I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 363: Reunion after 60 years

Outside the chaotic Kunlun City, gunshots and shouts were still loud.

   The battle between the Ten Commandments Gang and Kunlunwei gradually heated up...

   With the addition of the top combat power of Manchu, the situation once again fell to one side.

   The offensive of the Ten Commandments Gang reignited, and the bullets flying everywhere overwhelmed the Kunlun side and couldn't breathe.

  With the passage of time, the Kunlun guards, whose numbers are declining, can only fight and retreat, and gradually retreat towards the Kunlun City complex.

  Mandarin, who is easy to do, and Lei Bus, he also solves from time to time, the surrounding enemies, so that his men can continue to attack.

   Colorful rays of light flashed past every corner of the battlefield one after another, leaving behind a dead body with different shapes.

   Some Kunlun Guards were hit by a blue beam and instantly turned into an ice sculpture; others were swept by a red beam, leaving a hot black hole in their bodies...

   Some individual Kunlun guards were even under the control of their minds, as if they were mad. When they attacked their own people, they died under the same sect!

   Those ten rings with different abilities made the Mandarin a harvester on the battlefield.

   just gently raised his hand, a miniature tornado was born out of thin air, and several Kunlun archers were swept out;

   With a light wave, the law of universal gravitation seems to have no effect. Kunlunwei within the range loses his body's gravity without warning, and the whole person rises up in the air, and is instantly beaten into a hornet's nest by the incoming bullets;


   In the face of such a mysterious and powerful enemy, even the strongest fighter in Kunlun and the martial arts master Lei Gong on the bright side, there is no good way.

   If it weren’t for the Manchurian to be distracted to clean up Kunlunwei, he would have died in a violent manner under the manchurian’s changeable attack style...

   As the battlefield shifts, the quaint buildings seem to be close at hand.

   Standing on top of a high-speed rotating whirlwind, among snowflakes flying, the long and narrow eyes of Manchu could not help flashing a trace of remembrance.

   "Finally, I am back..."

   In a low voice, his eyes moved to the shaky Thunder God not far ahead.

  Lei Gong's face was bloodless and dead white. There are many wounds on his body, and the scary one is a scorched black wound on the abdomen.

   The consequences of excessive blood loss made Lei Gong's vision gradually blurred, his body was vacant, and he couldn't even stand steady.

   At this time, Kunlun’s strongest warrior is like a lamp with all its oil, and only the last breath is left, hanging with a small life...

   "My revenge, start with you!"

   Before the words fell, the man who stepped on the whirlwind, his eyes slammed, his left hand slammed upwards, and white light flashed.

   The next moment, a huge boulder standing on the snow suddenly loosened.

   Under the action of a powerful gravitational force, the huge boulder weighing several tons flew towards Lei Gong suddenly!

   Upon seeing this, the surrounding Kunlun guards, their complexion changed drastically, and they couldn't help exclaiming:

   "Lei Gong!"


   However, the boulder came so fast, it will arrive in a blink of an eye!

   If it is a thunder in a 100% state, he can naturally avoid this blow. However, nowadays Lei Gong does not have that reaction speed...

   stood on the spot, raised his head slightly, looking at the huge boulders overwhelming the sky, thunder's dim vision, only a strong perseverance, and a trace of regret that is not easy to detect.

   "Is that the end..."

   Between the electric light and flint, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded from behind!

   What followed was a lifelike, majestic golden dragon!


   I saw the dragon flaring its mouth, and with a fearless force, it bumped into the boulder head-on, and smashed the huge boulder weighing several tons in an instant!

   The next moment, the scattered rubble fell like heavy rain, adding a bit of embellishment to the white snow scene.

   At this time, everyone on the battlefield couldn't help but cast their eyes in the same direction.

   I saw a tall and majestic figure in the direction of Kunlun City, walking in the snow.

   A petal of snow falling from the sky, before it fell on the black robe, was instantly melted by the rising air.

   "Jade Emperor?!"

   exclaimed several times, calling out the identity of the person.

  The temples with silver threads, the unquestionable majesty face, shining with the eyes of Han Xing...

  Under the black robe, it is the current leader of Kunlun, the Jade Emperor!

   Seeing the Jade Emperor descending, everyone didn’t know where to generate a force of strength,

   Although your man is very popular, we have the Jade Emperor!

   came to Lei Gong’s side, the Jade Emperor raised his right hand, patted his shoulder gently, and said softly:

"Thanks for your hard work…"

   Enduring the pain of his body, Lord Lei turned his body, opened his eyes slightly, and looked at that reassuring face.

   "Jade...Jade Emperor...I..."

   "Needless to say, I know."

   handed the seriously injured Lei Gong to his subordinates behind him, and after an explanation, the Kunlun guard, carrying Lei Gong on his back, flew towards Kunlun City.

   Adult Man did nothing but stared straight at the black robe man, allowing him to take away the seriously injured Thunder.

"Finally, you have shown up…"

   "I thought you were hiding in that hall and refused to meet me..."

   Speaking of this, the Mandarin paused for a while, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he said word by word:

   "My... my... good... master... Fu!"

   "It has been too long since I was expelled from here. It has been so long that the hatred and anger in my heart gradually settled and hid in the deepest part..."

   "Sixty years! Sixty years!"

   Adult Man became more excited as he spoke, his face was flushed with sickness, his eyes looked like a tiger, as if he wanted to swallow the Jade Emperor in front of him in one bite.

   And the Jade Emperor, just quietly watching this once proud disciple, UU read www.uukanshu.com silently.

   "Do you know how I spent the past sixty years?!"

   "I think every day, if one day, I can come back here again, I will get back everything that belongs to me!"

   "What iron fist, what dragon power, I want you to know..."

   "I am the son of Kunlun's destiny!"

   After listening to the former disciple's S2 speech, the Jade Emperor's face was as sinking as water, and there did not seem to be any changes in his expression.

   It’s just that the next words made the proud Mandarin scream into his heart!

   "It seems that there is nothing wrong with Shou Lao's evaluation of you..."

   Perhaps it was a long-cherished wish for many years, and finally saw the dawn of fulfillment. In front of the former master, the emotions of the Mandarin were extremely unstable and seemed to be out of control.

   A word and a word affects his heart.

"What did you say?!"

   With his hands on his back, the Jade Emperor paced forward, and said in a deep voice:

   "I was somewhat regretful when I drove you out of Kunlun... But now, seeing what you did, I suddenly realized that you may not belong here from the beginning, not Kunlun!"

   "Even if it is a deep night, there is no light to hide, and there is nothing in your heart except darkness."

   "This is also the reason why we will meet again after sixty years!"

  :. :

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