I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 325: Shadow Knight Project

"Wait a moment!"

"Shadow Knight?!"

"Shadow Knight?!"

As if he had heard some unbelievable news, Xiao Jianjian's hand that had just stretched out gave a sudden stop and took it back with a thunderous force.

Immediately afterwards, Wade put on an expression of "Are you kidding me", looked at Leon who was a little confused, and questioned:

"Are you serious? Where did you come up with such a frustrated team name?!"

"The Avengers, X-Men, Justice League...what's the bad name, you have to make the team's name so low-key?!"

"At least much better than someone's X commando team..."

However, Lyon's whispered complaints still couldn't escape Xiao Jianjian's ears...

"What did you say?"

Leon waved his hand and forcibly changed the subject:

"It's nothing, I am the organizer of the squad, I have the right to name the squad, don't I?"

As he spoke, Leon took out a hundred-dollar bill from his waist like magic. While blinking his right eye, he forced it into Wade's hand.

Looking at Franklin on the banknote in his hand, and then at Leon's twitching handsome face, Wade opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth.

Spreading his hands, Wade put on a helpless look, and secretly put the banknotes into his pocket.

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say..."

After a pause, Wade immediately changed a fierce look and said viciously: "Let's talk! Who are we going to kill?"

"When I get to the base, I will tell you..."

Before he could say anything, Leon put on the bat helmet again and walked slowly towards the depths of the dark alley.

Only the little bit of doubts remained, standing still, unconsciously vomiting:

"This team with only two members has a base..."

. . .

When taking the elevator and arriving at the underground team base, Xiao Jianjian’s first reaction was:


Located on the ground floor of a private factory in Queens, a huge, brightly lit and wide space finally welcomed the second guest besides Lyon.

Looking left and right, looking at all kinds of high-tech equipment and equipment, as well as the dark and cool fighter plane parked not far away, Wade couldn't help sighing:

"It seems that my employment price will also go up..."

He also heard a little about Leon's purchase of the manor on Long Island.

After all, Leon also sent him an invitation letter at the birthday party.

He knew that Lyon was rich, but he didn't know he was so rich...

Allowing Wade to visit everywhere, Leon took off the bat helmet and placed it on the table aside.

Immediately afterwards, he casually pressed a certain mechanism at the collarbone, only to hear a slight "click", and the cloak slowly fell to the ground.

Finally, with a light press on the waist, the entire set of black armor faded from the chest like a tide, toward the feet, and finally turned into a pure black box.

After completing the whole set of dress-up actions, he picked up the box and cloak, and put them on the table, before Leon walked to the dressing room on the side.

Speaking of the Edman alloy armor on Lyon, including the helmet with voice changer, radar detection, night vision, thermal scanning, etc., and even the retractable cloak, Lyon personally made it for himself. equipment.

To this end, he took advantage of his wealth and nearly one hundred thousand favor points, and learned from Stark [Individual integrated weaponry and equipment research and development (Epic)], [Hardware design (Extraordinary)], [Software design (Extraordinary)] After waiting for a series of skills, he was able to create this portable Edman alloy armor.

And the entire underground base, and even the Nightwing fighters, recruit Deadpool...

All of this is to complete a plan, a secret plan he has been preparing for a long time-the Shadow Knight Project!

Speaking of it, the inspiration for the whole plan came from Leon's chance encounter with Xiao Xianjian when he assassinated Crossbones.

As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who knew Hydra had been lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years, Lyon, who was unwilling to stun the snake, has been thinking about a question, that is:

How can we attack the huge power of Hydra without being discovered by Hydra and knowing their existence?

Even, the Hydra inside S.H.I.E.L.D. was secretly cleaned...

He found the answer from Deadpool!

That is, hiding one's identity and becoming another person, a Hydra can never think of the person in him!

Thus, the so-called copycat Batman "Dark Knight" is on the stage!

Against the Hydra, Lyon did not intend to fight alone, but prepared to form a squad that was completely at his disposal to fight the Hydra in the dark!

Although he knows all about the leader-level figures of Hydra. However, he can't just come to the door to kill the opponent, right?

He did not know that the slogan of this evil organization was "cut off one head, regenerate two heads, and replace them"...

Cutting off the leaders he knew, such as Pierce, Malik, etc., would only give Hydra a new, even more uncontrollable leader.

This is not the result he wanted.

Rather than wasting your own prophetic advantage in this way, it is better to keep these leaders and turn the target to the mid-level leadership of Hydra and the top combat power, which will be more conducive to the complete elimination of the entire Hydra in the future.

According to his investigations and inferences, the reason why Deadpool has become this look is the Hydra trying to mass-produce superpowers!

That's why he found Deadpool.

In addition to the relationship between him and Deadpool, he also has a common enemy...

After changing into casual clothes, Leon, who had just walked out of the locker room, saw Xiao Jianjian standing by the wall full of all kinds of guns, carrying two black desert eagles, weighing them at will.

"If you like it, pick whatever you want. I rarely use a gun anyway..."

Wade interrupted Leon before he could finish his pretense:

"How come all the guns here are painted black, don't set it up for the sand sculpture of the Dark Knight, it must be black..."

Wade's complaints are always so sharp!

Someone who was said to be central thinking and did not know how to refute, had no choice but to pretend to say:

"It's none of your business! Don't just put it back!"

"Yes, of course! These days, the mercenary business is not doing well. Buying guns and bullets is also a big expense..."

While talking, Xiao Jianjian inserted two desert eagles into his waist, then took a HK416 with shoulder straps from the wall and hung it on his body.

After a while, he hung his entire body with all kinds of guns, like a small and humble man in a human-shaped arsenal, only to hear from a short distance, Leon, with a hint of helplessness in the faintness:

"I have a bag, do you want it?"

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