I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 162: 0 Miles

   After spending ten hours in the detention room, the suspicious heart of the blogger has long since calmed down.

   However, until I saw Leon's familiar and hateful face again, he awakened his deep sense of helplessness again...

   Everything came too suddenly, like a tornado without warning, instantly destroying the career that Botu has worked so hard to build for more than ten years!

   Shou He Hui Academy, as the only hard power he possesses, has always been the key to his ability to have a certain right to speak in the five-finger conference.

  Once he loses Shouhehui Academy, his position in Shouhehui will inevitably be greatly affected.

   And all this is thanks to the brown-haired man who is looking at him with a smile in front of him!

   In the small interrogation room, there are only Leon and Botu, and no one else.

   Sitting on the seat, Leon put his arms around his chest and looked with interest at the blogger who became more haggard overnight, "How about? You should be familiar with the feeling of being caught by law enforcement agencies and imprisoned?"

   From the Ming Dynasty to modern times, for hundreds of years, whether it is Mrs. Gao or other Kunlun Five Fingers, he must have had a wealth of experience in being imprisoned and tortured to extract a confession.

   This is why Leon has not thought about using torture to force the bloggers to speak.

   He wants to use words and actions to destroy the heart of the blogger little by little...

   Facing Leon's ridicule, Botu looked solemn and ignored it.

   He just slowly raised his head and looked at the surveillance camera in the upper corner of the room.

   As if he knew what he was thinking in his heart, Leon directly smashed his last fluke with words:

   "No need to watch, I have asked them to turn off the camera and monitor, and only you and me, two people know what happens here."

   "In other words, even if I kill you right now and claim that you are going to attack me, if I kill you out of self-defense, the police will check it out, and I have nothing to do!"

   "And you, my friend, something that I have insisted on for four hundred years..." Leon opened his lips slightly, and blew gently into his open palm: "Hhoo! All of a sudden, it will be wiped out!"

   This understatement shocked the blogger's heart.

   He has no doubt that the man sitting opposite will really kill him mercilessly as he said.

   At the same time, he also understands that the reason why he is not dead yet and sits here properly is precisely because of his life, for Leon, there is still useable value...

   Looking at the blogger who was still silent, Leon glanced at the opponent's tightly handcuffed hands, leaned forward slightly, and said in a deep voice:

   "You are a smart person, you should know that what you are facing now is the only chance to save this little life."

   "That is, confess!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Leon paused, spread his hands, and made a look of indifference:

   "Speaking of which, you should be fortunate that if it weren't for me, all the criminal evidence and witnesses pointed to you, you would have been thrown into the chrysanthemum township by the police long ago and enjoy decades of happy time..."

   "Of course, that was not my intention."

   suddenly, Leon wrinkled between his eyebrows, and the conversation turned:

   "Remember the last time we had a conversation? At that time, didn't you ask me, what do you want?"

   "Now, I tell you!"

   Before he finished speaking, Leon's eyes changed, sharp like a falcon, staring at the blogger closely, and asking word by word: "I want to know, who on earth revealed my identity to you?!"

   From the moment the encounter and the assassination of the Ninja Legion, no!

   It should be from the moment Wesley confided in the news, Leon had a question in his heart: How did Shou Hehui know his identity and whereabouts?

   In the only contact with Shouhehui, Leon didn't have much useful information.

   Aside from his appearance, Shou Hehui should know nothing about him.

   Moreover, the only person who has really met Lyon is Mrs. Gao alone!

  Even though he was holding a portrait very similar to him in his hand, he was searching wildly in the vast New York City.

   But it’s not that simple to find Lyon...

   What's more, his frequency of publicity as an agent of a secret intelligence agency has made it more difficult for the other party to find him.

   Therefore, after thinking about it, Lyon quickly came to the two most likely conclusions:

   The first one is: Mrs. Gao, the only one who has seen Leon's true face, happened to meet Leon again in the crowded New York!

   then followed him and came to his residence.

   The operability of this conclusion is very difficult.

   What's more, with Lyon’s [Spirit Sensitive Officer], it is impossible for Mrs. Gao to follow him silently without being discovered.

   But, it's not completely impossible.

   The second one is...

   Someone from SHIELD betrayed Leon’s identity and residence to Shouhehui!

   His apartment is a safe house arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D. for every field agent.

  In order to ensure the safety of the agent’s life, only the files of S.H.I.E.L.D. have recorded his residence...

   excluded the first unlikely idea, and the rest is often the truth!

Leon suspected that, in all likelihood, it was the Hydra lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D., who was so jealous of him that he betrayed his information to Shou Hehui, and wanted to use Shou Hehui's hand to eradicate his anxiety. The guy who points!

   However, doubts are merely doubts, not the same as facts.

   He wants to confirm this suspicion from the mouth of the blogger himself, is it right?

   The two confrontations with Leon had already cast a faint shadow on the heart of the blogger.

   can't beat him again, and can't escape his palm...

   No matter how many years I live~www.readwn.com~ A blogger is just a coward who is afraid of death.

   In the face of irresistible death threats, his integrity and dignity are often quickly abandoned...

   "If I confessed, would you let me go?"

   Hearing these words, Leon couldn't help but raise his brows, and the corners of his mouth gently pulled out a curve, "Then it depends on your information, is it worth it..."

   quietly looked at the expression on Leon's face, the blogger was completely unpredictable, the other party's intention.

  Whether it is to retaliate against the black hand behind all of this, or to attack his opponents and will start, under such a slaughtered situation, he can do only one choice...

"I say…"

   "The person who revealed your identity and residence to us is a middle-aged man." Botu paused, watching Leon look attentively, and then said:

   "We don't know his identity and origin, we only know that he belongs to a very large organization..."

   Leon tapped his finger on the desktop, making a "clang" and "clang", interrupting the blogger's words: "Name! I need a name!"

   "Although he did not leave his name, we heard his subordinates call him..."



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