I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Leviathan

Everything is so sudden...

The big holes that suddenly appeared, the ugly aliens who slaughtered humans, the bombed streets, and the Iron Man fighting on the front lines, a large number of live images of the battlefield, which can be read wirelessly through the monitoring of Manhattan streets, mobile phones, satellites, etc. The camera is sent to all parts of the world.

These aliens use the entire Manhattan and even the entire New York as hunting grounds and humans as prey, and they continue to wreak havoc on the entire city everywhere.

The burning flames and the black smoke flying everywhere added a bit of depression and desolation to a messy battlefield.

. . .

At the same time, the leaders of various countries also learned through various means that on the far side of the ocean, the international metropolis known as the "Big Apple" is experiencing an unprecedented alien invasion...

The White House, Parliament, and politicians in the Pentagon have also quarreled.

Some more radical military representatives clamored to assemble the army as soon as possible to fight the aliens to the death!

Among them, General Ross, who holds the post of Secretary of State, has the strongest tone.

This old general, who chased Hulk and led to a sloppy fight in Harlem, New York, did not change his temper after leaving the army:

"We should send troops as soon as possible to blast these ugly **** back to their hometown!"

However, **** soldiers like General Ross are still only a minority. More parliamentarians and politicians believe that the scale of this war should not be further expanded.

"I am opposed to sending troops! Once our army cannot withstand the enemy's attack, then we may lose the entire New York, and even the entire United States!"

"Our soldiers may not be able to defeat them. Sending the army over will only increase casualties..."

"We cannot sacrifice a large number of elite troops for a Manhattan..."

All sorts of seemingly justifiable reasons are narrating an ugly reality:

These politicians who can only sit in a comfortable air-conditioned room and move their mouths are already scared by the overwhelming aliens over Manhattan, and they have lost the courage to resist...

Just like in the movie, when discussing how to solve these aliens, the balance gradually tilted to the side of "sacrifice some people and save more people"...

While the politicians are fighting each other, the bridge area of ​​the Sky Mothership is located over the Atlantic Ocean two hundred kilometers east of New York...

Fury, dressed in black, stood in front of several large virtual screens and watched the live war scenes. He could not help but press his lips tightly, revealing a solemn expression.

"Sir, just received the news that the Kun-style fighter group we sent out has been wiped out..."

Hill's report made the expression on Fury's face even more serious.

"How about Hande?"

"The block west of Glen Avenue has been evacuated. However, according to statistics, there are still nearly hundreds of thousands of people trapped in three blocks around the Central Railway Station..."

"Is there any news from Leon?"

"Not yet, Loki's trail is very erratic, even if Thor and Stark are searching everywhere on the battlefield, they haven't found him for the time being."

Hearing this, Fury was silent, and the word "Chuan" between his brows became deeper unconsciously.

At this time, standing aside, Coleson, who had been worrying about his nephew, couldn't help but ask:

"Sir, what shall we do now?"

Even Coleson, who has a firm conviction, can't help but feel confused about all this in front of him, feeling a sense of powerlessness, shrouded in his heart.

"We have done everything we can, and then it's up to them..."

While whispering, Fury's gaze was fixed on the screen, above the familiar figures.

. . . . . .

On the fierce battlefield, Leon waved the long knife in his hand, and killed the Zeta Swiss soldiers who dared to approach one after another!


As soon as he kicked the last Zita Swiss soldier from the top of a building that was more than 100 meters high, Leon turned his head and immediately noticed the behemoth "swimming" toward him.

Such a behemoth, it’s very difficult if you don’t notice it...

Seeing the Leviathan beasts walking between the tall buildings and constantly destroying the city's buildings, approaching in his own direction, Leon couldn't help taking a deep breath, then sharpened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with a strong sense of war.

"Let me meet you, big guy..."

Before he finished his words, Leon was short, jumped violently, drew a parabola in the air, and suddenly jumped onto the uneven back of the Leviathan behemoth!

For Lyon’s landing, the Leviathan was completely unaware of it.

As soon as he arrived on the back of the Leviathan behemoth, Leon staggered, and quickly held the knife in both hands, with the blade down, and thrust the Tang knife in his hand directly down!

The sharp Tang knife, like cutting tofu, penetrates the steel armor and skin, and the blade is directly submerged into the body of the giant beast.

However, this blow is equivalent to being stung by a mosquito for the Leviathan behemoth that is hundreds of meters long~www.readwn.com~ does not constitute much harm...

Of course Leon knew that such an attack would be of little use to the Leviathan.

Because his attack has not officially started yet!

"Good show, only now!"

In a whisper, Leon held a knife in both hands, bent down, exerted force on his legs, and suddenly ran on the back of the Leviathan beast!


Under Lyon’s 100-meter sprint, the Tang knife that plunged into the back of the giant beast was like an indestructible sharp blade. From the back of the Leviathan beast to the back of the neck, a large cut of more than ten meters was drawn. .

The severe pain finally caused the huge Leviathan beast to realize that someone was hurting himself on his back.

This made it react immediately!


In a sharp turn, while cutting off a building, he almost threw Leon on his back.

However, just as Leviathan smashed into the building, Lyon, who had no time to escape, was hit hard by a few splashing bricks!

The huge impact caused Lyon's internal organs to receive an impact, and a trace of blood was often left from the corner of his mouth.

However, the result of the injury is also obvious.

He is only more than ten meters away from the head of the Leviathan!

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, Leon suddenly pulled out a long knife, kicked his legs, and his whole body jumped high!

Facing the falling strong wind, Leon mobilized the power of Thor in his body and poured it onto the "Dark Moon" in his hand.

In an instant, countless beating currents lingered on the black blade, turning into a three-meter-long thunder blade!

Lyon leaping in the air, like a **** who controls thunder and lightning, holds the thunder in his hand, and strikes at the head of the Leviathan behemoth!

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