I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 356: Secrets of the past

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This sentence made everyone in the entire Sun Temple cast their eyes on the black-robed man sitting on the central seat.

At this time, the majesty faded from the face of the Jade Emperor, and there was a trace of remembrance.

As if thinking of something, Leon couldn't help but raised his brows and asked aloud:

"Jade Emperor, what do you mean by this? Who is he?"

"Jade Emperor, do you know this organization?"

"Jade Emperor..."

Facing everyone's doubts, the majestic face of the Jade Emperor Gu Jing Bubo changed again.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Leon, his eyes were full of complexity and his tone was solemn:

"He is my disciple, the champion of the 338th Kunlun Seven-City Martial Arts Tournament..."

"It's also a traitor who was expelled from Kunlun by my own hands!"

Next, a secret that has been buried for many years, in the deep and ethereal voice of the Jade Emperor, whispered...

One day sixty years ago, Kunlun, isolated from the world, ushered in an unexpected visitor.

When two Kunlun monks were practicing on the snow-capped mountains, they found an Asian youth who had fainted on the ground and brought him back to Kunlun for treatment.

After the treatment, the young man slowly recovered, and fully revealed his name and life experience...

The young man's name is Zhang Tong.

At a time when the situation of the celestial dynasty was changing, Zhang Tong lost everything because of the war, his wealth, family, status...

Therefore, in order to find a way to make himself strong and gain enough power to make a comeback, he went everywhere to find immortals and ask questions, and his footsteps were all over the famous mountains and rivers.

Zhang Tong, who came to Kunlun under the accidental collision, would naturally not let go of the opportunity to learn in this martial arts holy land.

So, at his request, he got permission from the Jade Emperor and was accepted by Kunlun.

In just a few years in Kunlun, Zhang Tong relied on his outstanding talent and almost terrifying strong willpower, and soon gained the appreciation of the Jade Emperor and was accepted as his disciple.

With the help of the Jade Emperor, he quickly became one of Kunlun's masters.

Not only that, Zhang Tong was also in the Seven Cities Tournament, defeating many opponents with a powerful posture, and won the championship of the Tournament.

After winning the championship, Zhang Tong’s wish was to enter the Dragon’s Den and "live the old" with the Shenlong

Regarding this wish, Zhang Tong had been appointed as the next Jade Emperor of Iron Fist from the bottom of my heart, and he readily agreed.

Not only the Jade Emperor, but also many Kunlun people believed that Zhang Tong would definitely be recognized by the "Shou Lao" of the Shenlong, gain the power of the Shenlong, and thus become the new iron fist.

Even he himself felt so.

However, the development of the matter is beyond everyone's expectations...

When Zhang Tong walked out of the dragon's cave without a word, with a black face, everyone discovered that he did not have any signs (tattoos) branded by the power of the dragon.

In other words, he failed.

Only the person involved knows what happened to the dragon.

The people in Kunlun didn't know if Shenlong had received Zhang Tong, nor did they know what Zhang Tong saw in the cave.

All I know is that since that day, Zhang Tong is like a different person, becoming taciturn, and shutting himself in the room all day.

The intensity of practice is much stronger than before.

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

Half a year after entering the Dragon Cave, Zhang Tong has become a powerful warrior in Kunlun, second only to the Jade Emperor.

At this moment, he made a move that shocked the entire Kunlun:

He actually challenged his master, the leader of Kunlun, the Jade Emperor!

The position of the Jade Emperor was voted and elected by the elders of Kunlun, not through a contest.

However, in Zhang Tong's view, only the strongest warrior is qualified to be the leader of Kunlun.

During the conversation, Zhang Tong told everyone why he had to challenge the Jade Emperor.

It turned out that after entering the Dragon Cave, he was indeed received by the Shenlong "Shou Lao".

However, the dragon "Shou Lao", who can go straight to his heart and see through the soul of the other party, feels that Zhang Tong's heart is evil and dark. He only longs for strong power and has no compassion. He may be a disaster for the world in the future.

Therefore, after careful consideration, "Shou Lao" did not choose to give him the power of the dragon.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Tong held a grudge, was eroded by the negative emotions longing for power, and decided to seize the position of Kunlun's leader.

He paranoidly believes that as long as he becomes the leader of Kunlun, Kunlun's most powerful warrior, Shenlong "Shou Lao" will recognize himself and give himself the power of Shenlong.

After gaining the power of the dragon, you can stand on top of all living beings again and regain everything that belongs to you...

After Zhang Tong raised the challenge, the Jade Emperor saw clearly the true face of his proud disciple, hidden under the mask.

Tyranny, paranoia, self...

The disappointed Jade Emperor accepted the challenge from his disciple and defeated the opponent with an overwhelming attitude.

Finally, the Jade Emperor personally expelled Zhang Tong from Kunlun...

Since this incident is a bit difficult to tell, it has not been recorded, and coupled with the successive deaths of the Kunlun elders, today, sixty years later, only the Jade Emperor who has just succeeded to the throne is still remembering this incident. That is, the current Jade Emperor alone!

This period of secrets many years ago, as the Jade Emperor told him, slowly opened to Lyon like a scroll.

"In the beginning, I was a little worried and sent someone to monitor him for a period of time. It was at that time that I heard for the first time that he formed an organization called "Ten Commandments"..."

"In other words, behind the Ten Commandments, is Zhang Tong from that year?!"

Glancing at a trace of surprise on Leon's face, the Jade Emperor nodded invisibly:

"If I guessed correctly..."

The story of the Jade Emperor caused turbulent waves in Leon's heart.

As far as he knows, the leader of the Ten Commandments Gang is Iron Man's old enemy, the Manchu.

If the story of the Jade Emperor is true, then this Zhang Tong who once studied art in Kunlun and challenged the Jade Emperor is the legendary Manchuria? !

Leon didn't expect that he, who just ran to inform him, would learn from the Jade Emperor about the past between Manchu and Kunlun.

This is a surprise...

At least knowing the purpose of the Ten Commandments ~ www.readwn.com~ is helpful for guessing the next step of the other party.

"In that case, the purpose of the Ten Commandments this time is for revenge?"

The Jade Emperor's face returned to indifferent again, and his tone became calm:


Seeing that the Jade Emperor hadn't taken this matter to heart at all, Leon couldn't help but reminded:

"Although I won't tell him how to enter Kunlun. But if he finds other ways to enter Kunlun, then..."

Before Leon could finish speaking, the jade emperor's arrogant voice interrupted him:

"That's okay..."

"Sixty years ago, I could defeat him, and today, sixty years later, I can also easily defeat him!"

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