I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 322: Man, it's time for you to appear!

The news of the assassination failure reached Pierce's ears for the first time.

Pierce, who was having a meeting with the World Security Council, immediately left the Trident headquarters and came to an underground base of Hydra in Brooklyn...

This is a sealed room transformed from an underground vault.

In the center of the room, there is a special operating chair. Behind the operating chair is a circular device, which looks a little weird.

On both sides, there are related life testing equipment and computer equipment.

But Barnes, who had just escaped from Lyon, had his upper body exposed, his hands hanging down like this, sitting there with an expressionless appearance.

Not far away, Pierce in a suit and leather shoes, while listening to the report of the bald brother, looked at Barnes, who was motionless.

"As we know, the target has extremely powerful superpowers..."

"The effect of the bullet did not have much effect on him..."

"We need stronger..."

. . .

At this time, Pierce, who had been silent for a long time, raised his hand quickly, interrupting Brother Bald from continuing to report.

"I see."

As soon as the voice fell, he paced to Barnes and said solemnly:

"Task report!"

As if receiving an irresistible order, Barnes, who hadn't said a word, opened his mouth immediately, like a robot, and replied:

"December 22, 2009, Long Island, New York..."

The whole process of fighting with Lyon was fully revealed by Barnes in extremely detailed words.

After listening to the report, Pierce's heart was heavy, which could not help but deepen a bit.

The threat of Leon Colson, a man, has far exceeded his and even the entire Hydra's imagination.

He couldn't help thinking, if he was killed in the cradle when he first discovered the existence of this man, would the situation be more favorable?

There is no answer to this question, just like time cannot be repeated...

Retaining the slightest uneasiness in his heart, Pierce turned his head, looked at the medical staff on the side, and ordered:

"Brainwash him, freeze it again, and wait for the next mission."

"Yes, sir!"

Coming to his side, Pierce asked while trimming the corners of his clothes:

"Jasper, those people, don't leave tails?"

Hearing this, the bald brother couldn't help but stunned, and then hurriedly replied:

"You can rest assured that before the action, I have triggered the suicide mode of the Winter Soldier. Once they are arrested, they will sever themselves and will never reveal the slightest information. As for the mercenaries, they don't even know who hired them. Who…"

"That's good…"

Nodding invisible, Pierce walked out of the room, leaving only the depressed growl from Barnes, echoing the entire underground base...

. . . . . .

As the bald brother promised, Leon did not obtain any useful information from the assassins.

However, in this regard, Lyon is not frustrated.

Anyway, from the moment he saw Barnes, he knew that the man behind the assassination was Hydra.

As for the others, it doesn’t matter at all...

After making a phone call and letting S.H.I.E.L.D. professionals come to clean up the mess, Leon was waiting for Ferry's adjutant, Maria Hill.

"What the **** is going on?"

Walking down from a black Chevrolet Suburban and looking at the messy scene, Hill's face was somewhat surprised.

Leon shrugged and replied lightly: "It's nothing, it's just a road party..."

Looking at the cracked ground and the sports car that was crashed into a mass of scrap iron, Hill couldn't help but frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"You should know what a serious problem the assassination of a senior agent of SHIELD is..."

"I'm okay, don't be so nervous, maybe just a group of rats hiding in the sewer, coming out to bask in the sun..."

Hearing this, Hill couldn't help but move in his heart, and said pointedly:

"Listening to you, you seem to know who did it on you?"

Lyon spread out his hands, showing an innocent look, and said: "How would I know, you know that I am a good person, except for friends, I am good friends, and will not be enemies..."

Cursing his lips, Hill resisted the urge to roll his eyes at someone, and then said:

"In the case of Rumlow, the murderer has not been found. It is your turn so soon... It seems that there seems to be a force that targeted the senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It's possible! I think you have to be careful, after all, you know so many secrets about Fury, who knows if they will look at you..."

After chatting with Hill a few words, Leon remembered his appointment with Pim.

"By the way, I have something to deal with, so I'll leave. As for the report, I will hand it in later..."

When Hill came back to his senses, Lyon had already gotten in a Chevrolet that was requisitioned at hand~www.readwn.com~ and drove towards the airport...

. . .

The night is dim, the crescent moon is in the clouds, and half of his face is slightly exposed, as if he is peeking at the prosperity of the world.

If you look down from above the night sky of New York, you can deeply feel the infinite charm of this international metropolis.

Thousands of feet high in the sky, Leon sat in the cab of the Nightwing fighter, looking through the window, looking at the radiance underneath, the surprise in his eyes could not help but disappear in a flash.

With such a beautiful night view, who would have the heart to let it all turn into nothingness?

"Perhaps, this is why superheroes work hard for it..."

In a low voice, Leon was flying into a private factory in Queens while driving a Nightwing fighter that had already entered an invisible state.

Half an hour later...

Back to Lyon in the villa, I came to the study in a familiar way and pressed a few notes rhythmically on the piano keys.

The next moment, with a slight "click!", the huge bookshelf on the right side of Leon moved half a meter to the left, and then a secret door popped up.

Follow the winding stairs and step into the basement.

The footsteps of "Da", "Da" and "Da" echoed in the empty basement, appearing particularly clear.

The lighting system with voice control technology, with the arrival of Lyon, illuminates the entire space extremely brightly.

When I came to the computer that never stopped working 24 hours a day, I pressed a button on the keyboard, and a transparent box of rectangular parallelepiped began to slowly rise on the ground not far away.

Inside the box, there is a pure black armor and a helmet with two pointed horns.

When he came to the box, stroking the lines on the armor like a lover, Leon's mouth rose slightly, and he couldn't help showing a meaningful smile:

"Man, it's time for you..."

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