I have a Gameboy

Chapter 499 - Beautiful Miyoko!

As the banshee was hacked into pieces by Yan Chong, her petrification effect was lifted.

Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, and Xue Shutao, all returned to normal.

Only then did Yan Chong relax.

"The fighting power of the demon world is nothing more than this!" Yan Chong secretly assessed the situation.

But Tsuji, the oni dancing beside him, was a bit disheartened.

He had just been petrified, and his entire body had turned to stone, so he was not afraid of the sun in this state, or else he would have been completely burned up if he had been roasted for a while longer.

But now that the petrification effect was gradually lifted, his naked body felt the pain of being burned by the sun again.

He was busy wailing for Yan Chong to put him back.

Yan Chong's purpose was mainly to test the resistance of Tsuji, the oni dance.

It was a good experience that he could resist the sun's burns while turning to stone.

On the other hand, it is mainly because Tsuji has no place in Yanchong's heart.

Yan Chong did not know if the petrification effect was reversible.

If one were to randomly send out a Shuisheng Rin or Inoue Hanyin, once they were truly petrified and irreversible, then it would be a pity to lose them.

But it doesn't matter that Onii-Mai Tsuji is a newcomer, and he was once a villain, so even if he dies, Yanchong doesn't feel bad.

Of course, Yan Chong's comforting words are still to be said: "You're the Ghost King, you can fight and carry! I fully believe in your strength, that's why I sent you out. Don't be overly concerned!"

It's a good thing that Yan Chong didn't say it, but his explanation made Onii-Mai Tsuji feel like a discarded outcast.

The only reason he didn't die was because he was barely able to pass the test, and that's why he got his life back.

I don't know when, when Yan Chong is in a good mood, he'll be sent out again.

So Ghost Dance Tsuji wailed, "You can send me out to fight, but can you pick a night next time?"

"Yes, I promise!" Yan Chong returned evenly.

"What was that one just now?" Xue Shu Tao asked.

"It's nothing, a little ability." Yan Chong said, "To translate, it could be something like an enchanted demon, a phantom spirit or a summoned beast, so you don't have to worry about it. Don't worry about it. How is it? Do you feel like your body can take it?"

"I don't have anything unusual," Xue Shudao returned.

"That's good." Yan Chong nodded his head.

Now that the invading demon of the Demon Realm had been killed by him, and the Demon Monkey had been captured, he felt that he might not be able to find any clues here either.

"Two children, where is your home, shall I send you back?" Yan Chong said politely.

"Thank you, big brother!" Xiaofu said evenly.

His brain was still good, so he naturally figured out that it was Yan Chong who had saved him after he had just been told the truth.

Yanchong was in a much better mood now.

I told him "Uncle" was talking about you, Du Lusan.

Seeing that Doraemon did not appear, Yan Chong was about to take the two children back with him.

At this time, a flying carpet suddenly fell down from the sky, and a beautiful little sister jumped down from it.

She was a little younger than Yan Chong and Xue Shutao, but obviously above junior high school, and her body had already begun to develop, and her height was much taller than Fat Tiger and the other elementary school students.

However, she had a childish look on her face, as if she hadn't been deeply involved in the world.

The Japanese high school girls that Yan Chong knew were not like this.

If they were at the academic level, they would be shuttling from cram school to cram school to prepare for university.

Those who were not so good at studying tended to hang around in society, wearing student clothes and rolling up their knee-high school skirts.

If it weren't for their short legs, they would roll it up to twenty centimeters above their knees, wear it with a pair of bubble socks, wander the streets, and even make odd jobs to make money.

Yan Chong had seen many of these Japanese girls in his copy of Dragon, but the girl in front of him was completely different from them.

She was dressed somewhat like Peter Pan, as if she were an elf born, and had a necklace with emeralds around her neck, so she should have some skills.

"Who are you, and why have you come to such a dangerous place?" She opened her mouth to ask.

"We saw a meteorite landing and wanted to see if there was anything we could do to help here. Then we happened to save two little brothers." Yan Chong spoke up, "My name is Hikage-2aka, haven't you asked for help yet?"

"My name is Miyoko." The girl spoke up.

Then everyone introduced themselves.

"This forest is dangerous and has been contaminated, which is a sign that the demonic star is near." Miyoko said, "And you've caught a demon?"

"Right." Yan Chong handed over the magic monkey to Miyoko.

She was a professional in the magic world, and even if she knew less, she knew more than Yan Chong and the others who came later.

"It's a breed I've never seen before, but its temper seems to be explosive." Mayuko said, "It must be watched closely. Otherwise he can easily escape."

"That's not all." Yan Chong laughed, "It can even emit purple lightning, and these two children's magic brooms were burned by it."

"So powerful!" Miyoko was shocked, "So how did you catch it?"

"Strength?" Yan Chong didn't know how to explain it properly, so he could only change the subject, "Look at that other demon that was decapitated over there, although it may look like the image may be a bit bloody, but she's really dangerous. It will cast some powerful magic, such as turning someone into a stone statue."

It shouldn't be too hard for someone who can cut a demon that powerful into pieces to catch a magic monkey.

Mayuko listened and went to check it out.

"Mother!" Mayuko suddenly shrieked, "She's my mother, you killed her!"

Yan Chong: "......"

Why is this not what I thought it would be?

In other words, when I fought with this woman just now, I didn't seem to have much of a conversation.

She just thought it was a little dangerous for the magic monkey to attack a passerby, so she wanted an explanation.

Then the woman took action and turned Xue Shutao into a stone statue.

Of course, Yan Chong could not tolerate such a thing!

So he didn't give her too much of a chance to talk, and just shot her in seconds.

Maybe that woman really just wanted to play a joke, and just wanted to teach a lesson by turning a person into a statue first, and she herself has a way to reverse it?

It's over, it's a big deal!

Miyoko's side had already drawn her sword.

She was dressed like a wizard, but she was wielding her sword with a very professional movement, no less than a professional swordsman.

Could it be that your master's name is Gandalf?

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