I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Question from Tony

During the interrogation, although Wanda chose to remain silent more often.

However, Lyon still used the deep bond between the twins to let Wanda explain why he shot Stark.

After the interrogation with Wanda, when it was Pietro's turn, Leon also used the same method to obtain the information he and S.H.I.E.L.D. want to know.

After asking the guards to take the two back to the cell, Leon went to the compartment of the interrogation room and met with Fry and Hill who had witnessed the entire interrogation process.

"what do you think?"

Facing Fry’s question, Leon flashed his eyes and immediately replied:

"Let me say that they are just two poor children. After gaining extraordinary abilities, they eagerly wanted to change the status quo, but chose the wrong way..."

"I feel that if they are guided correctly, they will recognize their mistakes. All they need is an opportunity."

Speaking of this, Leon couldn’t help but pause, and his face became serious. “So, I think, instead of locking them up, let their hatred of us grow day by day and eventually become ours. Enemies; it is better to let them out and conduct necessary monitoring so that they understand the ideals we abide by."

"Besides, they have been living underground for too long. It's time to go outside and see the world..."

After listening to Leon’s analysis, Fry touched his chin and thought for a while before he said:

"Hill, what do you think?"

As if prepared for this question, Hill folded his arms and looked solemn:

"According to the files you copied from Hydra, his ability is extremely fast metabolism and super temperature control ability; her ability is to interfere with nerve electrical conduction, thought power, and control mind."

"Their abilities are too dangerous. Once they are released from here, even with close monitoring, we may not be able to stop them before they cause harm."

"Then, all the consequences they cause will be borne by us..."

Hill's words are not unreasonable.

She didn't know who Wanda and Pietro were.

Therefore, she can only consider from the perspective of rationality and reality. Once the two of them are released, various hidden dangers will follow.

Fury had listened to both of them. However, it is also difficult for him to choose the best and most suitable disposal method from among them.

After pondering for a moment, just as Fury made a decision in his heart and was about to make an announcement, Leon took the lead and spoke!

"I have an idea!"


The eyes of Fury and Hill were invariably focused on Leon.

"Hill's concern, I understand. Then... what if it is an Avenger who is responsible for monitoring the two of them?"

Having said that, both Fury and Hill roughly guessed what Lyon wanted to say next.

"Let me be responsible for monitoring them!"

"I have played against both of them. I have a certain understanding of them. If something happens, I may be the best person to stop them and prevent the situation from expanding."

Leon's words caused the two to fall into silence.

Hill was more surprised and puzzled inside.

She didn't know why Leon took so seriously, these two twin superpowers who had only met once.

He even used himself as a guarantor to bear all the consequences.

And Fury thought of more.

After taking a deep look at Leon, Fury said solemnly in a meaningful tone:

"I hope you know what you are doing..."

. . . . . .

In the end, Leon convinced Fury.

After changing the handling of the Maksimov twins from imprisonment to house arrest, Leon returned to New York on a Quinn fighter jet.

As soon as he arrived at the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D., Lyon received a call from Stark.

"Hey, Tony!"

"Lyon, where are you now?"

"I just returned to New York, near Times Square, what's wrong?"

"Well, Steve and I are waiting for you at the headquarters. There are some things that I want to verify from you."

From Stark's tone, Leon vaguely noticed a trace of seriousness, as if something very serious was waiting for him.

After thinking about it, Leon roughly guessed that Tony's phone call was probably related to the incident last night.

Without staying in the branch, Leon directly called a taxi and drove to the Fulian headquarters building in Manhattan...

Riding the VIP elevator, Lyon quickly came to the top floor of Fulian headquarters.

What surprised him a little is that not only Steve, Tony and others, but even Banner who has been staying in the experimental center, and Thor, who did not go back the first time after attending the party, sat on the sofa in the living room. Come on, waiting for him quietly.

All the Avengers are here!

This battle further verified Leon's inner guess.

Things don’t seem so good...

"Hey guys, I'm sorry, there is a traffic jam on Madison Avenue, I..."

Before Leon finished speaking, Tony, who was sitting on the solo sofa, suddenly interrupted him!


Seeing Tony slowly getting up from the sofa chair with a serious face, Leon's smile on the corner of his mouth could not help but converge a little:

"You look serious~www.readwn.com~ what happened to you?"

Upon hearing this, Stark came to Leon with a sharp tone:

"Yes, I am very serious now, and I ask you a question very seriously."

"I want to know why the Rocky Scepter, which should have been stored in SHIELD, is in the hands of those two teenagers!"

"You promised me that you will give me an explanation."

Until this moment, Leon finally understood why all the members were here, and their faces looked so serious.

The scepter of mind is the problem!

"Last night, I was a little skeptical. You seem to be not surprised about the fact that the scepter is not in SHIELD. In other words, you have known that the scepter is not in SHIELD?!"

"Can I understand this?"

After a pause, Stark took a step forward, fixed his eyes on Leon, and continued:

"Or, S.H.I.E.L.D., is it like the last time you are planning to use the scepter to privately create what large-scale destructive weapon?!"

Facing Tony's almost questioning attitude, Leon just remained silent and stood still.

He didn't know how to answer.

The scepter is involved in the Hydra, and the Hydra lurks in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Such a truth will only make Steve, Tony and Banner, who didn't believe in members of SHIELD, have a worse perception of SHIELD.

At this time, Steve, who was standing on the side, also frowned and asked aloud:

"Lyon, is what Tony said is true?"

Just as Leon hesitated, when he wanted to tell everyone about the Hydra, Natasha, who couldn't see it, suddenly said:

"Tony, things are not what you think!"

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