I have a Gameboy

Chapter 521 Unexpected Dragon!

Yan Chong took the situation on the field, shouted: "The first evil has been embarrassed, surrender!"

"In the end, one dead!"

"Dima king is dead! No miserable king!"

Yan Chong took three times. After listening to the devils, they all fell into the ground, and they also shouted: "Wanted no wonder!" Long live! "

The scene of the scene is tsunami, very awkward.

This time, it is not only those who surrendered, and they also know that there is no miserable king.

But actually hiding in the castle, the ghost dance is very embarrassing.

He didn't show up these devils. It's really a bit of strength to Yan Chong!

Are you a miserable king, or I am not a miserable king?

However, his reaction is also fast enough, the surface is still very calm, it seems to be a little thing.

He sent the houses under his hand, as well as the Guardian team, who was responsible for receiving the wealth of the devil's hand.

The housekeeper listened to, and the heart said that this kind of appearance is not dangerous, the more you come, the better!

Because I received an indication of "Gun", there is no resistance to the devil, and I have contributed my weapons, equipment, magic books, and the flying dragons under the hand.

Yan Chong makes someone to settle the way, and then pick the best quality, put it into the warehouse of the pasture.

Yan Chong is also more interested in these Feilong, after all, is a pet.

Although it is slightly weak to Yan Chong, the combat power is slightly weak, but for ordinary people, it is still a very powerful monster.

So Yan Chong wanted to collect two most robust throwing into the pasture.

But the problem is that these two flying dragons are not the shackles of Yan Chong. They are life-life objects, like the soul, there is no way to put into the pasture.

These flying dragons can even be put into the backpack space.

So Yan Chong called Jing Han Yin and aquatic Azheng, let them help think about it, see how to put the flying dragon in the pasture, or directly put them directly.

This is also flying, and Yan Chong will not believe in them are not interested.

Who knows, they are really not interested in ...

Jing Hanyin's attitude towards this, she thinks these two flying dragons can also eat again, and I still like to pull, how can you let them enter the pasture?

There is already a waste in the pasture, how can I come back more?

The ghost dance is not borough, and it feels special not to taste.

Do you say that the waste doesn't mean?

Say, but there is no miserable king here!

Similarly, aquatic Ashi also opposed this.

She feels that this biggest role of this dragon is used as a meat ...

You can cut into pieces, cut into silk, cut into pieces, fried, stew, and blow it, it must be very delicious.

It can also enhance your ability.

However, as a pet, still count, it is not worth it.

Yan Shu asked her why.

She answered is because the quality is too low.

This flying dragon is not the Oriental Dragon, which is much worse than the traditional Western dragon. It can only be as subipes of the dragon.

The devil rides this low-level creature, naturally there is no problem, it may feel very prestigious.

But the words of Yan Chong ride are a little drop.

Overall, it is because the quality of the two good dragons and the dragons before, and she feels a bit of a price.

Jing Hanyin also added:

If you want to transport it back, you can take into account the auction house, but because the size is too large, it is not good to carry, so the cost may be greater than the benefits.

And if it is the body, it is still a good time!

In contrast, the value of these flying dragons is not as good as those who die.

The devil will be an alien wisdom creature, and because of the mastery of magic, some magical crystals may be produced.

There will be a reincarnation of drilling magic for collecting.

And these flying dragons ...

Their two pairs of flying dragons make Yan Chong very disappointed.

"I don't care, two of you helped me think about it, I want to fly!" Yan Chong Road.

"Then I will not." Jing Hanyin came back from the pasture.

Aquatic Ashzhi said: "Ask people to ask yourself, since you can grow the third arm, why not try a long pair?"

Yan Chong: "!!!"

You listen, is this?

However, Yan Chong, finally adopted their opinions, did not put the flying dragon into the pasture, but slaughtered part, gave himself as the raw material of the sacrifice, still still reserved some flying dragon rows, flying dragon legs, ready to go back to the auction The field is touched.

As for those dead, they were gathered by Yan Chong, and I want to refine magic crystals from the body.

The devil has rumored between each other, they all heard that there is something that is not kind of people like to eat people.

Although they are very fearful, they are also angry and don't dare.

Now Yan Chong has changed some strange people. After discussing some, they also have their bodies, they are even more sitting.

This is invisible, so that there is no tragic king back a black pot.

Because Dima's death, the world's largest anti-party is killed.

Doraem and the wild ratio did not come back, explaining that they have already created parallel space over there, no longer coming back.

The plot of this copy is basically here.

As a copy of a novice copy, the number of people promoted, there will be no too many branch plots can be discovered.

Sure enough, the system quickly issued a prompt, let them return to the safety house as soon as possible, and can directly choose to transfer back. If there is no return within 24 hours, it will be transferred by it in place, and the equipment that is not saved may not be retained. Please do a good job.

The magic will be a magical. The quality of weapons and equipment is relatively poor, and the magic they will record the "Dark Magic Daquan" in Dima, so I can't learn any new thing.

However, at this time, I want to go back to the earth.

Without any gates of Doraem, they can only fly back with a flying blanket.

When they came, I used five days, and I went back and forth again, I have to pay for four days, far more than 24 hours, so Yan Chong is not ready to return to the safe house.

Of course, the fat tiger, the little husband, and the fragrance they still have to go back, and Yan Zhu entrusted the full moon priest to leave the blanket to send them back.

Before leaving, the US nights hugged Yan Chong, fully showing her dismisive.

"Thank you, thank you!" The US nights said, "Without you, I can't save my father, the earth is going to finish."

"Oh ... this is what I should do?" Yan Chong did not know how to answer.

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