I have a Gameboy

Chapter 472: The fourth winding, a long time dog!

"Where is the body of this ghost?" Yan Chong asked.

"I don't know either." Ganlu Temple Mi Li replied, "I slept a lot, if I hadn't heard the noise, I would not come out."

This is not to blame her.

Yan Chong comforted her, turned around, and searched carefully in the surrounding grass, trying to see if any coward was hiding in it.

An Zai said to Yan Chong that the names of the fourth and fifth ones, which are still alive, are called Bantiangou and Yuhu, respectively.

The jade pot is the jade pot of Deng Yuhu.

Fortunately, Deng Yuhu was still locked up in the cell of the ghost killing team and did not come out, otherwise.He couldn't clean it even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Bantiangou can split into four monsters with different abilities, and these four monsters can finally merge into a more fierce big ghost.

Only by finding the body of the half-day dog ​​can it be killed.

The jade pot is basically equivalent to a water snake, able to shuttle between the different jars he made, launching a sneak attack.

This goldfish monster was probably summoned by him.

So although these two ghosts are winding ghosts, they are basically sneak attacks. They hide themselves in the corner and let others go desperately.

But unfortunately, Yan Chong did not find them in the grass.

At this time, Ganlu Temple Mili heard another direction, there seemed to be the sound of fighting, and the sound of sharp weapons piercing the flesh.

This kind of voice is painful in itself, maybe some poor person is in crisis.

Yan Chong and Ganlu Temple Mi Li rushed over.

This poor bug is Kasumi Shitouichiro!

Shito Wuichiro didn't know the reason, his whole body was pierced with spikes, and then he was wrapped in a huge water prison.

The dungeon was full of water, and Shitowuichiro was wrapped like a slime, with no gaps at all.

Shito Wuichiro seemed to be unable to breathe.

There is no way to breathe, there is no way to use the power of breathing.

No matter how powerful Shito Wuichiro was, he couldn't use his moves.

With the strength of his body alone, there was no way to pierce this huge mass of water.

Yan Chong hurried over and pierced the water with his breath of light.

Shito Wuichiro "slapped" and fell off.

He had a lot of spikes on his body before, and after landing, he pierced into the flesh, causing secondary damage.

Yan Chong felt pain for him.

However, he didn't care much about these secondary injuries, and he was fortuned to be able to escape from the water prison.

Shitou Wuichiro breathed fresh air, feeling like a man for two lives.

"Many, thank you, Chief!" he said.

"It's nothing." Yan Chong replied, "The question now is, where did the enemy who attacked you go? Is it the jade pot from the fifth episode?"

"Yes, it's him!" Shito Wuichiro said, "He said he can shuttle between different pots. After he trapped me, he shuttled away."

This bastard really doesn't want to go head-to-head.

But since he dare not confront us head-on, it means that their strength is actually weaker.

At least it should not be the opponent of column-level masters.

Yan Chong had a plan in mind.

"It's better if we disperse, protect the village chief and other knifesmiths first, gather the living people together, and save one person is one person." Yan Chong ordered.

"You are right!" Shi Tou Wuichiro nodded.

For Yan Chong's order, the two of them still very much agree.

Although Ganlu Temple Mili didn't want to be separated from Yan Chong, she could only execute orders.

They ran away in three directions, and within a short time, Yan Chong encountered a monster with a big forehead like a birthday man.

"You finally showed up, Part Four." Yan Chong said, "I don't really want to kill ghosts lately. I have an agreement with your boss to try not to kill you. But you twelve ghosts and moons are frequently in me Is it a bit too much to appear in front of you?"

"We can't help it." Bantiangou said, "The order we got is to kill all the swordsmiths in the swordsmith village. This matter has been prepared for a long time, and I didn't expect you to come. In order to get the location information of the swordsmith village, we also A lot of manpower has been lost, and we cannot give up halfway."

Yan Chong felt more comfortable after listening, at least not because of his own mistakes that led to the destruction of the Swordsmith Village.

"In that case, you have killed a lot of people. Would you like to withdraw? The Bladesmith Village can't be recovered in a short time." Yan Chong said again, "I really don't want to kill Twelve Ghosts. Oniwu Tsuji Mumai will think I am a dishonest person!"

"No, the order we got is to kill all the people in Bladesmith Village. No one is killed." Bantiangu said, "Compared with that adult, your threat is nothing at all."

"Then you just look down on me and want to have trouble with me?" Yan Chong said, "Aren't you afraid that I will catch you back?"

"Falling Ji is because she is weak, Tong Mo is because she is too arrogant, and fell into your trap." Bantian dog doesn't seem to know that Yiwozao was caught by Yan Chong just now, "Anyway, in front of my half-day dog, Your little tricks are useless."

"Sure enough, you look down on me..." Yan Chong sighed.

This style is obviously not something that Bantianguo can tell.

If you were one of the black death mou, I would recognize it.

What kind of thing are you?

"Today I killed you, and tomorrow I will be the second one!" Bantiangou said proudly.

It seemed that he actually wanted to have a life and death duel with Yan Chong.

But don’t you think that the gap between us is too big?

Yan Chong decided to take action.

An Zai talked to Yan Chong about the characteristics of a dog.

Bantiangou will take the initiative to let people cut off his neck. In his current form, even if his neck is cut off, he will not die directly, but will split, splitting two brand new ghosts.

If these two ghosts were beheaded again, they would split into four ghosts again.

In addition to these four ghosts, there is another body hiding in the corner.

The body is so small that it can't be found easily. Even if all the 4 ghosts are killed, they can be resurrected at any time.

So Bantian Dog can be said to be Gou Zhigui with the strongest life-saving ability.

But Yan Chong did not intend to behead him at all.

The most powerful thing about Yan Chong is ultraviolet light!

But Yan Chong had forgotten a question. His chain hammer was used by the village chief to reform it.

So he can only take out a large ultraviolet light sterilizer.

Bantiangou still wanted to make Yan Chong behead him, and then saw Yan Chong's big killer.

This thing doesn't matter whether it is divided or not. The prostitute Taro suffered this loss back then, and disappeared without being beheaded at all.

Bantiangou deserves to be Gou Zhigui. Seeing Yan Chong's trick, he turned and ran!

Where was your hard breath just now?

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