I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

: No eunuch! (1 lot of thoughts)

   I am really embarrassed, the author is here to say sorry to everyone.

   The author Jun is a fresh graduate, although he is very interested in the industry of web writing. I also really want to become a full-time web writer.

   However, perhaps because of my lack of abilities, insufficient preparation in the early stage, and lack of self-discipline, I always feel a little powerless when writing this book.

   I personally recognize the saying "The quality of the work is everything".

   I always think that only if the author writes well, the subscription will be higher and more people will watch it.

   Unfortunately, I did not write well.

   On subscription, although there are still some loyal readers and friends, they have always subscribed.

   However, subscriptions in the last one or two months have fallen more and more. I understand that there is only one reason: I do not write well, and everyone’s tolerance has reached its limit.

   I immediately made some plot deletions to the outline, and I want to enter these important plots that can be caused as soon as possible, such as the upcoming Fulian II.

   But, life still hasn't let go of my single dog.

   After staying at home for a year, I still can’t carry it anymore.

   The urging at home, the stress of life, and the physical depletion all make my sleep quality worse and worse, my body is always weak, and my spirits are sluggish.

   If you read this book along the way, you should probably understand it.

   My update time, from the first one in the morning and one in the evening, gradually changed to two in the evening before 12 o'clock.

   This is because I am extremely unself-disciplined in my life. Only at a quieter night can I concentrate on codewords.

   However, maybe the thinking time is too short, which leads to dissatisfaction with what I write.

   At this time, I suddenly discovered that if this continues, it will be an irresponsible practice for myself and readers and friends.

  Perhaps, I need some time to adjust my life and state.

   It just so happened that my friend introduced me to a job about football.

   I am a person with a lot of interests. Novels and football are two of the most important. So, I thought, going to an interview is also a time for self-adjustment and enrichment.

   No matter I have interviewed, I will never be an eunuch, I will finish this book.

   On the update, I may not be able to do two changes a day. Maybe one update every day, or just a few chapters a week.

   However, I will adjust my status as soon as possible, hoping to write this story better and better.

   Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

   to be continued...

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