I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 382: Cosmic ray project

"Lyon Colson?"

Facing Leon's hand extended, Reid was a little dazed, and subconsciously stretched out his hand instead of shook it.

Before Reid and Ben were able to figure out the identity of the young man who suddenly appeared, Leon interrupted their thoughts and asked straightforwardly:

"I heard Harris say that Dr. Reid has a research project and wants to work with us. Dare to ask, which direction is the research project? Medicine? Military? Or..."

Lyon's question reminded Reid again, his purpose of coming to the door in person this time.

After leaving the doubts behind, Reed pondered for a moment, then replied:

"Well, this direction is very broad and uncertain. If you have to set a scientific research direction, to be precise, it is about the exploration of outer space."

Glancing at Susan Stone standing aside, Leon raised the corner of his mouth and smiled inwardly.

This blond lady has turned her loving eyes on Reed from time to time from just now, just like a little girl who is currently in love.

However, Reid was like a piece of wood, completely unaware of the hot gaze from his girlfriend.

He was just thinking about how to persuade the senior management of Nirvana Group to agree to fund this scientific research...

"Oh, is the exploration of outer space? Interesting..."

Muttered a few words in a low voice, Leon leaned back, sat back on the sofa, opened his arms, and put on a "respectful listening" appearance, and said:

"Come on, let's take a look at this research project!"


Seeing Leon who was like his master, Reid, who was a little confused, couldn't help but look into Oliver Harris on the side.

At this time, Oliver Harris took the conversation very promptly and added:

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce you. This is the chairman of our Nirvana Group."

Hearing that, not only Reid, but even Ben Grim, who was standing aside and acting as a bodyguard, showed a hint of surprise.

They did not expect that the overly young youth in front of them was actually the chairman of the Nirvana Group!

"Dr. Reid, what are you waiting for? I can't wait to see it, your demo!"

Reid, who had just awakened from a dream, opened his suitcase and started his own research plan demonstration...

. . .

"My research shows that exposure to the high-energy cosmic currents generated by the solar wind may lead to the evolution of early life on Earth. Six weeks later, another cloud with the same elements will pass through the Earth's orbit."

"As long as we can conduct close research in space, there is a great chance that we can improve our knowledge on the basis of human genetic structure, treat countless diseases, extend human life, and give children a chance to live. To be longer, stronger, and healthier can also allow our descendants to evolve to a higher level..."

On the surface, Lyon was sitting on the sofa with a serious face, listening to Reid's use of three-dimensional projection technology to explain the entire cosmic ray research program.

However, in fact, Leon's thoughts have drifted far away.

It was learned from Oliver that Reed Richards had a project. From the moment he wanted to cooperate with the Nirvana Group, Leon could not help but think about a question:

Why did Reed Richards find the Nirvana Group?

According to the memory of his previous life, this project created the "culprit" of the Fantastic Four!

Moreover, when Reed Richards was looking for someone to fund it, he found his college classmate, the old enemy of the Fantastic Four-"Doctor Doom" Victor von Doum.

Is there no such person as "Victor von Doum" in this world?

With such doubts, Leon fell into contemplation.

At the same time, the demonstration of Reid's research plan is still going on.

"We plan to stay in space for two days. As long as we use algorithms to locate the speed and coordinates of the clouds, we can wait for them on the orbit where the clouds pass..."

"Because the cosmic current is very dangerous, I also specially developed and designed a spacecraft. It can form a strong energy shield on the outside to effectively protect the researchers inside the spacecraft..."

Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but raised his brows, as if he had remembered something, and interrupted Reed aloud:

"Spacecraft? Isn't it a space station?"

Faced with Leon's question, Reid glanced at Leon with some surprise, as if he didn't expect that the other party would actually know this.

Such thoughts just passed away in a flash.

Reid, who is well prepared for this meeting, is steadfast in the face of doubts:

"Well...Of course, I also considered the space station. Compared with the take-off ship, the space station has more complete equipment and more convenient calculation data. However, because of the space station with an energy shield, only NASA has it, and they..."

Just when the stupid Reid was about to open the old bottom that was rejected by NASA, Susan Stone, who was sitting on another sofa, immediately reminded:


"Huh?" Reid suddenly looked confused~www.readwn.com~ Although in terms of science, Reid is one of the best geniuses on the earth. However, in terms of humanity and sophistication, even ordinary adults are not as good as...

Seeing Reid, who hadn't reacted yet, and Susan Stone who was helpless, Leon immediately understood everything.

Really an honest man, Reid...

Lyon, who thought about it this way, waved his hand and said indifferently:

"It doesn't matter. The opinions of NASA will not affect us to make our own choices. If we really think your project is worth funding, then we have no reason to refuse."

After a pause, Leon said again:

"Close to the subject, where were we just now?"

Oliver, the second in command who was sitting on the sidelines, immediately took the conversation and replied:


"By the way, you mean that you want to use a self-developed and designed spacecraft to board space, and then conduct close research on the cosmic flow?"

Hearing this, Reid nodded quickly, and continued to use three-dimensional projection technology to simulate the virtual image of a spaceship:

"Yes! This is the mechanism diagram of the spacecraft and the energy shield device."

"Although the spacecraft has not been completed yet, the general skeleton structure has been completed, as long as..."

At this point, Reid stopped suddenly and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Judging from his embarrassment, Leon immediately understood his next words.

"In other words, everything is ready, as long as we agree to fund and research funds are in place, then everything can proceed as planned, right?"

Faced with Leon’s pale blue eyes, Reid did not hold back, nodded, and replied:

"You can say that."

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