I have a Gameboy

Chapter 527 Tape I will have!

Yan Chong took the past with that person.

That person turned out that the e-year-old world puts the stall, the handset, arcade, and household machine.

Recently, the economy is not booming, and his booth can't afford the rent, so it will handle these spot in your hand.

There are also some old antiques, no one wants, he came out of the small stall, I want to touch the luck, and maybe there is a nostalgic player to collect.

When Yan Chong played "Wolf", the home has added the latest household machine. The game is also available online at any time.

Looking at the CDs he sold, it is indeed some old, belonging to the rule of regular members.

Yan Chong picked a few visible, decided to accept it.

After all, the classic is a classic, although it is over, there is worth playing value.

The man saw the goods, and it would be willing to pay, and there will be more words in his mouth. When you are tanging, I talked to him about GBA.

When I mentioned GBA, the person came up.

"I don't want you to say, I am the earliest old player of GBA!" The man looked very bad, but the speech is very old.

"Can't let, the first batch of GBA is now afraid that you are all right." Yan Chong laughed.

Yes, the child may be college.

"Hey, you see that? When you don't mean to play, I am early, I am a ancestral game player." That man, "The box you see is after burning, just play fresh. I see you It is also understanding, I have a box of genuine cassessions here, that is really worthy of collection! "

Yan Chong, he heard this, but he still said: "Really fake, don't fool people."

"How is the fool?" The person was not happy, and the boxed genuine card belt he said, "You look! Look at this tag, see this text! Do you have no machine with no machine? I will take a look at the machine, this boot picture is different from those burning. "

He really took a GBA, showing the Yan Chong.

I said that I have said this, and Yan Chong can't doubt him.

"If you say this, then you open a price." Yan Chong Road.

"Seeing you is also a person, I haven't swayed this price." The man said, "which burned the card with 20 pieces to take away, and there is no difference, and there is also a Chinese version. But these genuine can not work, three hundred can not be cheaper. "

"Transaction!" Yan Chong did not bargain with him, directly transferred three thousand passes.

The man looked at the money on the account, and suddenly I felt that I had to be low.

"You don't think more, this is a long-lasting sale." Yan Chong Road, "Let's add contact information, you will have other genuine belts, although give me, the price is good."

He is relieved when you have the words of Yan Chong.

"You are a real expert." The man said.

"It is not enough, but it is a bit wealthy." Yan Chong replied.

It seems that it is not a self-modest word ...

But that person really exchanged contact details with Yan Zhi.

Yan Chong is also ignored, and I gave him the past and it is indeed possible to open.

Yan Chong doesn't care about money, and Yan Chong is just that these cards can not be used.

Even if only one can be able to do with other copies, then these three thousand dollars will not lose money.

"You can rest assured, I have many friends here have this collection. According to this price, I should also receive it." The man said.

"Let's get it, I have to come." Yan Chong said, "I give you five hundred, but I have to be protected."

"Have this, you said early ..." That person is now more than a loss.

However, there are some stock in his family, and you can think of a small hair.

After bought these games, Yan Chong will go to the supermarket for large-scale procurement.

He not only bought a lot of condiments, instant noodles, such as a lot of oil and salt sauce, but also gave all five batteries in the supermarket.

The copy of the "Eternal Dragon Slayer" may be longer, after all, the light is a "six major encirclement", it is necessary to walk from the Central Plains to the Kunlun Mountains, which will have a lot of boring time to let Yan Chong to play GBA.

There is no place to charge over there, so the battery must be prepared.

Yan Chong will go home and explain the situation with my mom.

"Martial Arts ..." I heard that Yan Chong went to the "Eternal Dragon Slayer" copy, and even hook his mother's memories.

It seems that she has spent a lot of time in a copy of the martial arts class.

"Go, go. Martial arts is also very good." His mother said.

"Mom, you have something wrong with you!" Yan Chong Road.

"Nothing." His mother shook his head, "I just want my mom."

Yan Chong: "..."

This story is very long.

Yan Chong simply sat down and wanted to listen to his mother's chat.

"You are also senior, there is nothing to marry you." Yan Chong's mother said, "You now have a full property, the skills are also, do you know how to improve the properties in the future?"

Yan Zhizhi shook his head.

"Practice is one of the methods." Yan Chong's mother said, "Practice martial arts is the internal strength, the external work, there is a light power. Although these three doors are both skills, they can be upgraded with potential points, but I hope you can still go deep. Really in the field, I will practice it. "

"You said that martial arts can practice it on your own?" Asked Yan Shu.

"Of course." Yan Chong's mother said, "The martial arts that you practice and upgrade the potential point is completely two things. Should you upgrade your skills before?"

Yan Chong nodded.

"The same skills, even if you have upgraded it with potential points, if you use less, you will definitely not be reached on it." The mother of Yan Chong continued, "and you have become a senior person. After that, many things don't have to upgrade the potential points. Even if you are abundant, you must exercise. "

It is true that it is true before the face of this matter.

Even his breathing of his light, after the potential points rose to LV10, it did not unlock any move.

You must have developed a type to five.

"In contrast, the internal strength is more important than the external work, it is the foundation of all martial arts." The mother of Yan Chong said, "You can master a powerful internal strength is your prerequisite for you in the copy of the martial arts."

"So what do you have any suggestions?" Asked Yan Shu.

"The Sixth School and the Sixth Schools and Ming Dynasty have their own strengths. I want to learn, but I have to see your opportunity." Yan Chong's mother said, "But I can first pass the family first" Small and no match, teach you, you are slowly practicing. "

"Jia Chuan?" Yan Chong is not a "little unhappy", but a family pass.

"Yes, Jia Chuan." Yan Chong's mother said, "Your name is called Wang Yin."

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