I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 172: Takeover hand and meeting

"it's finally over…"

   Looking around the hall where there are no standing enemies besides himself, Leon couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

   After cutting off Mrs. Gao's head, Leon did not forget to walk to Suwanda's corpse and cut off the black uncle's head.

  The hands and the five fingers, due to the long-term use of the power of the keel, caused their bodies to be somewhat contaminated with immortal attributes.

   Under normal circumstances, no matter how severe the injury is, as long as time goes by, it will slowly recover.

   Only when their heads are cut down, they can truly return to the embrace of death.

   just sent three long-awaited lives to the goddess of death, Leon did not pause for too long, but immediately left the financial building in the Midtown Circle.

   Taking advantage of the news of the death of the three of Mrs. Gao, it has not yet reached the ears of the younger brother Hehui, Leon must seize the time to implement the last step of the plan-release the bloggers, take over the hands and the meeting!

   However, before going to see the blogger, there is one more thing waiting for him to complete...

  . . .


   When Colleen Wynn opened the door and saw Leon covered in blood, he couldn't help covering his mouth with his hands and exclaimed: "My God! What happened to you?!"

   smiled softly at Colleen, and Leon explained: "Don't worry, this is not my blood."

   After speaking, he stepped into the apartment and walked straight to the bedroom.

   Looking at the Tang knife in Lyon's hand, and the obvious blood stains on the corners of the clothes and the trousers, Colleen immediately made up a big wave of "FBI agents went out to handle the case at night, engaged in a fight with the criminal gang, and finally returned victorious"...

   She did not ask Leon, but took a step forward very cleverly, took the black Tang Dao "Dark Moon" from Leon, and whispered: "Let me come!"

   Turned his head and glanced at the girl's expressionless face, Leon was noncommittal, "That's OK."

   Let Collin put the Tang knife on the knife rack in the living room, Leon walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

   However, Collin, who had just placed the Tang knife, couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, stepped on her toes and walked silently to the outside of the bedroom.

   From the gap in the concealed door, Colleen saw a jaw-dropping sight:

   Leon, with his upper body naked and only wearing a pair of shorts, closed his eyes, sitting on the bed quietly.

   The palms of the hands are facing each other, folded together, and placed in front of the abdomen.

   What surprised her most was that Leon’s naked upper body was like experiencing a sauna, and countless materialized water vapors continuously rose from his body!

   The magical scene in front of her made Colleen, who was originally curious about Lyon, even more confused.

   Leon Colson, who is he?

   Colleen’s "secret observation", Leon, who is sensitive to his senses, is naturally aware of it.

   However, he is working on the "qi" in his body, and he concentrates on getting rid of incense toxins, so he has no time to be distracted.

   Besides, this is not something that needs to be hidden.

   Anyway, sooner or later, Colleen will know that she is a superpower...

   Thinking of this, Leon also continued to speed up the operation of Kunlun Qi, pushing out the poison little by little.

   Ten minutes later, the Kunlun Qi in the body, relying on a steady stream of advantages, will still get rid of the stubborn Qi toxins.

   After finishing this important matter, Leon took a shower and changed into clean clothes before walking out of the bedroom.

   Looking at Colleen who was curled up on the sofa, holding the remote control absent-mindedly, and constantly changing TV channels, Leon smiled slightly and came to her.

   He did not mention the peeking behavior of the girl just now, but softly exhorted:

   "I still have something to deal with. I may come back later. If you are hungry, there are still cream pies in the refrigerator that I didn't finish yesterday."

   "By the way, you can also call to order takeaway, and there are nearby restaurants on the refrigerator..."

   After talking a lot, after seeing Colleen nodding, Leon left the apartment, drove a Chevrolet, and drove towards the New York Police Department headquarters.

  . . . . . .

  Interrogation room.

   Seeing Leon who appeared in front of him again, Botu keenly caught the relaxation between Leon's eyebrows and eyes.

   The blogger, who was detained in an underground detention room, had no news. Naturally, the reason why Leon looked so relaxed was because he had just sent Mrs. Gao back to the arms of the goddess of death.

   Not long after sitting down, Leon spoke first:

   "I have a good news, and a bad news, I want to tell you. Which one do you want to hear first?"

The blogger, who became a prisoner of the ranks, naturally did not dare to choose the option of "I don’t want to hear the good news or the bad news, just let me go!" information?"

   "The bad news is..."

   Lyon spread his hands and said with a calm face: "It's a pity that your remaining companions, Mrs. Gao, Suwanda, and Alexandra, were all killed by me!"

   It was regrettable in the mouth, but Leon's tone and expression did not mean a trace of regret.

   The words faintly spit out from Leon's mouth, like a heavy blow, smashed into the heart of the blogger!

   I saw his pupils in both eyes, which instantly magnified several times, and the whole person seemed to have suffered a huge blow and was startled.

   "And the good news is..."

   After a pause, Leon clapped swiftly, and said to the blogger who hadn't recovered yet: "Congratulations, you are now the only leader of Shouhehui!"

   In the entire small space, the sudden applause made the blogger gradually recover from the huge blow of losing his companion.

   cast his gaze in his doubts, looking forward to Lyon, who was sitting on the opposite side. The blogger dumbly asked, "What do you want?"

   Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but smile, and leaned forward slightly: "No, this is what I want to ask you. What do you want?"

"Imagine that the current hands and meetings ~www.readwn.com~ the dragons have no leader, you are the only one in the leadership, and all the obstacles have been removed. You can completely hold this huge global organization in your hands. Do what you once wanted to do but couldn’t do..."

"It is not good?"

   staring at the demon-like man in front of him, the blogger whispered: "Is this your true intention..."

   The subtext between Lyon’s words is very clear.

   Placed in front of Botu, the only survivor with hands and five fingers, there are only two options:

   Either take over the remaining forces of the Hehui and surrender to Lyon; or reunite with Mrs. Gao and others in the Yin Cao Jifu.

   Facing Leon's blue eyes that gradually turned cold, the blogger opened his lips slightly, wanting to say something.

   However, he found that he could not say anything.

   He knows very well that if he does not agree to Leon’s proposal, death will be his only home...

   But, he still doesn't want to die! ! !

   Forced by Leon's deterrence, the blogger, who was desperate, could only bow his head and agreed to Lyon's sub-city alliance.

"I see…"

   "From now on, I and Shouhehui will be at your disposal..."


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