I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Growing pains

   Heavy rain, thunder roaring, still unable to cover up, Thor’s roar contains the complex emotions.

   After looking up to the sky and roaring, Thor, who was stunned, "clicked", so his knees softened and he knelt directly on the mud.

   I thought that with his own intervention, Thor should not be like the original plot, because he couldn't hold the hammer and felt frustrated and disappointed, so he shouted.

   However, Leon still overestimated Thor's psychological endurance...

   There was no way, this roar knelt down, causing Coleson, who was not suspicious, to frown.

"what happened?"

Facing Corvo’s question, Leon could only curse Thor in his heart for not coming as planned, but his face was still calm, and he explained far-fetched: "It seems that he can't hold that thing, he is also very disappointed in himself... "

   "I will go down and look at him."

Fearing that too many words would be lost, Leon hurriedly ended the conversation. "Humch" stepped on the side stairs and came to Thor, who had been soaked in water. He pulled his shoulders and shouted in his ears: " Get up for me!"

   The yelling in the ear, but failed to cheer up Thor, who was blank.

   There is no way, Leon can only use his arms violently to pull Thor up from the mud.

   supported Thor, who was soft all over, went directly to a lounge, put him on the seat, "You sit here first, I'll get you towels and hot water."

  Walking out of the lounge, Leon was stopped by Coleson before he took a few steps.

When    came up, Coleson's first words made Leon's heart tight: "You have something to hide from me!"

"I checked, this Dr. Thor, there is no such person in the S.H.I. The relationship is extraordinary. So, do you want to tell me what is going on?"

   Facing Corvo’s question, Leon was speechless for a while and didn’t know how to answer.

   Although I haven't thought about it, this lame disguise plan can be deceived all the way. However, Leon thought that at least it could be delayed for a while...

   Speaking of it, I blame Thor for his voice!

   "Hey! Leon, I'm asking you something!"

   Colson interrupted his thoughts directly and awakened him from his distraction.

Looking at Comrade Corvo with his arms folded in front of him, he looked like "You don’t explain clearly to me, you don’t want to leave." Leon felt a headache and his brain was running wildly. He tried to find a relative in the fastest possible time. Reasonable explanation.

   Sometimes, a lie is made up, and it often needs countless lies to cover up and make up for it.


   After pondering for a moment, Leon decided to resort to procrastination to Coleson:

   "Uncle Phil, for some reason, I can't tell you clearly."

   "But, please believe me, he will never hinder our mission!"

"I promise!"

   The vowed guarantee is not very convincing.

   However, when the man standing in front of him was his only relative, Coleson was still softened.

   Although I am very curious and confused about the behavior of my nephew, I really want to find out.

   But, at least, so far, he has not done anything dangerous.

Coleson took a step forward, patted Leon on the shoulder, and said softly: "Since you have said so, then I don't need to continue to pursue it. Anyway, you always have your own ways and considerations for doing things. I only hope that you are fine. ."

   "After all, you are my only relative in this world..."

   Hearing Coleson’s slightly lonely words, Leon was also touched in his heart. He could not help but open his arms and hugged his uncle: "Thank you, Uncle Phil."

  . . .

   After dispelling Coulson’s suspicion for a while, Leon still remembered a certain drenched older child who was staying in the lounge.

   When he took the towel, jacket and hot water, he returned to the lounge again, and saw the depressed Thor and the tears in the corner of his eyes. He immediately knew the fact that Rocky had already been there.

   When he saw Leon, the only trustworthy person on earth, Thor raised his head slightly. In those eyes that lost his luster, there was only endless emptiness and sadness.

   I saw him in a hoarse voice, as if talking to himself: "Do you know? Because of my stupidity, my father, is dead..."

   "I was also banished, and I can't go home from now on..."

   Looking at Thor, who was leaning on the chair with melancholy and sadness written on his face, Leon, who knew the truth, did not know how to comfort him.

   Could you tell him that these are your brother Rocky cheating on you! Your father is not dead, and you are not banished! ?

   This is not asking for trouble...

   Besides, how can one truly grow up without experiencing the ups and downs of life and become a qualified Asgard king? !

   At this time, silence is better than sound. Leon can only pat his shoulder, put a coat on him, and then sit quietly to the side to be a qualified listener.

   "I disappointed my father..."

   "Mother was disappointed in me too..."


   Leon didn't know how much damage Loki brought to Thor.

   But ~www.readwn.com~ He knows that all this may be the growth pain that Thor is destined to endure...

   Just then, the door of the lounge was suddenly opened, and Comrade Corvo appeared outside the door.

   "Leon, someone is looking for you...and him!"

   Leon was taken aback, and then he thought of the plot in the movie.

   He couldn't help but raise his brow, and he was overjoyed: "It's just time!"

   When he came outside the research facility and saw Eric Shavig with a surprised look, he smiled unconsciously: "Dr. Shavig, we meet again..."

   Seeing the entry and exit documents on Leon's chest, Eric Shavig immediately understood that his suspicion was right!

"You are…"

Without waiting for Eric Shavig to speak, under the gaze of Coleson and the bald brother, Leon immediately came to his side and whispered: "I know what you want to say, but listen to me first. Say."

   Then, he embraced Eric's shoulders very friendly, turned his head to Coulson, smiled, "I have a private conversation with Dr. Shavig, and I'll be back later."

   After finishing speaking, he took Eric and came to the dark corner.

   At this time, Eric with a shocked look finally finished the interrupted words: "You turned out to be from SHIELD!?"

   Leon did not deny, but said seriously, "Listen, Dr. Shavig, I did that for a reason."

   "You should know from my colleague that we are investigating a security threat and need your records and atmospheric observation data."

   "Yes." Eric nodded.

   Seeing Eric's cooperation, Leon immediately lowered his tone and said in a serious low voice:

   "Actually, it's like this..."

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