I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 39: live for yourself

   September 23, 2007, 12 noon.

  Northern Russia, Kara Sea, Novi Port.

   This is the main port of the Kara Sea, and the entire port is very large. The residents mainly live on fish farming. Not only that, but it is also a favorite fishing spot for many fishing enthusiasts from all over the world.

   But today’s Port Novi has welcomed two "uninvited guests"...

  The Kara Sea, which has condensed into an endless sea of ​​ice, makes people feel like they have come to the kingdom of ice under the sunshine.

While sitting on a bench at a viewing point on the embankment of the port, Leon looked ahead, feeling the coldness of the cold wind, and looking at the frozen Kara Sea in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so beautiful! "

   I saw him wearing a heavy down jacket with a pair of snow boots on his feet, pulling the woolen cap on his head, and suddenly asked Natasha who was sitting next to him: "How long is there?"

   "There are about fifteen minutes left..." Natasha, who also wrapped herself into a zongzi and admired the distant scenery together, looked down at her watch, and replied calmly.

   After escaping the hunt in the port of Nizhnivartovsk, Lyon, who was shot, was taken by Natasha to a small town called "Kutsk".

   After simply handling his gunshot wounds, in order not to miss the agreed evacuation time, Leon, whose wounds had not fully recovered, and Natasha went on the road again.

   This time, without the chasers who were constantly harassing and pursuing them, the two of them were like little lovers on an outing. They drove the car and headed towards their destination...

   And just half an hour ago, the two Leones finally arrived at the agreed evacuation point-Port Novi.

   And there were only the last fifteen minutes left before SHIELD came to respond.

   Therefore, in order to keep a last memorial and to pass the remaining time, at Leon’s proposal, the two came to the beach.

  While waiting for the reception, the two chatted aimlessly...

Sitting on the bench, Natasha looked up at the sun high in the sky, with half surprise and emotion in her tone: "It's really strange, I heard them say that there are rarely such sunny days in the Kara Sea... "

"Oh? Is that so?" Hearing Natasha's words, Leon took a deep breath, and then smiled. "Then we have a rare occasion and we have such a good day. Isn't it lucky? "

   "Are you lucky... maybe."

   Looking at Natasha, who suddenly lowered her head and fell silent, Leon was a little curious, and asked aloud, "Are you still thinking about what I just said?"

  On the way to Port Novi, Leon introduced his identity and the organization behind it to Natasha.

   When she knew that she was about to join an intelligence agency supervised by the World Security Council, she was somewhat surprised and became a lot more relaxed.

   She also knows something about the title "National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau".

   She doesn't care much about whether the organization she joined is a notorious killer organization, or a mysterious organization that interferes with the security issues of all countries in the world under the slogan of "Maintaining World Peace".

   All she cares about is who she belongs to, and how she is going to go next!

   After joining S.H.I.E.L.D., as a traitorous agent, did she completely abandon her identity as an "agent" and transfer to the logistics department; or change a place and continue to use her best skills to work for the organization.

   Even, he kept his name incognito, changed a new identity, and started a new life...

   Among these three choices, she is a little hesitant...

   Especially on the way here, when Leon introduced her to the operation and internal structure of S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., between the lines, he seemed very hopeful that she could continue to be an agent.

   Inwardly, Natasha didn't know what kind of existence Leon was for herself.

friend? Can't be called.

   partner? A bit like.

  Couple? does not exist!

   However, one thing is certain is that it is very important to her to save her in the hands of the Red House and protect her Lyon along the way!

   It can be said that if there was no Leon, she might have died on that bridge long ago...

   Therefore, Leon’s opinion is also quite important to Natasha.


   Natasha nodded, then shook her head again.

Seeing Natasha's hesitant appearance, Leon thought for a while and said, "Actually, what I said in the car is my selfish intention. I want to persuade you to continue working as an agent. Even if it is Your choice, I have no right to interfere..."

   He looked forward quietly, his tone sounded vague, "I simply think that if you continue to work as an agent, it will be very helpful to me, to the organization, and to the whole world."

   "Because you can do things that many people can't do!"

   While talking, Leon slowly turned his head and looked at Natasha expectantly with his bright and deep eyes:

"In your previous life, it can be said that you have always lived for the red house~www.readwn.com~ but now, you escaped their control and got your hard-won freedom. Don't you plan to see it with your own eyes What is it like to look at the world, experience it, and live for yourself?"

   "What's more, I think if I form a partner with you, it should be very powerful, don't you think?"

   Hearing this, Natasha couldn't help but stared at Leon's face, slowly, a charming smile appeared on her face, "I feel so too!"

   The two smiled at each other, and the air was full of joy...

   The two were chatting, almost forgetting the passage of time.

   At this time, from the surface of the sea, there was a sudden distortion of space.

"That is?!"

   Under Natasha's very surprised gaze, a S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft's iconic Kun-type fighter was released from its invisibility and suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.


   The strong wind brought by the engine caused the hair under the hats of the two of them to continue to flutter with the wind.

   The gray fighter plane landed on the side of the open space under the gaze of the two.

   The cabin door at the rear of the fighter was slowly opened.

   Lyon took the lead and came to the plane's gate, made a European knight's etiquette, smiled and said, "Welcome to the plane, Natasha!"

  . . . . . .

   Seven hours later...

   is located in the night sky of Manhattan, New York...

   A Kun-style fighter with stealth mode turned on, accompanied by the loud noise of a turbo engine, slowly landed on the tarmac of a certain building.

   When the door of the cabin was slowly opened, a tall and straight figure walked down slowly.

   followed by a red-haired woman...

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