I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 305: Plan B

   The two brothers, who were almost in a fight, looked at the corner of the spaceship after being interrupted.

   Leon, wearing a black robe, slowly got up and came to the two of them.

   Under Loki and Thor's somewhat puzzled gaze, Leon stretched out his hands on their shoulders, and said in a deep voice:

   "Compared to quarreling, we still have more serious problems, waiting to be solved, so let's stop for a while..."

   Perhaps it was Leon's solemn expression, or he was tired of such a daily life, Thor did not hesitate, and then loosened Loki's neckline.

   And Loki didn't know what he thought of, a gleam of light flashed through his sly eyes, and he closed his mouth very well.

   "A more serious problem? You mean..."

   Looking directly at Thor's rugged and heroic face, Leon frowned slightly and said, "Tor, have you ever thought that there is a fatal loophole in your plan."

   "The loophole?" Thor's face was filled with puzzlement.

   "That's for sure, if it were made by me, the plan would be perfect..."

   Ignoring Loki's chattering on the side, Leon looked at Thor, pouring out his worries directly:

   "Yes, your plan, to be honest, is too optimistic..."

   Hearing this, Thor, anxious, opened his lips slightly, and just wanted to make a sound, but Leon was interrupted by raising his hand.

   "Listen to me first!"

   "Although everything is going well so far. But, have you ever thought that once Malekis takes out the ether, you can't destroy the ether, then what should we do?"

"I heard your father say that the power of the ether is so powerful that it can even swallow the light. If it can be destroyed so easily, then thousands of years ago, your grandfather, the once king of the gods, Bo Oh, I won’t hide it where the dark elves will never find it..."

   Leon's words made Thor frowned deeply and fell into contemplation.

   For a while, apart from the sound of wind whizzing past my ears, there was only silence on the entire sailing ship.

   It didn’t take long before Thor raised his head slightly, stared at Leon, and asked:

   "Then you mean, we should give up and let the ether swallow Jane?"

   "Even though we have worked so hard to come to this place where birds do not shit, we have committed treason for this?!"

   Feeling the faint anger on Thor, Loki on the side thought that there was a good show to watch next, so the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

   However, the next scene made him unexpected...

"Do not!"

   Facing Thor's determination and despair in his eyes, Leon took a step forward and put his hand on Thor's shoulder, his tone full of decisive determination!

   "I mean, we need to prepare a plan B for this plan!"

  . . . . . .

   The sky is full of wind and sand, covering the entire Wattheim into a desolate world.

   After the first wave of long-lost guests, the former host here has returned to his hometown again.

   "They are here..."

   Lyon and the others, who were sitting on the spaceship, also saw the weird spaceship slowly descending through the sand and dust in the sky.

   The giant spaceship in the shape of a cross is so conspicuous.

   Asgard’s sailing ship was parked, Leon and his group came to a small hillside.

  Walking off the spaceship, Malekis, who was surrounded by soldiers and cursed warriors, looked at the scene on the top of the mountain, and couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

   "These stupid Asgardians are seeking their own way of death..."

  While speaking, the steps under my feet are already a little impatient...

   On the other side, Lyon and others standing on the hillside also noticed the dark elves who were approaching to their side. They couldn't help but lifted their hearts.

   Standing slightly ahead of Leon, turned his head to look at Thor and Jane, and asked:

   "Are you ready?"

   Before the two of them could answer, Loki was one step ahead and replied:

"I'm ready!"

   Hearing these words, Leon looked at Thor, nodded to him and said: "Then, let's get started!"

   Thor nodded back, and then took Loki, whose hands were handcuffed, and came to Leon.

At this critical moment, Loki still provokes the discord in a leisurely manner, whispering like a devil, whispering in Thor's ear: "I have to say, brother, your new companion is much smarter than you. If it weren't for him, your plan would kill us in vain..."

   However, Thor is no longer the one who will burst into anger when he is slightly provoked.

   He just smiled and went back unwillingly: "This is what it feels like to have a companion. You will never understand..."

   After speaking, Thor opened his handcuffs under Loki's slightly unexpected eyes.

   "Yes, I won't understand, because I don't need a companion!"

   In a low voice, Loki, who was unfastened by his handcuffs, drew a dagger from his private space, and while Thor was not paying attention, it slammed into his waist and abdomen!


   With a muffled snort, Thor quickly protected his abdomen, and was kicked off the hill by Rocky!

   "Tor!" "Tor!"

  Looking at this scene, Leon and Jane on the side invariably exclaimed in exclamation.

   Leon, with his eyes wide open, immediately pulled out Dark Moon from behind, and rushed towards Loki with a roar:

   "You bastard!"

   However, between the lightning and flint, Loki did not panic at all, but raised the corners of his mouth calmly and smiled slightly.

   The next second, I saw him wave a big hand, two extremely sharp Wulu daggers, flying to Lyon out of thin air~www.readwn.com~ and pierced directly into Leon's abdomen!


   Leon, who was struck by a lightning strike, gave a violent stature, quickly stretched out his hand to cover his abdomen, and knelt to the ground.

   At the same time, Loki seemed to be puzzled, and kicked him down the hill...

   Right after, Rocky, holding a dagger, jumped on both legs and jumped off the hillside.

   Malekis in the distance, seeing this scene of infighting, couldn't help but pause, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

   Then, he quickened his pace again and walked forward.

   hasn't approached yet, the dark elves headed by Malekis heard Loki's crazy voice floating in the air:

   "Do you think I care about Asgard's life and death? Or anyone?!"

   "What I want is you and Odin to die at my feet!"

   Under the gaze of everyone, Loki kept beating Thor, even taking advantage of the gap where he reached out to summon Thor's Hammer, grabbed his right hand, and went down fiercely!


   Accompanied by a screaming scream, Thor was directly cut off his right hand by Loki with a dagger!

   And this cruel scene completely fell into the eyes of Malekis...


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