I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 413: That 1 touch of crimson

"You know, I don't care much about the company's affairs nowadays, and I basically leave it to Miss Poz to handle..."

"Oh, I was fortunate enough to meet Miss Poz at a charity event. I have to say that she is really a powerful woman with a shameless beard! I really hope that my company also has talents like Miss Poz."

"Hahaha, I guess you will find it..."

The conversation between Norman Osborne and Tony Stark seemed particularly harmonious.

Perhaps the capital bosses at this level are all human beings and will use all resources to narrow the distance between each other.

Of course, it includes verbal flattery...

Just as Stark felt proud of his vanity and the vague flattery of Osborne’s words, a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside them:

"What are you talking about? So happy."

When Stark and Osborne turned around, it was their mutual friend, the owner of the room, Lyon.

"Hey! Isn't this our most handsome villa owner?! Come here!"

He only heard a "clang", Stark raised his glass and touched the wine glass in Leon's hand lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Stark extended his index fingers of both hands, pointed at Leon, and raised his eyebrows:

"By the way, the party is great!"

Seeing Sauni's funny behavior, Leon couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth, looked at him "kindly", and asked:

"Are you complimenting me or yourself?"

Tony, this guy, knowing that he arranged the preparations for his party alone, and he pretended to look like "Wow! This party is really good!"...

Stark didn't have any self-consciousness of boasting, spread his hands, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said:

"Of course... it compliments us!"

As he spoke, Stark took a step forward, took Leon's shoulders, leaned to his ear, and whispered:

"Thank God, you saved me! I'll leave it to you here, I'll go shopping elsewhere..."

After speaking, he put on a smiley face, raised the small glass of wine in his hand, and said to Osborne:

"Sorry, I'm going to get a drink, I'm out of company first."


He raised his glasses with Stark, and after watching Stark leave, Osborne turned his head and looked at Leon.

"It seems that your relationship is better than I thought. It is so good that I, a partner, feel jealous..."

Hearing Osborne's slightly ridiculous words, Leon smiled, shrugged, and responded:

"What can I say?"

"What about us? Are we friends?"

Seeing Osborn who seemed unintentional but deliberately tentative, Leon raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the "Norman Osborne, Favorability: Enthusiasm" displayed on the other's head, and then put on a surprised expression. , Asked:

"Norman, are you kidding me?"

The two had a very tacit understanding, and then smiled at each other.

Although they rarely see each other, as partners and neighbors, the relationship between the two of them is maintained well.

Both see each other as a very worthy friend.

Osborne is mainly for the benefit and connections.

As for what Leon is for, only he knows...

Standing in the corner of the hall, the two chatted, Leon seemed to remember something, and suddenly said:

"By the way, I heard Oliver say that you seem to have made very significant progress in the interracial genetic project recently. It seems that Osborne's stock price is about to rise again..."

Hearing this, Osborne's emerald green eyes could not help but a gleam of light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, that thin face moved slightly, and said nonchalantly:

"Yes, this project has been going on for a few years, and there should be some progress. However, according to Dr. Curtis's speculation, there is still some time before the technology is fully mature. I don't dare to be too optimistic about this. "

Nodded, Leon couldn't help but comforted:

"Scientific research, it always takes time, and time is often what we lack most, what do you think?"


Osborne's sigh was vaguely mixed with a hint of helplessness and urgency.

. . . . . .

Just as Lyon and Osborne were discussing the next cooperation project, they walked through the lobby and walked to Stark in front of the bar, tapped the table twice with his finger, and said to the waiter brother:

"Give me a glass of Scotch, I'm almost dying of thirst..."

"Hey, Tony!"

The sudden voice coming from his side caused Stark to pause, then he turned around and followed the reputation.

I saw James Rhodes, who was wearing a gray suit, standing in front of him like this.

"Oh, buddy, I didn't even notice you! Maybe you are too dark..."

As for Stark's joke, Rhodes didn't seem to be in the mood to pay any attention to him, but he said solemnly:

"Listen, Tony, I have something that I need to talk to you alone. It's better not to be here."


Seeing the serious look on his friend’s face, Stark did not consciously narrow the smile at the corner of his mouth~www.readwn.com~ raised his brows and asked:

"Is it important?"

Hearing this, Rod could not help but nodded, and said solemnly:

"Very important thing!"

Taking the whiskey handed over by the service brother casually, Stark reached out and patted his friend's shoulder, "Okay, let's go out to breathe..."

As soon as the voice fell, the two of them walked towards the side door of the villa.

Passing through the corridor and pushing open the heavy wooden door, the two came to the outdoor garden.

After closing the door, the quiet outdoor and lively indoors are like two different worlds, separated instantly.

In Stark's ears, apart from the rustling of flowers and plants, there was only the noise of the wind.

Feeling the breeze blowing on his face, before Stark sat down on the garden bench, Rod's voice came from behind him:

"Just here."

Looking back, under the dim moonlight, Stark watched his friend stand still on the spot without saying a word, and suddenly something was wrong in his heart.

Frowning lightly, Stark put the wine glass on the table casually, took a step forward, and asked:

"Rhodes, are you okay? Why do you feel weird..."

Hearing this, the corner of Rod's mouth raised, revealing an inexplicable smile.

"I'm fine, but you are not necessarily..."

This meaningful sentence, like a thunder, shocked Stark's heart!

The next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, his eyes and pupils suddenly enlarged, and his legs twisted, he was about to turn around!

And at the moment when he turned around abruptly, a crimson streamer came oncomingly, directly through his temples on both sides, and entered his brain!

The next moment, Stark's eyes flashed a ray of red...

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