I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 397: who are you? !

Just as Justin was standing there, wandering around the world, a voice called it back to reality:

"Dr. Justin, you are a bit late today..."

Hearing this, Justin, whose thoughts were interrupted, was awakened from a dream and couldn't help but follow the prestige.

I saw two fully armed Hydra guards standing at the door of the laboratory. It was a blonde guard standing to the right of the door who called him aloud.

Perceiving the confusion on the other's face, Justin just smiled, patted his abdomen slightly embarrassedly, and explained:

"My stomach is not feeling well, so I went to the medical room on the way."

The blond man did not suspect him, and said indignantly:

"Oh, it must be that the noon shrimp is not fresh! Last time I also ate stale clams, and I had a stomachache all day... Those **** cooks!"

Judging from the other side's cursing look, it should be the "scheming" of the chef who usually does not receive less...

After echoing the other party's two sentences, Justin was able to enter the laboratory smoothly.

From the outside, the entire laboratory does not look big.

However, when you really walk in, you will find that the space of the entire laboratory is very wide.

In addition to the special cell where the Maksimov twins are locked, more researchers are standing in the center of the laboratory, surrounding the scepter that emits a faint blue light, and conducting various data tests.

The sharp top, the streamlined short handle, and the blue gem that makes you look away...

When seeing this familiar scepter, Justin's eyes flashed clearly.


At this moment, a young man in a white coat noticed Justin who was standing still, his eyes lit up and he immediately greeted him.

"Doctor, you are finally here!"

Before Justin could react, the young man spoke very quickly about what had happened just now:

"Your Excellency Baron came to visit the twins just now, chatted with the twins, and then left. Fortunately, he didn't ask about the routine check. Otherwise, I don't know how to answer him..."

After finally waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Justin reached out and patted the other party's shoulder and smiled:

"Well, Chris, good job."

For Justin’s compliment, the young man with the name "Chris" on his chest did not show joy, but was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Justin with a puzzled look.

The strange gaze of the other party caused Justin's heart to be shaken slightly, and she couldn't help but think:

"Oh, don't you wear it?!"

Although his heart activities are extremely active, Justin's surface is still calm.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh... Doctor, were you complimenting me just now?" The young man asked in disbelief, pointing to his face.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, it's just that you are so strict with me, I thought you..."

Hearing this, Justin's eyes condensed and finally understood his problem and where it was.


When a person suddenly does something that he never does, the huge contrast will inevitably appear to be particularly conspicuous.

Just like a teacher who never praises students, suddenly praises students, the huge contrast will inevitably make students feel puzzled and puzzled...

When he thought of this, Justin's mind shifted, then his face sank suddenly, and his language was solemn:

"It's just a compliment, don't be too smug!"

"Yes, I understand!"

Seeing Justin who became serious again, Chris shivered and straightened up unconsciously.

"Then Doctor, do you have a routine check now?"

Seeing that the other party did not continue to pursue the investigation, but changed the subject, Justin couldn't help but be sure, and immediately responded:

"Well, you will be responsible for this routine checkup, and I will be watching it. I want to see how you have been following me during this period of time."


Chris looked very excited.

Also, since being transferred to this human experiment project, he, who served as Justin's assistant, has been only dealing with some data and information, and has never had the opportunity to personally contact the two superpowers.

It's rare for Justin to let him do routine inspections. Chris, who is very obsessed with superpowers, can't bear the excitement in his heart...

"Well, be serious, but I will rate you by the side. Whether there is another time, it depends on your performance this time..."

"I see! I will complete the inspection meticulously!"

In this way, following the extremely excited assistant, Justin first entered the "room" where Pietro Maximoff was.

As soon as he entered, Justin felt a pair of gazes with a little hostility, sweeping past him and Chris.

"Pitro, how do you feel today?"

Faced with Chris’ question, Pietro, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, did not lift his eyelids, but directly responded:


He didn't seem to care, the person who performed the routine check was changed from Justin to Chris.

He just answered every question of Chris mechanically...

The so-called routine inspection ~www.readwn.com~ is actually a series of conversations with the Maksimov twins.

Through the conversation, understand the mental state of the two people, whether they are in a stable state, and infer the degree of their mastery of superpowers.

The Maksimov twins are like two unstable nuclear bombs. Although they are powerful, they are very easy to appear.

In order to ensure that the two of them do not lose control, regular mental testing is very necessary.

With Pitro's cooperation, the routine inspection soon came to an end.

But Justin, who had witnessed the entire routine inspection, suddenly lost interest in this project.

As far as he is concerned, the information he has obtained so far is enough to allow him to return with a full load.

However, in order not to cause riots, Justin felt that he had better perform the last scene...

Following Chris, Justin stepped into the room where Wanda Maximoff was held.

Unlike Pietro's idleness, Wanda, who wore a light red print dress, was very diligent.

I saw her sitting on the bed, her fingers fluttering, a faint crimson mist, wrapped around a few wooden squares, constantly leaping in the air.

Under the control of Wanda’s thought power, the wooden cubes are like musical notes, pieced together into a piece of movement...

"Wanda, it's time for routine inspection..."

Chris's voice interrupted her performance and caused the wooden cube floating in the air to fall to the ground.

Those brown eyes swept across Chris, and stopped abruptly on Justin's body.

In the next second, Wanda's words made Justin's heart tense:

"I can't see through your consciousness, you are not Justin, who are you?!"

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