I have a Gameboy

Chapter 485 - The Vicious Extermination Plan!

Yan Chong's glibness bluffed An again.

"Are you sure the situation in the world will develop the way you want it to?" An re-do.

"I'm not sure." Yan Chong shook his head, "But I'm going to at least give it a try."

An Zai Dao said, "You don't have confidence?"

"The big question now is whether Yuan Shikai will die, and whether he will act according to the established guidelines if he doesn't," Yan Chong said, "If we haven't made any progress on this side, I've even decided to go on a business trip to Beijing and have an interview with him."

"Do you think he'll see you?" An again.

"Things are unpredictable." Yan Chong smiled, "But human planning is not as good as God's plan, and I don't have to do all the work for them. This is, after all, a copy of the Ghost Extinguishing Blade, isn't it?"

"You also know that it's a copy of the Ghostbusters!" Anzai said, "Why don't you just honestly kill Tsuji the Ghost Dance here?"

"Do you know where he is?" Yen Chung asked, "If you have accurate information, I'll be the first one on."

An Re: "......"

"Do you think I'm just thinking about the future of the dynasty? Do I look like a narrow-minded nationalist?" Yan Chong asked.

"Actually ...... is pretty similar." An rejoined.

"No, you're wrong." Yan Chong said, "I'm arranging a plan B for us."

"Plan B?" An Zaidao.

"Twelve oni moons are now dead, do you think Ghost Dance Tsuji is miserable enough to come out now?" Yan Chong said, "So if you want to kill him, I'm afraid there is only one way."

"You ......" An Zai suddenly thought of the meaning behind this, "You mean, to force him out in this way?"

"You think I'm cutting off food for the Japanese people, but I'm actually cutting off food for Onimai Tsuji no Misery." Yan Chong said, "As long as all the humans are dead. Those of his ghosts, as well as himself, all have nothing to eat. They can only come and fight me to the death."

"Do you realize that the price for doing this could be the entire population of Japan, thirty million people?" An asked again.

"It's just the right way to pay for the thirty-five million dead and wounded citizens of the Celestial Empire in World War II." An said, "Didn't you say I looked like a narrow-minded nationalist?"

A cold sweat broke out on An Zai's spine.

"You've been thinking about this from the beginning?" Anne asks again.

"Not really." Yan Chong said, "I was expecting to be able to find Ghost Dance Tsuji Wretched by the book and then sun him to death with a UV lamp. But he's the most wimpy boss I've ever seen, and even if there was only a slight chance of failure, he'd choose to run away."

"Aren't you afraid that he'll run away to the dynasty?" An then suddenly thought of a question.

"Afraid, very afraid." An Zai said, "That's why I still need a favor from you, to blockade all the ports within Tokyo after the whole of Japan is up in arms."

"You mean Tokyo?" Anzai, "Are you sure that Tsuji the Ghost Dance is in Tokyo?"

"He controls Congress, don't you think?" Yan Chong Dao.

An Zai suddenly felt his intelligence was crushed, but he didn't want to admit that Yan Chong was smarter than him.

"Even if you block all the ports, he might escape from somewhere else," An Zai said, "And he's the one who controls the National Assembly, so we can't completely seal off the sea."

"Then let him run." Yan Chong said, "Have all the ticket inspectors in the harbor wear simple UV flashlights, and that will be enough to screen out a lot of ghosts. As long as he is not allowed on the big ship, don't you think his chances of survival are even less in the open sea?"

"And what if he goes to another city?" An again.

"There's going to be a famine soon," Yan Chong said, "with the massive influx of refugees to Tokyo, do you think he can escape?"

"I know." An Zai could only reluctantly take the order and went out.

That night, the ghost dancing Tsuji the miserable girl came back.

"We figured it out," the female ghost said, "but that adult," she said. The female ghost said, "But that lord didn't think you were giving us a gift."

"Oh? How?" Yan Chong said, "Is such a big gift too small for you all?"

"How is that a gift?" The ghost woman said, "You are pushing up prices and causing a famine, so that when the whole country runs out of food, there will be no one left in Japan. By then, we, who feed on people, will all starve to death."

"How could you think that?" Yan Chong said, with an act of surprise, "Didn't I cause a famine so that you would have a better chance to eat people?"

"Thirty million people, pouring into a big city together, with no food, must die quickly, and who will find out that you are eating people?" Yanchong said, "And you elites have your backs to Congress, and there's no shortage of money, so you can just hang a recruitment flag out and recruit anyone you want. Still, you can eat as much as you want?"

Ghost Girl: "......"

Why didn't I think of that!

"Maybe we were wrong." The ghost girl said, "Then I'll take my leave."

"No, you weren't mistaken." Yan Chong smiled, "Did you think that I would still control all the ports within Tokyo, so that you would have no way to escape?"

The female ghost was visibly hesitant: "What makes you think that?"

"Your face betrays you!" Yan Chong said, "Although you have been acting indifferent, you were once still human after all. I had been suspicious of you before, but I didn't catch any holes in you. So I can only spread some useless information to test your reaction."

"What's wrong with my reaction to ......?" The ghost girl touched her face unnaturally.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Yan Chong said, "But I just confirmed one thing."

"What is it?" The ghost woman asked.

"You have never trusted me," Yan Chong said, "Just like now, there is a ghost listening to me from a short distance, and another ghost hiding in the shadow ready to ambush me at any time."

After he finished speaking, Yan Chong waved his hand, and a Red Clean Arrow shot out, hitting a nearby shadow.

From the shadow, a ghost did fly out.

Yan Chong pulled the lamp cord, and the two ultraviolet disinfection lamps in the house turned on at the same time, shining on the ghost.

The ghost's strength was actually quite strong, but definitely not as powerful as the child's, so it didn't last more than a second, and then it flew out of existence.

And in his eyes, Yan Chong saw the sign of the third of the lower chord.

"I originally thought you were just an ordinary letter delivery ghost girl, only prettier," Yan Chong said, "but the San of the Lower Chord, it seems, is all working for you. He had a clear chance to sneak up on me, but he never started."

"What are you trying to say?" The female ghost said.

"You have a beautiful woman's dress!" Yan Chong laughed, "Ghost Dance Tsuji is not miserable!"

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