I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 332: Robbery


A tall and fierce figure covered with reptile scales, punched a thick protective wall, and suddenly jumped down from the huge hole in the wall!

With the sound of howling wind, the figure suddenly fell from the sky, and his legs stood firmly on the platform on the side of the snow-capped mountain.

At this time, the sound of the high-speed rotation of the propeller attracted "it"'s attention.

Looking up at the military transport plane floating in the air, doubts flashed in those wild and murderous eyes.

The dark military transport plane landed slowly under his watch.

The tail hatch opened, and a "person" with a head twice the size of an ordinary person and a strange smile on his face got off the transport plane.

When he saw the hideous appearance with blood vessels bursting under the pale green complexion, Bronzsky was taken aback, and the same hideous face also showed a hint of surprise.

I saw the person with the unusually big head, looking at the tall monster in front of him, he couldn't help grinning, showing his sharp and heterogeneous teeth.

"Long time no see, Bronsky..."

. . . . . .

Time goes back to half an hour ago...

Located in the snow-capped mountains at the northern end of Montana, the hidden building integrated with the mountain is a secret prison specially built by the Pentagon for superpower criminals.

According to common sense, all criminals who use superpowers to commit crimes in the United States will be held here by the Department of Defense.

However, because in this world, there is a special department called SHIELD. And S.H.I.E.L.D. has a special prison for superpower criminals-refrigerators.

Therefore, there are very few superpower criminals imprisoned in this secret military prison.

It is worth mentioning that the defensive strength and personnel input of the entire prison is not inferior to the "refrigerator" of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Walls made of alloy, fully armed guards, 24-hour surveillance, and high-voltage electromagnetic cells...

The reason why it takes so much time and effort is entirely because this prison holds a monster that the military loves and hates...

In the corridor, two guards wearing special body armor and carrying the latest model of assault rifles from the military were patrolling and talking without a word.

"Today is another boring day..."

"By the way, did you watch the game between the Patriots and the Eagles yesterday?"

"Of course! Brady's long pass over fifty yards is simply too accurate. I love this guy so much!"

"I think next season, he will definitely sign a big contract..."

. . .

Just when two rugby enthusiasts were talking about it, the sudden change occurred!

Only a loud noise was heard, and a big hole was suddenly blasted into the wall next to the two guards!

The huge impact generated by the explosion caused several rubbles to lash away and slam the two guards severely.

The unsuspecting two were directly stunned...

Then, from the entrance of the cave, six sturdy men in camouflage uniforms walked out one after another.

What these big guys have in common is very obvious. They all wear a special high-tech wrist guard on their arms.

It can be vaguely seen that inside the device is a tiny dark potion.

That deep green color is hard not to remind people of some kind of evil human experiment...

The leading black-haired man, with a solemn expression, made several gestures one after another, and gave orders very skillfully.

"Ace, Morgan, you two, go to the monitoring room!"


"John, you and I go to the cell where the target is located. As for the others, they are responsible for cleaning the guards. Remember, we only have five minutes! Understand?!"


As soon as the voice fell, the six men in camouflage uniforms split into three groups and spread out to the entire prison...

At the same time, such a loud noise immediately attracted the attention of the entire prison.


For a time, the harsh intrusion alarm sounded in the entire prison.

In the monitoring room, the warden sitting in front of the monitoring screen, seeing the outsider in the picture, immediately pressed the prison's broadcast button, and through the broadcast, gave orders to the guards of the entire prison!

"Attention everyone! Someone invaded! Repeat again, someone invaded!"

"All personnel in Area A, go to Area B immediately to support!"

Before the words finished, the warden sitting in front of the screen seemed to have seen something terrifying, his eyes widened, and his face was full of surprise.

"Oh! My God, what is that?!"

I saw a shocking scene on one of the surveillance screens:

Two big men wearing camouflage uniforms pressed lightly on their arms, and the next moment, the whole person immediately changed drastically!

In the slightly painful low roar, the skin of the two big men quickly turned green, and their muscles swelled like a balloon. The whole person suddenly pulled up more than ten centimeters, bursting the entire camouflage uniform!

Only a pair of tight-fitting shorts with excellent elasticity is left, covering the vital parts.

Except for a slightly smaller body shape, the appearance of the two big guys after the transformation is exactly the same as Banner after the transformation!

The transformation method is very similar to Hulk, so that the warden sitting in front of the monitoring screen stays like a wooden chicken, and can't believe what he sees...

At this moment, the prison guard standing in front of the two Hulks who suddenly transformed was even more unbelievable.

Of course, they have seen the images of Hulk showing great power in the Battle of New York.

However, what they didn't expect was that the two intruders in front of them were so similar to Hulk.

When they reacted from the shock and tried to pick up the gun in their hands and shoot at the intruder in front of them, the opponent moved first!

The two small Hulks smiled grimly, and then their legs jumped!

In the blink of an eye, two green figures jumped in front of the prison guards.

He only heard two sounds of "bang" and "bang". The two prison guards standing in front were immediately blown by a punch, drawing a parabola in the air, and then slammed to the ground.

Upon seeing this, the guard squad leader who brought the guards of A area to support, his eyes were splitting, and he shouted:


The next second ~www.readwn.com~ the gunshots are masterful!

Countless bullets, like crazy locusts, flew to two small Hulks!

However, what scared the prison guards was that the bullets hit these monsters, only sporadic sparks burst out, causing the two small hulks to feel a little pain, and did not cause any harm at all!

This scene changed the face of the warden who had witnessed the whole process through the surveillance camera.

Without any hesitation, he immediately picked up the communicator to contact the superior and pressed a series of numbers!

Soon, there was a voice like a natural sound from the other side:


"Headquarters, we need support here..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a loud bang, and the iron door of the monitoring room was blown away by a huge force!

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, a tall green figure slowly walked in from outside the door...

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