Shouro assisted and attacked Yiwoza at any time.

His sword technique was sharp and precise, and it touched the side of Yiwoza's neck several times.

However, the speed of Yiwoza is really fast, and the defense against the neck is in place. Before being cut, he always changes his skills, dodges, or pulls the knife out with the back of his hand.

"Do you need my help?" Yan Chong asked.

"I seem to underestimate him a bit." Ann smiled again.

He actually has time to be soft?

But he smiled brightly, and didn't seem to feel pain for his incompetence.

"Then don't you say that I grab the power!" Yan Chong said, taking out his new weapon.

That is his meteor hammer with dozens of flashlights tied to it.

This weapon is good, that is, you have to manually light up all the flashlights before fighting...

When Yan Chong turned on his flashlight, Apricot Shou Lang from Purgatory couldn't wait.

"Grand Commander, don't rush!" Apricot Shourou from Purgatory yelled, "If you don't make a move, he will run away!"

"Who's going to run? You are all going to die today!" Yiwoza let go of Anzai, and blasted six punches at Purgatory Xingshou Lang, all of which were powerful and sinking.

The purgatory apricot Shou Lang couldn't stand it and was punched through his abdomen.

But even so, he didn't even retreat. He stretched out his hand like this and grabbed the Yiwo seat.

"An again! Beheaded!" Purgatory Apricot Shourou said.

He seemed to have no hope of Yan Chong anymore.

Ann raised his two-handed sword high again, and a flame rose from it.

"The Breath of Fire, the Type Two-Ascend in the Scorching Sky!"

Ann Zai's sword, like a flame explosion, came straight to the seat of Yiwo!

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