I have a Gameboy

Chapter 515 BOSS to BOSS!

Dima King as a big BOSS in this copy, nature is not a general person.

His magic is very fierce, and it has been divided into ten points in an instant. Every spell can be separated.

This has a wonderful integrity of the ice points from the color of Yan Chong from the child. However, it is much stronger than the ice.

He is very enough here, and there is different spells, and it is difficult to distinguish which is true.

Yan Chong even does not match Dima King than what spells will not spend.

A large amount of lightning, falling thunder, flame, falling stone like not money, and there is no tragic to the ghost dance.

But as long as there is no ultraviolet ray, the ghost dance is not essential.

His body's regeneration is very fast, and there are many spare brains and hearts.

Even if I have been played with only one meat, I can escape.

In contrast, these slight injuries in front of you will not be a thing!

The ghost dance is not harmed by Dima King, rushed over, then use his skeleton to have a crazy harvest.

Yan Chong is sitting in silently looking silently.

He always thinks like a Japanese knife to cut a ghost neck, the true weakness of the ghost never neck.

Some ghosts can still survive with tenacious will after being cut off their heads.

The sun is also not a fatal weakness, and the child mill can also operate at least five seconds in the high-intensity ultraviolet rays.

These things are placed in a well, more is to obvite the eye.

Dima King is aware of the painting of the ancient heroes.

But the hero of the original, since this method has already been known, but also won the silver darts, why not kill Di Ma Wang, but not to transform the moon, prevent the invasion of Dima Wang?

Do you just be afraid of the devil's devil under the King of Dima?

If this is the case, what is the use of the young school students like the wilderness, can you send?

So, with silver darts, the heart of Dima King, seems to be like a knife to cut his neck, is Dima Wang deliberately telling it.

There must be a trap in this!

Either Dima King's heart is very strong, there are a lot of armor to protect the armor, and the silver needle cannot penetrate.

Either the heart of the so-called Dima refers to the heart of the literal, but uses this name to refer to another treasure.

Therefore, Yan Chong will release the ghost dance, want to try the ability of Dima Wang.

If he is not powerful, he removed eight pieces, dig the heart, and then use the silver darts to break.

In this way, even if it is not very unlucky, the minimum success rate will also increase, and it can save valuable darts.

Yan Chong is not simply lively.

I heard the fight above, there are a lot of magic will start rushing from the big door below to protect Dima king.

Yan Chongli is busy in the past to close the door and plug the door.

It may be in the majesty of Dima, these devils did not dare to use the magic to slam the main entrance of Dima Wang Temple.

On the one hand, it is destroyed the public property. It may be necessary to compensate. On the other hand, Dima did not speaking for help. They rushed to come over and rescue. Is there still a point that I can't afford Dima?

The so-called leaders will always be alone, no way to trust anyone below.

Di Ma Wang's majesty is too strong, and his strength is also super strong, and a door has stopped all these devils.

There are even some devils to be pleaded outside, I hope to get the call of Dima, and have a few horses.

But this time, Dima Wang, who is more compromised by the ghost dance, where is there a time to listen to the faith?

Let them come in, they can't help anything, and may have been visible to their own horrible, so Dima does not speak hard.

Dima is indeed an eating.

The ghost dance is not a super big BOSS, in addition to the special weird magic, basically in various respects have reached the extreme.

Although it is possible to release spells in the very all of the king of Dima, it is divided by it after all, and the capabilities of all aspects are more than the ontology.

The ghost dance is unspeakable, and six of them have been cut off, and there are still a few points, the more gain of the battle.

"How, do you see if I am not particularly powerful?" The ghost dance didn't have a leisure man.

"Yes, you are really very powerful, with my opponents of my Dima." Dima always has a respect for the opponent.

Just as he wants to catch up with the younger brother.

But the ghost dance is no tragic, but it is directly back: "Your waste, what qualifications are coming? I am talking to you?"

Dima Wang: "???"

Yan Chong said softly: "You are awkward! How long is this? Even the alien waste is unfained!"

Dima Wang: "???"

Do you have a little too much?

Of course, you can't afford it, you have to use strength.

The ghost dance is a non-spoken man, and the other three of Dima king also done it.

Dima King seems to be able to free handover between furniture.

Otherwise, how do you die?

But fade in light, his body is exposed.

It is estimated that it will not be used, and Dima is to be unknown by ghost dance.

Dima king can only summon a black hole and then jump in.

Whether it is Yan Chong, it is still a ghost dance, it is stunned.

this one? this one?

If you don't play, how do you run this?

Yan Chong and ghost dance are very embarrassed, think it seems like a punch, playing on the air.

"Nothing! This time, you will win!" Yan Chong actually comforted the ghost dance, "No, let's search for the treasure of Di Ma!"

The ghost dance is not particularly reasonable.

He is a ghost king, the nose is still very good, and he has heard it, and then refers to a direction: "There should be good things there!"

"Good boy!" Yan Chong took the ghost dance.

Ghost dance is not: "???"

Are you strange things?

Yan Chong and ghost dance were unbeded, and the treasure room of Dima Wang was checked.

What is gold and silver, the treasure and treasures such as gems don't have to say, these foreign-starred things, although they are so thin, but they don't have money on the earth.

Yan Chong took them, put it in the treasure room in the pasture, and slowly until the auction line.

It is surprised that he has found a magic book: "Dark Magic Daquan"!

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