I have a Gameboy

Chapter 491 - Insomniac Liu Chu Xia!

Yan Chong followed Yang Dachun to find Liu Chuxia.

At this time, Liu Chuxia's skin was still so white, but she had two big black circles around her eyes, as if she were a panda, and her body seemed to have gained some weight.

"Are you okay?" Yan Chong asked.

"I can't die." Liu Chuxia returned, "What are you doing here?"

"Didn't I just hear that you're not doing too well and came over to visit?" Yan Chong said, "What's going on?"

"Well, it's hard to explain. It's mostly up to you." Liu Chuxia said.

She was tempted to beat Yan Chong violently, but in the end, she held back.

"You told me that there is a tattoo artist inside the copy of Rulong, and that you can get extra talents through tattoos." Liu Chuxia said, "Although I didn't go to Rulong's copy, I also found a tattoo artist in the other copies."

"That's good, isn't it, these tattoos are odd, but the effect is generally acceptable." Yan Chong said, "What are you tattooing?"

"I was also supposed to be unlucky, there were pretty good dragons and tigers that I didn't choose. There was a picture in the album called 'Night Demon', which was very beautiful and I chose it." It can increase movement speed by 15 percent during the night."

The talent to increase movement speed is not very common, people with the same agility run at about the same speed.

To be able to increase movement speed by fifteen percent is already an exaggeration.

People like Liu Chuxia, who is a melee but whose output is extremely fierce, at least won't be flying a kite by the enemy because of their movement speed.

"Isn't this nice!" Yan Chong said, "You're not going to lose sleep over this, are you?"

"The inability to sleep is a side effect of this gift." Liu Chuxia, "I fall into insomnia for an hour every day."

"If it's only an hour, wouldn't it be better to go to bed earlier?" Yan Chong found it strange that Liu Chuxia shouldn't be so busy that she couldn't spare an hour.

Isn't it normal for a beautiful woman like him to get a few extra hours of beauty sleep every day?

"Alas, you have no idea." Willow Chuxia sighed, "My initial talent allows me to increase all passive effects by 100 times at the cost of giving up my active skills."

"And the side effect of this talent is that the negative effects are also raised to 100x?" Yan Chong asked.

Liu Chuxia nodded her head.

Yan Chong now had some idea why Liu Chuxia was so powerful.

She might have initially only obtained a passive talent that increased her attributes by one point, yet it turned out to be an increase of 100 points, possibly even beyond the upper limit of her level.

So even if he wasn't a senior, relying on strong attribute suppression, an ordinary senior would be no match for her.

Likewise, the effect of Night Demon directly becomes the ability to increase movement speed by fifteen times at night.

It was simply terrifying!

But the problem was that she was now suffering the negative effects of insomnia for a hundred hours a day.

Yes, that's right, every day.

Since the normal day is only 24 hours a day, basically every day willow chunha is in a state of insomnia, completely unable to sleep.

The prolonged lack of sleep has caused her to suffer from a severe mental weakness.

That is to say, she has the superhuman physical and mental strength of a reincarnated person, which barely survived.

If it were any other person, he would have died long ago.

Yan Chong sighed, "Then let me give it a try."

Yan Chong guided Liu Chuxia's eyes with his fingers, swayed left and right several times, and suddenly surprised her with a slap on the chest, putting Liu Chuxia into a hypnotic state.

"You won't have insomnia now," Yan Chong said.

Failed hypnosis.

Just kidding, a hundred hours of forced insomnia every day, how could it be so easy to fight against?

Yan Chong knew that he could no longer fight insomnia head-on.

"Whenever you say the keyword 'I want to sleep,' you will fall asleep," he said. Yan Chong said.

This is a spontaneous active hypnosis mode, and the hypnosis still failed.

It seems that the spontaneous active keywords are not reliable either.

It seems that we can only use the unconscious "keyword" hypnosis.

But in that case, you can't use too common keywords, otherwise you can just hear something and fall asleep.

No, she is not the real miserable one.

If she delays anything important because of sleeping, I'm afraid she'll come for revenge on Yan Chong, the one who started it all, next.

"Well, ahem." Yan Chong thought for a while, then saw Yang Dachun who was watching the fun.

There it is!

"Whenever you happen to hear 'Yang Dachun, you dead pervert!' The moment you say that, you will fall asleep." Yan Chong said, "Not a word of it can be wrong."

It worked!

Because she skips the active sleep process, Natalie will still have trouble sleeping.

But when she hears the keyword, she can skip the "I want to sleep" process and go directly to the stage where she is already asleep.

Yan Chong un-hypnotized her, pushed her down on the bed, and said loudly, "Yang Dachun, you pervert!

Chuncha Liu was asleep at the time.

Yang Dachun listened outside and hurriedly came in.

"What happened, why did you scold me?" Yang Dachun asked.

"I didn't scold you." Yan Chong put his hands together, "I'm treating a disease here."

Yang Dachun said, "I obviously heard you yelling at me, and it was quite loud."

He didn't expect that Yan Chong really cured Liu Chu Xia's insomnia, so he didn't speak in a low voice.

But the person next to her, who had just fallen asleep and was not sleeping well, was directly yelled at by his voice.

The first thing I noticed was that I was not able to get to sleep until I got to sleep, and then I got woken up by your voice. Are you tired of living!"

Then she threw a punch and knocked Yang Dachun to the side.

Yang Dachun: "!!!"

What have I done to deserve this?

Yan Chong even helped Liu Chuxia back to health and said, "Don't worry, you'll fall asleep soon." Then he pointed at Yang Dachun's nose and said, "Yang Dachun, you pervert!

Then he pointed at Yang Dachun's nose and said, "Yang Dachun, you dead pervert!"

Ryu Chusha fell asleep at once.

Yang Dachun: "!!!"

Yan Chong was busy explaining to Yang Dachun that this was a requirement for healing, and that she could not let the body of Liu Chuxia realize that someone was deliberately trying to put her to sleep.

As long as she doesn't realize that she is actively trying to sleep, but is passively falling asleep, she won't have insomnia.

As to why this phrase was chosen?

The main reason is that it's less likely to appear, so you won't be called a pervert every day, right?

Yang Dachun: "......"

I don't believe you, it's obvious that you're taking the opportunity to scold me yourself!

And that's not all, after this start, Yang Dachun had to scold himself every day in front of Liu Chuxia to get her to fall asleep.

This is too much of a loss for me!

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